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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    It's not "unnatural", there is no "first person view models" in arma, what you see is the actual gun your character aim, and the bullet will come out exactly from the weapon's barrel. One of the things that make arma different from a lot of FPS games.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Maiming without killing

    I want bouncing betties. LOTS of them to litter roadsides with :D
  3. Lady Kyrah


    Failure is part of learning. Overcoming your limitation is where you feel you became a better player. Newcomers don't need an easier game "to learn the ropes", it's like saying you need to know everything about a game before considering playing it "seriously". This isn't a competition game where you don't want to rub shoulders with experienced players until you trained enough. It's suppsoed to be an experience, and learning how the game work, as a newbie is part of that experience.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    [Stand-Alone] Vehicle attachments

    Someone watched too much "pimp my ride" ? I'm not sure of the point considering vehicles are mostly a transient thing, you use them until they get taken/destroyed. And i sincerely hope the SA won't feature any retarded "protection" for them.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    A Use for Windshields ++

    We need goggles for driving without a windshield :)
  6. Lady Kyrah


    My opinion is that the game shouldn't help you keep together something that should not be in the first place. THe existence of a "physical" shop cannot subsist in a lawless land with no towns, and no order structure that keeps the looters at bay. Maintaining a store in DayZ, if it's even possible should require more than one player, and a 24hours cover plan. If we add anything to protect your things while you are offline we enter a gameification realm that i believe should be left aside. And the whole idea of restricting a server to a close knit community is a spit in the face of what DayZ is. DayZ forces you to compose with whoever else is playing, you might like them, you might hate them, but you have to deal with them instead of just playing wth your butt buddies who will never ever betray you.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Bruising from repetitive gun fire.

    From personal experience, old rifles like the lee enfield kick like a mule, you're gonna feel your first clip the next day.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Make it harder to kill both zombies and players

    The way i see it, the loot tables need to take in account the total amount of equipment in circulation for each weapons and ammo types. A player is NEVER going to pick up a weapon that is inferior to the one they are using, it doesn't matter if snipers spawn only 0.001% of the time because players won't pick a weapon inferior to the one they are using. What need to happen is that the spawn rate need to take in account how many sniper rifle rounds (for example) are in circulation. If the number is higher than the expected percentage, stop spawning sniper rifle rounds, at all, until the number drop back down, which will eventually happen once some players run out of ammunitions. If you leave it all solely to the random number generator it doesn't change anything because, as i said players do not settle for second best.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Zombie Crowd Control?

    I'm the only one who would prefer as few crowd control "abilities" as possible? To me, the zombies are where you want to go, you can eventually distract them (very moderately). Kill them, or simply... go somewhere else. I don't think there should be a lot of good ways to lure them to specific places. I suggest that when zombies are atracted by something they also become a lot more aware of their surrounding (they have been "awoken" after all), making them more suceptible to pick up the noise you make, see you, or smell you. There should also be a chance of them looking toward where the distraction object came from, if they can.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Player identification

    There used to be a garry's mod gamemode where a character was "unidentified" until the player decided to use his "share name" command. Which would give out his name to all the players in a certain radius (whisper/normal/shout). As for putting player 1-2-3-X on unidentifieds, i disagree, if the game allow enough visual customisation you will be able to know who is who by looking at them as long as they are close enough.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Night time should be toned down

    As for the torches shining through walls it's a problem in many games. It's not easy to fix because light/shadow calculation is probably the most taxing work your graphic card is doing.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    It's something red orchestra players have had to deal with for a while now, you cannot just disable the "floating barrel" in this game, and after playing a while , you will score a few lucky hip shots.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    You can still score a hit on close range hip firing, but now it's actually a skill to learn.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Night time should be toned down

    THe game does simulate moon phases, full moon being considerably brighter than new moon
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Standalone - backpack access

    I don't see the problem with people rummaging in your bag, sure it shouldn't be silent like it is right now, but just because it isn't done in a stealth fashion doesn't mean it will fail before you can do something about it. A backpack is actually a pretty nice grabbing point to hold someone against their will.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    PAIN - more pain

    Agreed too, not enough common sense going on.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Red Orchestra has a "floating barrel" mechanic similar to ArmA's (if you do not turn it off) and players have no problems hip firing when the distance allows it. If anything i wish the amount of "float" the weapons have could be enforced by the server, this is one of the things that shouldn't be a personal preference because of how it influence hip firing reliability.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Adding DayZ mod to PS3

    Isn't the PS3 that console that has the reputation of being a bitch to develop on, mainly because of it's weird "cell" architecture that require for developpers to waste time learning a system that nobody else uses? PC to Xbox ports (and the other way) tend to be more successful simply because the Xbox is very similar to a regular PC and doesn't require any major code adaptation if your game was already a windows/directX game. This is Gabe Newell's view on the PS3 architecture: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/173540/gabe-newell-ps3-a-waste-of-everybodys-time/
  19. I'm not entirely sure how to assist deaf players without turning the feature into ESP.
  20. No offense but video games are unfriendly to blind people too. And i don't think anyone is losing any sleep about that. I don't want to sound harsh or uncaring, but you have to pick past times that are apropriate to your sensory abilities.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Third person vs First person view

    Just render 3rd person view from the object occlusion data of the 1st person view frustum :D Too bad for 3rd person fans, it would look extremely bad :)
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Manual cars and bikes

    Or could be awesome. Would stop people from driving like idiots :)
  23. Lady Kyrah

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    Oh it's this thread again. I can understand the idea of wanting to be nice, but why is it such an urge for some people to FORCE everyone to be? The game is pretty incomplete, add more things that require cooperation and you will see more cooperation. As it is everyone can do anything by themselve with enough time, which means that already a good slice of the players want to "achieve it all" by themselve. An interesting thing could be that you simply cannot medicate yourself alone: If you are bleeding and you are alone, you will bleed to death, plain and simple :) If you break your bones, you need painkillers to stop the pain AND a splint, to fix it, which you cannot apply to yourself alone. If you want an analogy, you need to create positive synergies that encourage grouping, look at team fortress 2: Medic rely on his team to protect him. Heavy rely on Medic to keep him alive while he is firing, exposed.
  24. Metro 2033 and stalker wouldn't have been the same in 3rd person.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Steam Workshop for Standalone?

    Did you two read what i wrote? I did say that the creators where paid for their content and that implementing their content in the game without compensating them would be unethical. i was merely rectifying this dude: All in all, Gmod is popular because it is a really easy to use modding framework with access to a ton of valve content, portal 2's multiplayer was built upon the idea that users would want to create their own challenges, and Valve did a great job at lowering the difficulty of creating test chambers. Has any of you considered that maybe the DayZ team does NOT need the help of the community to complete their game? They most likely have paid artists and are going for a pay to play funding model, i know everyone here want to help, but i'm sure that if there are talented artists lurking on this forum they will be contacted if the dev team is interested.