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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Weight - Muscularity - Height

    In general, the heavier you are, the more calories are burned to maintain your body everyday. Wether it's muscle or fat, but muscle is "higher maintenance" than fat.
  2. /me facepalm Use the bloody search function OP! This topic has been discussed to death already.
  3. I play another game called cataclysm-dda , when you got no bullets, you deal with it, or you're dead :) It's a modern thing of complaining that the game need to be fixed if you can't do something on the first try. We used to try again if we didn't succeed :/
  4. What's wrong with loot runners dying miserably like they deserve to? These are zombies dammit, not something to be fucked with.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Standalone - Idea's And Updates!!

    Very descriptive topic i may say "I got an idea!" Is hardly a pitch.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Infection As On World War Z

    Funny how everytime a new movie comes out everyone is so bubbling with "original" ideas. You really think the devs haven't seen every single zombie movie out there even if only for reference?
  7. Do you even play this game? People get stream sniped all the time already. For what i can see with the huge mess you have made in the opening post, you already made up your mind so there is no debate to be had really.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Something To Make People Team Up

    Thank you OP, yet another absolutely brilliant idea (from an equally brilliant mind) that hasn't been debated to death before. This is a sandbox game, there won't be daily/repeatable "quests" or bosses.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    [SA] Lower running speed/add Sprint

    Where did you see never slowing down? In arma your character's sprint speed slowly degrade to the "fast walk" speed as you start ventilating.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Infection As On World War Z

    Karma karma... This is one of these cases where you could have avoided to create a new topic, i'm sorry. There are games where we don't talk about :)
  11. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Animals

    rats tend to carry diseases in societies with low higiene, rat excrements in your equipment is a breeding ground for nasty things.
  12. Personally i'm fine with everything work on torso being destroyed by a torso shot :)
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Zombie pathfinding (devblog)

    L4D has a system where zombies can climb and leap over things but i can tell you from experience, both code and animation wise it is not a trivial task at all.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Cellular Phones/Electricity in General

    GPS satellites or more of an issue tho because in order to remain accurate they need drift correction, which i believe is done from earth (there is no space object that never drift from it's course, debris and solar winds make sure of that) but i suppose on the short term, whatever value you get on your gps will be the same your buddy frank will get next week on his gps at the same spot. But since gps satellites where moved from the geostationary orbit, the math involved is more complex, and positional errors harder to fix if one or more of the satellites get out of allignment.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Cellular Phones/Electricity in General

    Cell towers kinda like electricity and a well maintained wired network to support them. Just saying.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    More Apocalyptic World.

    1. No electricity. 2. Why not. 3. Doesn't sound like something everyone does, is it worth spending the time to make a model that will only be a small detail and be in most likely a single spot? 4. That's assuming someone dug them. I still believe the government couldn't react. 5. Meh cliché. 6. Deserters are still shot? 7. see point 4. 8. Meh, how many times clearning it before it gets old? 9. Sure, code it and show it to us when you're done.
  17. Keep in mind the players implementing "law and order" might have a different view of it than you do. I'm thinking about large ruthless groups that will use those tools for their own interests. It's most likely what will happen, goodie two shoes are few and far between. I sort of like more things in the game, but i don't think permanent arbitrary lockup is something we want unless it's very tightly monitored. Regardless of some people's pathetic wail for vengeance, it's still a video games, and i prefer favoring those who take their fun bu force than those waiting for it to drop on them.
  18. Lady Kyrah


    It's just meat...
  19. Lady Kyrah

    [Suggestion] Optional anti-theft system

    Ownership doesn't exist in nature.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    SA idea: Decomposition!

    "English, the forgotten skill."
  21. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Standalone map editor

    You can already make maps -> bulldozer/Doxygen. If you expect it to be simpler that that? Well you can't have everything in life. Also... no confirmation on private hives on the SA. ( "There won't be private hive at first" Doesn't necessarly mean that there will be private hive for sure)
  22. Lady Kyrah

    ways to collect and use empty bullet casings

    Ballpark value, i don't remember where i've seen that it didn't happen "yesterday"
  23. How about going a step further? Clicking someone's name ingame display their national identity card, passport or driving license (whichever they have) along with their current home adress, and ip adress. Obviously getting a dayZ license would require to submit to a background check, identity papers and a proof of domiciliation to the dayZ staff.</sarcasm>
  24. Lady Kyrah

    ways to collect and use empty bullet casings

    Well it is my belief that the game should not spawn complete ammunitions at all, i mean "who" i making them 5 years after society disappeared? What, you managed to found a box of yet unopened 5.56mm? You and 1000 other players? no thanks. I'd rather see players walk around with guns that are empty most of the time, but are kept for intimidation purpose.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Hunting and more guns.

    Remember, eastern block weapons only :)