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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Well i'm sure a google search will return many improvised firearm designs of various quality, lets see... Single shot pipe shotgun http://chadperson.com/recess/images/pipe_gun.jpeg Single shot pen gun married with a knuckle duster https://lh3.ggpht.com/-Q2oYp4fYyEI/UJquGDnWMAI/AAAAAAAADIc/38fzGXoc4h4/s1600/6.jpg You can start going into fancy craftmanship too -> http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/06/27/article-2165531-13CF5C20000005DC-644_634x410.jpg There is a lot of designs more or less inspired from the sten machinegun because it is especially easy to manufacture http://englishrussia.com/images/chechen_weapons/7.jpg I love this one but maybe just for the artistic value http://dev.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/http_tomsachsvaesitenet_data_1f_0ed_006b_54ec_1b_34a_8fe_229b_0178781-tfb.jpg This one isn't from scratch but an interesting modification still http://makezineblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/shotgun-2.jpg?w=600&h=251
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    I'm okay with realistic weapons but that doesn't mean an insensible weapon selection, you can pick weapon designs that are inherently balanced. And by balanced i mean, weapons that have advantages and inconveniences that make the game interesting. ex: double barreled shotgun?, revolver? yes please. belt fed m249 with 4x scope? Ughhh.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Scripting already rampant...

    VAC is a protection against advanced cheat techniques such as DLL injections, it will not protect against flaws built in the game itself but it will protect from "outside" threats. I don't think DayZ SA currently does any cheat prevention on the inside, it's still in development tho, it would most likely get in the way.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Advice for New Babies!

    Frankly my advice is to approach the game as a roguelike. You will die."When will you die" isn't important, neither is what stash you accumulated at that time.Try to make your game experience interesting.There is always two sides to a player encounter, things will not swing in your favor at least half the time.Do not come in with a grinding mmo mentality you will only hurt yourself.Try to go toward people, what do you REALLY have to lose? But use common sense! If you do not feel it in your guts, just stay still and let them pass.For the paranoid loner, why are you playing a multi-player game already?There is no "end game", once you are geared up, you consumed all the content the game had, so why the hurry?It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    i just got new rig X79 with GTX 780

    Sounds like santa was very generous this year.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    ~$15 million later

    How they manage such short delays? well there is the EA way "The managers stopped even talking about a day when the hours would go back to normal." -> http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html?nojs=1
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Since this is supposed to be so realistic

    Authentic, not realistic.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Blacklist Servers

    Remove admin powers maybe? (yes, this again) I mean, i enjoy neutering people who shouldn't be put in charge of a server as much as the next guy/gal...
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    "This ain't no moon!"
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Script kiddies and hackers are celebrating

    Don't kn,ow where you got your info, VAC bans do not put your entire account at risk, only the game you hacked in.
  11. Well for cpus it's foolish, all cpus run the same instruction sets and excepted a couple of vendor specific gimmicks, there really isn't anything differenciating them other than the amount of cycles they can cram per second. however for GPUs, you have DirectX and OpenGL. ATI/Amd's implementation of openGL is notoriously abysmal compared to NVIDIA's, it rarely show because most windows games are on DirectX, and that's where ATI used to focus their dev time.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    nope. the RV engine does streaming from disk for that kind of things.
  13. It's not that it's too easy to gear up, is that the game doesn't try hard enough to "gear you down". Staying geared up should be a constant struggle, even if you don't die.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Hive System - People are already server hopping

    just scale the loot spawn by playercount.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Actually it's even better in "normal" games. The only thing the client is allowed to send to the server is "i am walking forward" and it's the server who tells him where he is every frame (the client does move by himself without waiting for the server to reply, but it's only for client side prediction, the server will "correct" the prediction of the client. Basically, you can't teleport hack in a 'well' coded' game because there is simply no such command that the server will respond to.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Server Owners get nothing????

    Well buying a game doesn't entitle you to the right to modify a game. Actually most EULAs usually forbid you to "decompile, desassemble alter or modify in any way".
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Server Owners get nothing????

    Oh it's this topic again. I guess even after a year my signature is still making a valid statement :D If you don't like how dayZ is, make your own game, it's that simple. Because most dayZ modders are changing a handful of settings and calling it their own, that's not even getting close to qualifying for derivative work.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Why would they need a new engine, they have access to the entire source code and can change anything they wish to. The current absence of anti cheat features doesn't mean anything, beside "early alpha" There is nothing that annoys me more than people who reduce game developperss to the rank of mere modders -_-
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Hacker was mad.

    I might be speculating but it's an alpha for now, personally i worry about implementing security once this or that feature is functional and relatively stable, otherwise it just gets in the way.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Not having any fun !!

  21. Lady Kyrah

    More animals that react to players behavior

    they do need 'fuel' and a horse that hasn't been domesticated is gonna mess you up if you try.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    proper turning animations (sa)

    I want a cap on camera turn rate, humans do not turn as fast as a computer mouse can be moved.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Straight edge razor uses

    (delete me, no idea what happened here)
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Private Hives are the way forward?

    Do i have to explain why checking a remote server's file is not going to happen or how it won't change the admin abuse situation?
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Private Hives are the way forward?

    ^^^This I completely disagree with the OP, which is funny if you think about it, because i have the exact same argument, but in favor of public hives. Private hive is like playing on your own field, you're the one who decide when everyone has to leave.