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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. So.. does it all boil down to individuality? (again)
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Weapon upgrade ideas.

    EDIT: Just in case, this was a sarcastic post.
  3. Well it's simply that i have more trust in proper game development than "lets change a few values to make our server different/more atractive".
  4. Yeah i don't think containers should follow you. And here is why; Characters becoming untouchable when logged off should be the exception rather than the rule, a concession to the fact we all have a life and can't be in the game 24/7.It is already used by players as a crude "cyberlocker" where someone dedicated enough will get an extra user key as a storage space.If base stashes only exist if their owner is online, this only makes the cyberlocker problem worse.Being able to secure items out of the game create issues such as inflation and loss of rarity as the spawning mechanic has to keep replacing those items that end up sleeping in storages for ever.It allows you to escape your problems, simply log in an empty server if your usual server has too many players in the area of your base.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Add Games for Windows LIVE to DayZ SA

    How about adding starforce on top of this?
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Gearboxes in cars & car speed

    go in reverse without stopping, burn your clutch, snap your gearbox/axle
  7. The standalone will be it's own game, it's up to the devs to decide how much control they want to give to the hosts. There is nothing saying that they have to give any. As for leaving? After you.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    KSVK in the mod, good or bad idea?

    Remind me why do we need .50cal rifles? To say we have them? To me they are just sniper rifles with a very big bullet, they do not fill any role that isn't already covered by something else, unless you want them as antimaterial rifles, but who use them as such in DayZ?
  9. Lady Kyrah

    How about some legitimate DayZ jump scares?

    Jump scares are the cheapest way to scare someone, there is absolutely zero work involved. It's just exploiting a fight or flight reflex, not actually playing with your victim's mind.
  10. One interesting mechanic could be to work on player to player interdependency, to the point of rigging loot tables. Make it less likely that you will have anything useful to "you" spawning around you, example: ammo that matches your gun, medicine if you are sick. I don't think someone who is sick would necessarly kill anyone for medicine, if anything it's a bargain chip because it is useless to the healty player but priceless to the sick player. But then you have those who will start being douches the second they think they are condemned.
  11. Ah this crave to be unique by all means possible, even if it means turning the game into a joke :)
  12. I agree, but some welcome changes could be added to affect the KOS formula. If it's possible to do so elegantly. You gotta admit that "killing everyone is safer" is hm... it's a pretty low hanging fruit, i'm sure the SA can do better than that.
  13. There is an easy way to fix this, tweak the game so it won't let you come out on top. Make guns jam and break beyond repairs, food spoil, make loot reduce to nothing the more popular a spot gets. Just keeping your head out of the water should take all your focus when you play. Survival should be a constant struggle, not something you can ever "solve" in a durable way. Make every piece of comfort that make your survival easier introduce a new thing to manage and scavenge. You got a car to move your shit around? Now you have to worry about finding gas, not busting your tires, not snapping your transmission, grime clogging your fuel pump (because you're storing gas in jerricans that where used to transport god know what before), zombies following you from a mile away. You also don't want to smash into anything because it's going to throw you through the windshield and kill you 9 times out of 10. But that's how i see the "car privilege" :) But really it all boil down to the game adapting to the players and adjusting it's difficulty based on the players. The goal being to push them back down everytime they try to rise up.
  14. No. It's because it's safer to leave a dead player behind you rather than someone who might kill you. The KOS mentality is about mitigating uncertainty and ensuring personal safety at the expense of everything else. Every player you kill makes you safer and secure your survival. It's the strategy of the scorched earth, destroy anything that might be useful to your enemy and prevent him to progress and become a threat. It's not going to be easyto change this, mostly because DayZmod doesn't have much going on beyond safeguarding your position on the foodchain. Hopefully the SA has things in store that go beyond personal safety and survival.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Map stuff.

    It would have to be a pretty good map system to divert people from using RL pen and paper to write down notes. (or an out of game map solution), if people can steal your map and get their hands on all your goodies, this might just be all it takes for no one to use the ingame map seriously.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Humanity loss - Self Defence

    According to humanity defenders, killing a human being is such a thraumatic event that it will make you insane, hence humanity system. Why killing someone to save your own life would be any different? It's not my logic.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    KSVK in the mod, good or bad idea?

    My opinion on "more guns" is very simple :) IF the new gun covers a weapon type that isn't covered, then yes.IF the new gun merely distinguish itself by it's look, then no.IF the new gun barely deviate from an existing weapon, then no.IF the new gun is vastly superior to every other weapon in it's category for no good reason, then no.IF the new gun is one of these "gungasm" weapons with electronic devices that have zero chance to remain functional 5 years down the apocalyps, then no.IF the new gun has no realistic reason to exist in this time and location, then no.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    BRILLIANT "humanity" Fix

    /me facepalm. Humanity need to go alltogether, your idea is even sillier than the original. There is a difference between "not being able to" and "not wanting to". Also the mod is provided for free so "proferssionalism" doesn't mean much here. The Standalone isn't out, nor do we know precisely what features it will have.
  19. My take is that server admins run servers, they do not make games :)
  20. Oh i don't know, respecting the vision of the author of the mod would be nice.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Humanity loss - Self Defence

    It is a murder. Don't be silly. The concept of self defence is not universal. I find the humanity thing silly and artificial, but hey according to the yahoos who support humanity, killing "anyone" will make you slowly go insane.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    cumulative hearing loss

    I think the OP implied temporary. But yeah, firearms without ear protection are extremely unpleasant, it's not just the temporary deafness, it's actually painful.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Whatever you want to call it.

    Ah the quest for individuality, even down to server selection, because the dayZ team "couldn't possibly come up with settings that satisfy everyone" Where does it say he has to? Awesome games are awesome because they have strong elements that separate them from others, hell some games are worshipped for being unforgiving and punishing. My opinion is that a single set of rules would work just fine. It would probably piss off people who where expecting something taylored to their own tastes but hey, what are they doing here in the first place. I think a game is unique when it doesn't cater to anyone but it's creator. If you want to play it you have to put up with it as a whole.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Blood Mechanic- Rethink

    You could argue that there is way more kinetic energy in a hatchet or a crowbar than there is in a bullet tho... I think making recuperation longer would actually make the game more about survival, knowing that any gunfight will potentially leave you crippled for a while is the kind of things that seems to support the core concept of the game.