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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    I'm just pointing at the shallowness of those suggestions.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    STANDALONE - lynch mob

    If i censored everything i dislike there wouldnt be a whole lot to look at, and it's more entertaining the other way,
  3. Lady Kyrah

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Well this is another example of why we have game designers designing games, and not some random guy from the internet.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Gender Inequality?

    I've had this debate many times, being sort of in favor of equality. I still believe that the gender inequality is due to a strong cultural bias and that if men and women where raised equally there wouldn't be such thing.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    STANDALONE - lynch mob

    I was trying to say that, I'm slowly getting tired too of KoS's broken grammar and the general daily shit suggestion. I would ignore them, but stupid people generally don't realize how stupid their ideas are. Its a pet peeve of mine to point at the gaping holes in their train of thought. Curiously it also appears to attract the enthusiasm of the same group of weirdos. Makes you wonder how many are actually the same person. I dont mind morbid ideas as long as they offer interesting choices and add something to the game instead of just being 'cool'. There is adding revolutionary game mechanics, and there is adding a green laser sight variant.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    STANDALONE - lynch mob

    I still think that your character should remain in the game half an hour after you logged out regardless.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    STANDALONE - lynch mob

    KoS could you get an english speaker to proof your posts one of these days? You seems to be bubbling with ideas but it's a torture to actually read them. It's an interesting idea if anything. I just grin from ear to ear thinking about organizing public hangings of bambies :)
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Adding .50s Back In

    Because they don't have to justify themeselve to anyone.
  9. Unless i'm mistaken, humanity is going away, so i don't see any point in talking about it.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Ability to remove firing pin

    Removing the firing pin... You couldn't find a solution that doesn't require overcomplicating things?
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Idea : Technical escape !

    And there is also those: -will the zombie notice a steak when a running human is in sight. -will the zombie prefer a steak from a running human.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Idea : Technical escape !

    I fail to understand why raw meat would lure a zombie.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    I would like to see some more furniture etc in the SA

    Yes but if you can push it, it has to be synchronised.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    I would like to see some more furniture etc in the SA

    Moveable objects might then require physics calculation and to be synchronised globally by the server tho.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ+ACE, Opinions?

    It's called "sarcastic paraphrasing", but you still get a cookie for the effort. The loser demand credit for being the "first", the winner deserve credit for being the "best".
  16. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ+ACE, Opinions?

    Yeah because it's so bloody important to know "whu's done it first". Being the first doesn't mean jack shit, only excellence deserve praise.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Vehicle Suggestion.

    Yeah but oil kinda has to be pumped out of the ground and refined you know? It doesn't magically comes out of the pump. Also... chernarus isn't an oil producing country i believe. Gasogenes?
  18. Lady Kyrah

    write on wall with victim blood

    Now, you just wait until the shit brigade come ask for brown paint...
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Mail by pidgeon?

    Meal by pigeon
  20. Welcome to realtime rendering 101 this is typically what is considered a TRADEOFF! How it looks at ground level is more important than up in the sky, not doing both means we have resources to spare for other things, (and you never have enough resources when it comes to realtime rendering).High in the sky means "i see more of the game world than on the ground" which means that every objects have to be degraded much more agressively to keep a decent framerate for the player.
  21. No matter how much they get, they always need more.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    I would like to see some more furniture etc in the SA

    there is a tradeoff to be had here, players have a bounding box representing their physical presence, hell guns have one too (the whole, "this game suck, my rifle get stuck in corners" thing). The more clutter you add, the harder navigating inside houses is going to be. So there is a balancing act there.
  23. Mute the microphone on windows when players are dead :D Yeah i've seen this issue many times in games that tried to "spice up" the ability to chat, in text or voice. People will just use a 3rd party solution if the game doesn't give them the same level of comfort. So yeah forget about ingame radios and things like this, it's just not worth spending dev time on that with the average player "play to win" mentality. And by that i do not mean it's a bad idea, online gaming is so focalised on playing to "win" rather than rich roleplay experiences that developping this kind of feature for them is like giving caviar to pigs.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    [SA] Endgame

    I guess it depends what the DayZ team want to do but the game can certainly raise the difficulty a few pegs. I play a little roguelike called "cataclysm/ dark days ahead" This is the typical example where "knowing how to survive" is not enough, because sometimes, the game just pit you against crazy odds. Depending how the game is balanced, survival might become an endless race after the next meal, where all the time between meals is spent looking for the next. And yeah in the current state, survival in DayZ feels like a hiking trip.
  25. In the real world you can probably cross a minefield without risks, but nobody will do that because you only live once. I'd rather have invisible minefield areas that diceroll for you every few meters, a bad luck and BOOM. Random "actual" mines are a pointless drain of resources and you would need too many of them to make a minefield remotely threatening. Static minefields as previously said would end up being mapped with ridiculous precision on various wikis and forums. As for creating "dead zones", well a mine field is more of a "strip" the point is to prevent the progression of a potential enemy force, Example would be a town surrounded by a wall of mines, with only the main entrance safe.