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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Dynamic shadows...

    I know it's all bullshit considering i actually use the sun and shadows for orientation purpose and time estimation in arma games. The only thing that was right was Applejax's comment about shadows from headlights. I'm always amazed at the amount of misinformation that goes on in gaming forums when it comes to engine capabilities. Especially when it comes to the underestimating the arma engine and overestimating the cryengine.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Dynamic shadows...

    Then look again.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Dynamic shadows...

    It's not, this type of shadows was implemented initially in arma 1.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    No more running Zs

    Then they would all be dead in a couple weeks.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    No more running Zs

    Zombies would not survive if they couldn't catch up with humans.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    All these basic infos could fit in a manual tho. Tutorials attract the wrong kind of people :/ Too in dept tutorials and practice modes ruin the game authenticity.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    I still don't get what is so wrong in learning the game as you go, that the first chopper you find you might not just take to the sky because you have no idea how to drive it (might take several attempts in a safer environment).
  8. Lady Kyrah

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    I just think that having to play with other people wether you like it or not was part of the magic of dayz, well before private hives came up. If anything, offline training will make online failure even more frustrating. DayZ still functions very much like a roguelike with perma death.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    One word: WHY
  10. Lady Kyrah

    How to lower the ”shot on sight” mentality

    I sort of agree about bullet rarity, i don't really like the "shoot things for the lulz" aspect of the mod because it's easy to stockpile ammo on some weapons (belt fed anyone?).
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Temperature affects survival! [SA]

    I would add that at the same time temperature drop dramatically at night, and so does heat loss due to the darkness (darkness sucks a lot of heat off your windows for example, closing blinds reduces that)
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Make DAYZ Harder

    Yeah i want to see players getting infected, but the incubation period should be long enough so when it finally manifest itself it's already too late to save the guy. Keeps everyone paranoid.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    idea for put balls in sock

    Why not simply treating every items over a certain weight/hardness as a weapon? Any 2x4 is a valid weapon, so is a hefty piece of rebar.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Better Blood Physics

    Indeed, but i'm more thinking about the "texture" of meat, which is more like a slightly dense sponge.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Better Blood Physics

    Ah movie physics... Blood does not spurt out of people in a wet blob when they get shot, we are not bags of blood on legs nor are we made of jello... You should watch less movies and cook more to see what fresh meat looks like :)
  16. Lady Kyrah

    idea for listen what is happen in the house

    That's one pretty retarded idea, sorry.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Thermite Grenade

    Oh right i forgot, that it's also used for railroad welding. Thermite is essentially a mix of aluminium dust(there are other compositions) as fuel and iron oxide (rust) as oxidizer. But it doesn't really explode, it's just produces an extremely hot slag of molten metal, the compoind is actually difficult to ignite as is. It somewhat works as an incendiary compound i guess but there are much easier alternatives such as molotov cocktails. The main interest of thermite is it's ability to quickly melt metal hence it's aplication in controlled demolition and in the military to disable weapons (thermite grenades being basically "A smelter in a can"). As for international war laws... not every countries that signed them actually abid to them.
  18. It would be great if we could keep the insults to private messages, as you said, to avoid ruining a "perfectly good thread" ? Claiming that i don't know shit considering that you do not know a thing about me is pretty laughable. Running servers? Been there and done that multiple times on various flavors of linux systems, it's part of my job description. Renting a vps from a game server broker is NOT running a server, that's pushing a button, that is ,as close to cooking turning on a microwave oven is. That being said it doesn't give you a magical insight in game design and game balancing, that's why i suggested to leave this bit to those who know how to make a game.
  19. They say people resort to insults when they are out of compelling arguments.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Thermite Grenade

    Military mostly use it for weapon destruction.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    The Ultra Rare in DayZ (game not mod)

    Probabilities based. Well people loot cycle for a reason in the mod, getting more dice rolls increase the probabilities of getting the item you want.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    The Ultra Rare in DayZ (game not mod)

    Now it's all nice OP but why should the game have elements that promote grinding behaviors?
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Realistic pill boxes and other items.

    Easy solution, replace the pill box model by a single pill.
  24. Iron sight all the way, i mean lets be realistic here, there is all kinds of fancy sights out there but they are quite fragile compared to the gun itself. The gun would most likely outlive any fancy optics and targeting systems you might want to bolt on it. Do you feel that your play experience would be diminished by only having the original ironsight? Would it make each weapon a more unique package because the quality of the sight would now be a factor to take in account on top of it's purely ballistic performances?
  25. Yes we can go get optics in pretty much any store. But this is the end of civilisation, there is no store fully stocked of goods, this isn't the aftermath of hurrican catrina, this is a situation of social and industrial meltdown that has been going on for several years. Finding scraps of food here and there isn't unreasonable, same for guns and all kinds of accessories. Finding them in any abundance or working order? not so likely, nobody manufacture batteries for nvgs, flashlights, radios, there is no power grid anymore to recharge anything, so you have to manage with whatever methods you can find. A lot of movies and books picture survivors calling on the radio a few minutes a day to save on their precious battery life, this is what's going on in DayZ in my opinion. A slightly less primitive, slightly more resourceful "stranded on a desert island" scenario.