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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Choking persons from the back!

    I don't think anyone will let you choke them in silence. Realistically you're gonna take a knife to the belly.
  2. Lady Kyrah


    European standards for this follows UK demilling specifications, it will make any demilled gun a completely useless hunk of metal, even a gun smith won't be able to put it back in working order. I'm talking about welded firing pin channel and chamber, structural weakening of the barrel removal of most of the non visible moving parts and filing of any and all lugs and grooves that participate in the firing mechanism.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Covering System

    Arma3 has CTRL + WSAD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq7FRk2uPgo
  4. Lady Kyrah

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    I don't mind choppers, but i want them to have the ToH startup and flight model. Going airborne should be a risk, all the time. YOU ARE SITTING IN A FLYING BASKET! Also.. weather conditions if possible so that no idiot dare taking off during a tempest. There is one easy way to prevent rare loots to flood the game. Implement weapon weardown and do not spawn more of it until the count of that specific gun in game is under the expected percentage. Good luck farming an item that is simply not going to drop until one of the existing ones break.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Changing seasons!

    Winter survival ought to be interesting, cold becoming more dangerous than dehydration.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Make DAYZ Harder

    Food poisoning: food spoil and water need to be purified failure to do so will lead to food poisoning: extreme hunger and dehydration due to vomiting, shivers, fever, reduced stamina, anything eaten is almost immediately thrown up. Drinking a lot of water and taking Medications can help to lower the symptoms and remain alive until the condition pass. Bite related infections: Not zombification per say, but the human mouth is a very nasty place, and when an infected bite at you and tear a piece of flesh there is a good chance that you will develop an infection of some kind. Add various bacterias and viruses with their own syptoms and cures (sythetic and/or natural) for the medics at heart. Hypothermia/hyperthermia: What you wear will define your protection from the elements, gunshots and other attacks but it will directly affect your agility/clumsyness. Wearing too much will lead to overheating under intense activity, while waring too little at night brings risks of hypothermia. Delayed medications: Injectables would be the rarest due to the difficulty of finding a clean injection kit but would act the fastest, then would come suppositories (yes , i know), and then ingestible pills. Overdose and side effects: There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, a lot of drugs would carry beneficial and negative side effects, with the danger of overdose. Shared effects: Replace blood bags with transfusion kits, compatible donor is required otherwise you might aswel inject yourself some belladona. Any chemical/disease present in the donor's blood is passed to the receiver.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Multiple Infections Immunity

    antibiotics should start having effect 30 minutes after being taken tho.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    That's the price of rocket trying to cater to his userbase, he know that no matter what he does or doesnt do he will be blamed for it, and since he is now working on a for profit project (the SA) its just sfer for him to shift the blame for the game not being 'as expected' on the privte hives. Trust me on this, Mr 'Im making the anti game' sobered up :/ Because if he was still planning on getting his vision into the game regardless of what you me or anyone else, there would be no server side options (beside ... server name, slot count, and the usual 'technical' stuff).
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Straight edge razor uses

    Straight edge razors are made of very thin and very sharp "mild steel", it's made for cutting beards... It's gonna chip and bend on anything harder.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    SA Suggestion: "Mini-games"

    I know, it's great.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    SA Suggestion: "Mini-games"

    I''d prefer a working set of playing cards that you can use any way you wish. Ultima online had checker boards and pieces, but all the players could move any pieces anywhere, there was no "encoded" rules. If you where to play chess with someone it was a social contract.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Crafting, why not building?

    People here have imagination? That's a new one.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Deadly Animals

    I like the idea of bears. But bears do not attack humans unless they feel threatened, or they feel the need to show you they are the boss, or unless they are really hungry. They ARE dangerous, but not "must eat hoomans" dangerous.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ - Currency/Shops

    It's more than that, you can have a currency without government, but then you can be certain that it is an object that combine several qualities: High value for weight/volume, which makes it convenient to transport. Quite rare because you are ment to use it as an exchange medium, so unless you where really lucky, aquiring it would mean trading it for something else. Useful, but not too useful. It has to have atractive properties but not to the point where you wouldn't want to trade it back. Food is a bad choice because while desireable, it lacks permanence, spoils and you need to eat it regardless. Also food isn't really rare for a trapper. Bullets? Well metro 2033 tried the concept, you might want to fire the bullets tho..., but the brass casings could be seen as valuable because they are in finite quantity once industry stops and can be reused many many times.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Add fursuits in DayZ SA

    The level of intolerance in this thread... it's.... OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND! I'm all for latex and handcuffs tho.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    SA should have Sanity!

    It's spelled Irak in my country, so forgive me for not being "authentic" to the official spelling which is probably not in latin alphabet.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Ballistic vest/chest rig idea for standalone.

    Body armors are another one of these things you would have literally no chance to find if the shit hit the fan. Why? Because while guns are still good shot after shot, armors take the hit for you and each shot greatly reduce it's effectiveness. Plate carriers? really? This isn't a 2 day patrol, would you realistically carry armor plates while hiking through the wilderness for several months?
  18. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ - Currency/Shops

    It's funny how people are so used to mechanics like these that they don't even realise how immersion breaking they are. Money? Shops? This isn't "lets pretend there was a catastrophe that destroyed society".
  19. I played a little bit of an old game called "pathologic" which had an interesting take on health pickups. To put it simply, healing isn't free. In this game there was several main drug interactions: -Antibiotics: Kill part of the infection at the price of health and tiredness. -Immunity boosters: Slow down the infection at the price of health and tiredness. -Meradorm: Allow you to gain health while you sleep, tires you. -Coffee: remove tiredness at the price of health. -Lemon: remove tiredness but increase hunger. I think a simmilar system could be interesting for the SA, gulping a bottle of pills should have serious side effects.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Medication should hurt you.

    Because they do, medications are powerful drugs, some of them being pretty agressive. It's recommended to take pills with water not jsut to swallow them, but because some of them may damage your stomach lining if it's empty ( ulcer risks ), any medication that makes your body work overtime is going to weaken you.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Hard face slap

    i prefer a more clappy sounding slap.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    simple good idea for mod

    I have an even better idea, add a hefty penality to people who suicide if they don't have the spawn they want :)
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Tips on aiming?

    >Bullets are fast in the real world but they are nowhere near instant, lead your target, learn how to guesstimate the distance and learn how much lead you need for a running/walking player. >Your body need time to move, that's what a lot of people dub as "negative mouse acceleration". You cannot turn as fast as your mouse move, so take this in account. >Bullets drop as they travel, depending at which distance your weapon is sighted, anywhere BEFORE the signting distance and the bullet will be traveling over your sight, meet the sight at the sighting distance and then keep dropping from this point. > Do not spray and pray, the point of an automatic weapon is to put more bullets into the target, not to hope for at least one to hit. >If bullets start flying around you, do not go prone, RUN toward cover in an erratic path, it will make you a much harder target.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    I'm against the addition of AEDs. Why? because it's yet another high tech device that you would have no chance to stumble upon. Why? Because their batteries expire, and so do the contact pads. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Defib_Checks.jpg A normal defibrilator? i don't know, they tend to be designed for regular use (hospitals and the like probably use them several times a day), provided it can be powered.
  25. Not really the best idea out there, where is the point of perma death, aka losing everything when you die if you do not also lose your rap sheet?