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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah


    Cigarets are not beta blockers tho..
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Real Zombies...

    Zombies can "in theory" hurt you pretty badly, since they aren't sensible to pain, they can in theory grab you hard enough to tear their own muscles. For a human being that's quite painful. It's very clichee to think of zombies as clawed creatures, but wether they are dead or not, nails keep growing for a while after death. A zombie's nails would keep growing for most of it's unlife, leaving his fingers lined with jagged claw like remains of fingernails, those could easily scratch you if they grab you. Nails are typically a breeding ground for bacteria, so beyond the "zombie virus" you would expose yourself to a variety of infections.
  3. "Time & budget" are the key elements here. If i give you 10 bucks and 1 hour to mow 1 acre, what kind of work can i realistically expect? :)
  4. Lady Kyrah


    Well... what about crack then? :P If you start adding addictive substances, might aswel go all in. Smoking and drinking might be socially acceptable in the western world, they are still drugs.
  5. Well at least you don't have any false hopes. Yeah starting fresh is gonna have to really really suck in order to make death feel truly painful. I think there should be a planned constant character progression, the longer you live. something that can be measured in ... well maybe a hundred hours? I think it should cap around 100 hours, at this point, the perspective of going back to square one gets painful enough. For those hundred hours your character should simply get better at everything that is essential to DayZ, stamina, running speed, accuracy, reloading speed, healing,... The advantage of being a 100+ hours survivor should be noticeable and desirable enough.
  6. Lady Kyrah


    Yeah but then why would you have to carry a hatchet? As leviski mentioned, authenticity > realism.
  7. "75% - 80% is already done" Umm... where? Did i miss the part where the DayZ team implemented a way to synchronise two entities together? Also what is it with people who cannot summarize their idea in the topic title, you know, to make it easier to decide if it's worth reading or not?
  8. Lady Kyrah


    It only takes a few days to a few weeks to develop a nicotine addiction.
  9. That's eye candy tho, not exactly what i would call a priority, as for the ak/m16 reloading animation it's just that nobody notices the difference, so there is little point in making it just for the handful of OCDs who will see it as an immersion breaking oversight. Yes other games can do it, so does arma, but budget and schedule being more important than accuracy, when you want to release a game, at some point you stop polishing things and call it done.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ+ACE, Opinions?

    Go on, do it then.
  11. Hint: You will still die :)
  12. Lady Kyrah

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    So a place for executing bambies? Sounds good.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Damage Validation System

    Wait for the SA like everyone?
  14. Ah this topic again... If anything there shouldn't be any admin accounts on servers, make em the black box army at the service of the allmighty hive :)
  15. Lady Kyrah

    [SA] Endgame

    I really don't think politics and reconstruction of a civilisation is part of the scope of the game. You can always try, but it shouldn't be written in the game code. The code should support a "freedom of action" but should not assist the players in micro managing a group of any kind. I do know that as an anarchist i would try my best to ensure it never happens where i play. For many people "post apocalyptic" stories are apreciated due to the escapism from the dullness of an ordered society that it provide.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Super Bloodsuckers

    Well bloodsuckers are part of the STALKER lore... so we can't have exactly that. Got a new name and look?
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Varying Binocular Power

    I love fixed scopes because there is an advantage tied to a very clear drawback in how to choose the right one for you :)
  18. Be careful, server owners might assemble a plot to get you assassinated.
  19. Lady Kyrah

    easily looking behind you

    Yeah that would work quite nicely actually.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    easily looking behind you

    If you understood human motion and coordination you would know what happen when you look behind you while sprinting. Also don't try to be me, this has nothing to do with understanding game development. As Chabowski mentioned there are plenty of ways to remap the current controls to do what you want, from moving your freelook to a more convernient place, to moving the look left/right/center view to where it's more convenient to you. I can see how a "look straight behind" key could be useful but i do not see a need to break out a specific function for it when we have a more general freelook that works just as well.
  21. A ladder is nothing but a "much easier" climbing spot. They might not realise there is a ladder but if they do i see no reason to prevent them to use it if they can also climb reasonably.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Ecology System

    The idea is that the game would output a statistical "heat map" of each areas of the game and how players loot them, so the places universally looted have their looting chance degrade progressively while the least used spots would inherit the excess. That "lonely cabin deep in debug forest that no path lead to" would be full of interesting objects, while the most obvious spots such as supermarkets would be picked clean. Until players change their habits and the loot system react and rebalance. The idea is to make places everyone go look like they have been picked clean, as they would be in a real scenario. You would have to keep moving and trying to find places that are less visited and are not heavily "farmed" by others. Wether it's natural resources or "loot". @Karma, this would not be server per server, it would be global to the hive, if a place is picked clean, it would be picked clean on ANY server. (I'm against private hives btw), the idea isn't to get players to change server; but to get them out of their comfort zone (cherno -> stary -> NWAF) by forcing them to move around for loot and not cycle the same sector over and over.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Ecology System

    Not if you follow what i'm suggesting tho.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Ecology System

    I got it but i would go for a more flexible system where resources are farmed out of existence through regular "overuse". Fishes in your pond example would never come back until the player population moved to a different area for a while.
  25. Thing is it would keep a certain tension if you can't know for sure wether you are alone or being trailed :)