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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. I thought this could be a nice little experience in the context of DayZ. We have all seen a lot of zombie movies, played a lot of zombie movies, our heads are full of images and situations. People are full of imagination, and music sometimes triggers bursts of creativity (well.. at least for me). Think about your favorite zombie movies, press play, close your eyes, and tell me what you see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIsptmGQEto
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Gamma/Brightness question....

    Well, my guess is that they changed something in the lighting that makes more colors that where previously dark greys, fall into into pure black. Raising gamma doesn't effectively make lights brighter, it only adjust how the different levels of light are translated in in screen color, making dark greys lighter and easier to discern from each others. However you can raise gamma as much as you want, previously unseen details will not come out of pure black.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Just opened a can of bean soup w/knife in RL

    poor knife...
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Reduce travelling time

    bicycle seems to be reasonable, most of chernarus is rocky paths, doesn't really work well for rollerskates.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    FIX the issues before adding more content!!!

    But that's how video games are made my dear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_development#Milestones
  6. There will always be a decay time, how long? good question, but you can't just expect to pile day after day of gameplay and expect every single body to remain in place, that's nonsense and grossly overestimating the capacities of any game server.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    your last breath - what will you waste it for?

    "I curse you and your family for 6 generations" :)
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Non KoS Test server proposal?

    Allright. Still, our task (if there is any) is live testing.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Non KoS Test server proposal?

    Yeah but they don't need you to do that or such a server would already exist. I understand wanting to help, but how about focusing on the task you've been assigned (live play test), they have people working on the rest, don't worry.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Non KoS Test server proposal?

    I get the feeling that people think that the DayZ team doesn't do any internal testing and that they "somehow" need people to do granular testing for them, which can't be done on the public hive due to player interference. They obviously do their own internal testing, the hive is the "live" testing of how the game behave under normal usage. They don't need you to go test for collision bugs, they need you to try to play and report if you encounter strange behaviors. Nice try to push your FF:OFF agenda OP.
  11. Lady Kyrah

    FIX the issues before adding more content!!!

    Still, this is not a "released" product, they have a lot more to do than just stability patches. You can't expect them to get any work done if they have to fix bugs everytime they release a feature. People keeps forgetting this is not a finished game and that Dean himself advised everyone NOT to buy it in the current state.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    Night time servers--- THE BEST SERVERS

    Well a way to discourage gamma exploiting would be to move the gamma setting in a different configuration section that can only be accessed while on the main menu of the game, when not connected to a server. Games usually give you grey numbers or another visual example to let you easily setup your gamma to the right value for the game, its not like you need to see the game itself to get your gamma adjusted properly.
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Decentralize Gun Spawn Locations

    What's wrong with forcing you to move around to satisfy basic survival?
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Decentralize Gun Spawn Locations

    Then they should make it so you can only get food in specific ares and water in others. No matter what else they add to the game, food, guns and drinks are the only real thing to get players moving.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Decentralize Gun Spawn Locations

    Can you explain why hotspots are needed? Already on the mod , the world revolved around the North west airfield which was stupid. Now instead, the world revolve around Balotta. It's all fine to have specific area create specific loot in a RANDOMLY GENERATED world, but in a completely static world like DayZ, it just makes it all dull because every single player flock around the same location, to aquire gear, but also to kill anyone trying. If at least there was other locations that you where forced to travel to like... i don't know, want guns, go to location A, want food, go to location B, in such a way that you can't just sit in the same general area of the map all day and get everything you need to survive.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    I think the devs should implement things like 'ACRE style' radios in several types: Short range "walkietalkie' kinds of radios that use a very limited number of channels, i think it's important to make eavesdropping possible.Noise based on the transmitter distance.Different types of transmitters, you might be heard loud and clear by someone, but he only picks up static because your transmitter doesn't have the power.Line of sight: radio waves typically are line of sight dependent, the signal strength will decrease dramatically if there is a mountain in the way.CB transmitter/receivers : could emit if hooked to a battery, either in a vehicle or as a static "guetto" station, doesn't have the power of a radio tower but can use the walkie talkie frequencies on top of it's own.Long range static "radio stations" that reach on huge distances over a fixed frequency, but requires a working generator to work, groups could take temporary (or permanent, who knows) control of a specific tower and every player would eventually know which frequency is which tower, they would act like non loot based hotspots and could be heard by any old radio receiver (much more common than walkie talkies).I think it could be used to "defuse" community tensions, being able to talk with other players without being directly face to face is a good way to initiate contact, but to make it deliberate, as the distance increase, the requirements for using those equipments would increase too.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Decentralize Gun Spawn Locations

    I really wish they would get rid of the idea of "military", or any other typed loot spots, i know it's somewhat realistic to have places with specialized loot, but not when said loot will re spawn, then it's just creating a hot spot for no good reason.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Night time servers--- THE BEST SERVERS

    i never really understood why things like shadows and HDR where optional, they are settings that fundamentally affect how a game look and how players perceive eachothers, i don't think you should ever be able to turn shadows, grass or HDR completely off if you want to ensure some sort of visual baseline from player to player.
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Containers instead of random loot

    There are ways they can make this not so much of a problem, but regardless, the current state of things doesn't give you the information to conclude that we are already at loot capacity. As for supermarkets being full or empty, this is not "the walking dead: the game", nor does the walking dead represent the canon of zombie movies/series or boast an accurate portrayal of reality. If you refuse to listen, don't expect people to do you the favor.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Combatlogging, what it is, and how to prevent it

    WHat about keeping the character ingame for 30 minutes regardless of the logout conditions? Why go into so much trouble to setup different timers, just use the same for everyone, in any scenario.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Containers instead of random loot

    the engine "cannot handle" or "has been configured to spawn no more than" 3 items per house?
  22. Lady Kyrah

    We NEED "XXXXXX" why isn't it in yet?

    Well there is no debate that there is a need for such content, just be patient.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Name weapons that should be in DayZ SA

    All of these -> http://terminalcornucopia.com
  24. Lady Kyrah

    10 min body despawn?

    Dude every games do garbage collection, don't tell me you never noticed? Bodies, gore, spent casings, dropped items, etc... are cleaned up, as soon as it's possible to do it discretely.