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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ SA is already becoming too damn easy

    Because there is no such thing as a free lunch. But i guess you want the advantage of shooting everyone AND looting their pristine gear.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Feeling remorseful...

    So you did it just because you could hm? Maybe just because for once you felt you could avenge your previous deaths? On a guy who did nothing but help you? Not even for fun? What is wrong with you.
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Bases, Base Value, Groups and More! Read to find out! :)

    Sorry but this is a shitty idea. This is a game where you can apply antiseptic, or drink it, not because it's edible, but because "why don't we allow players to eat and drink anything regardless of whether it's gonna be good or not". And you come talking about "Base establishing structures", radius restriction, minimum playercount and base value?
  4. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ SA is already becoming too damn easy

    Nothing to fix here, it's a balancing act, it makes trading or robbing more attractive
  5. UN is to peace as much as Bach is to heavy metal.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Allow Server Configurable Pve Only

    LEARN TO DEFEND YOURSELF Don't come crying to the devs that the other players are being mean to you. I do not barge into a game's forum asking them to change the game's fundamental to cater to what i think the game should be about. I go look for a game better suited to my tastes.
  7. Lady Kyrah

    Australian Classification Rating

    Last time i checked games don't have to be classified. A lot of steam games are not available in retail stores so i sincerely doubt whether it's classified in Australia or not will matter..
  8. Lady Kyrah

    Easy Mode

    Why should the devs care? The game is already dumbed down as is.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Rifle Wraps for all Long Rifles

    Here is the million $ question: What would it achieve in dayz? We already have painting.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Spawned at three valleys...

    Have players loot them one at a time :)
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    I will just post this, maybe that's a solution to keep precise weapons?
  12. I love this kind of guy :) Gentle, well mannered, an easy target :D
  13. Lady Kyrah

    Overdose from Saline Bags

    Saline is okay to top up some blood loss but that's more of a blood pressure thing. It adds volume that your heart can pump around your body but doesn't perform the function of blood. Ideally players should prefer to use blood whenever they can and use saline when they simply don't have the right blood type on hand, or as a supplement.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Knowledge exchange: Dynamic bandit / hero recognition

    It's not that it can't exist, it is just really hard, real life hard. You can check Gandhi's biography, exemplary life, but beaten, imprisoned and finally murdered. "True heroes" are far from the "good murderers" portrayed by movies. (yeah when a good guy kill a bad guy it's still murder)
  15. Lady Kyrah

    How much authenticity is too much?

    Mounted bayonets have more range than just a knife, they also have a lot more mass and momentum behind them when stabbing.
  16. You say that until you embed yourself in another car driving equally fast in the opposite direction :)
  17. Lady Kyrah

    Suggestion from a survivor!

    And where is the suggestion here captain obvious?
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Knowledge exchange: Dynamic bandit / hero recognition

    You say we need this, you don't really explain why it has to be foolproof or an omnipresent aura. It's a cruch, it's just bad, heroes vs bandits is such a Disney-like simplification. What do you do of people who will decide on a coin flip whether they are gonna give you food, water and protection or lure you in a corner to terminate you like a dog? There is no such thing as "evil" and "good" people. People don't simply do harmful things all the time (or good things all the time). And those systems disregard the subjectivity of the situation, which is why you got killed: Fun, sport, sadism.Opportunism, pragmatism.Revenge, anger, spite.Fear, despair.Chaos, entropy, mistake.
  19. 1. You drive on the wrong side of the road :) 2. People will probably turn any moving car into swiss cheese. 3. I HOPE they won't make it this easy to drive offroad at top speed. On a sidenote, if you hit anything immoveable at this speed anyone in the vehicle should probably die on impact.
  20. Well the concern of the devs is to finish the game by then, wether anyone is still playing it isn't exactly their problem.
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Is there no force effect to getting shot?

    Bullets are not hammers, they tear through you but don't really transmit much kinetic force to you. I mean it's a few grams of lead/copper hitting a fully grown man through a very small contact point.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Optimize this Please

    I'd wait until the cake is done to start decorating.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Found a pretty interesting WW2 pistol

    Yes but in the hands of civilians, how does it affect letality really? Army has it's own specifications because guns are not personal, have to be flexible, and accurate over a long period of itme and be usable by any soldier, and reuseable. In the context of dayZ not a whole lot of these qualities really matter.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    So if someone try to shoot you from far away and miss you more than an arbitrary threshold you should be able to log out risk free? Or you should be able to log out instantly against people with axes? Don't think so.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    MOLLE or Modular Plate Carrier Vest

    For me it's more wether a granular "pouch pile" is really worth implementing. I tried implementing a system like this in a project of mine, and realized later that it simply wasn't worth it, instead i settled for a system of mounting slots where items are mounted on visual slots on the players character if they fit the slot type, ex: if you carry grenades and have a belt, they will show on the grenade slots of the belt, but you don't have to manually place them there, that's just too cumbersome.