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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    Hiding Bodies Mechanic Is Currently Very Unrealistic

    You are not ment to do corpse runs.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Real talk (game manual)

    I hope reasonable measures will be taken to send data miners home empty handed. I'm getting tired of this trend to wikifying every game out there. They spoil their own enjoyment of the game by boiling it down to it's bare mechanics (which is silly in a game ment to be played as an experience). And spoil everyone's discovery in the process :)
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Care for your feet!

    If you walk barefoot or wear damaged shoes: You will lose body temperature very fast (when it's cold or raining).You will walk and run much more slowly.Running has a small chance to wound you.And in general Wet shoes increase the risks of infection.Heels (if they are ever added) offer the normal benefits of shoes but make more noise and have a reduced running speed.Shoes that do not fit you have an added chance of wounding you when running.You make hardly any noise when you walk or run barefoot.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Care for your feet!

    I know but i like the idea just because they do exist, between cold wet shoes and dry/warm heeled boots, i'd probably prefer the heels, even if it's not the most "survival ish" footwear, it will do until you find something better, it's certainly better than being barefoot in the rain :p I want more pieces of gear that make you go "it's less than ideal, but it will do until i find something better".
  5. But that's the announced goal of Rocket "the man" himself!
  6. Why do you care about what anyone think of you?
  7. YES, Thousand times yes, i was giggling from ears to ears when i made the two first guns of the game (the flint cannon and the breakaway pipe gun) especially considering that the flint cannon almost got me killed by a bear when i realized it would not fire reliably. Then i made a 9mm and i was like "what the fuck?".
  8. I kind of agree with this, that and more "homemade" designs. I absolutely do not mind riding the remains of the modern world, i just wish it wasn't all there is in the game, it doesn't really encourage creativity or to make something bigger than yourself if dayZ is just "looters: the game".
  9. Lady Kyrah


    Meh, survivors are aparently "immune" in the game, i'd prefer that if you get infected you just die once incubation is over, no cure or there wouldn't be any outbreak to begin with.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    Weapons UI

    I kinda like that the default position of weapons is "not ready to fire". It means that raising your gun in a threatening pose is a deliberate action.
  11. Oh i know, that why i didn't post a suggestion "hy guyz i have a super idea for Dayz" . I wanted to discuss how things could be improved beyond being vultures.
  12. An alternative solution once we get a more in depth crafting tree is to make "ready to use" items rarer and favor items that are either crafting components or require a transformation before being useable (dead batteries, dirty water, raw meat...) You can never know if there is something good in a topic unless you read it.
  13. But then how do you properly simulate a diminishing amount of scavenge worthy resources?
  14. Lady Kyrah

    I bought SSD disk as Dean rocket recommended, but

    It doesn't affect your average fps, it removes the small stutters due to disk streaming.
  15. Lady Kyrah

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Sorry, are you part of the DayZ SA dev team? No? Then you don't get to criticize since you don't actually have to work with it.
  16. I'm sorry? Where did you see me going against the idea of a sandbox?
  17. I'm just trying to be a little rational here. The game as it is is eternally "stuck" in an "early outbreak" scenario with all the luxuries of modern life ripe for the picking and none of the inconvenience. Yet it never evolve toward a more long term survival situation. Sure you might rebuild society, but there is no shortcuts to plastics and machined parts. Those goods can only exist because of a functional production chain that doesn't exist anymore. In the long term, for a lone wolf, becoming a woodsman is the only viable solution. For a group of players, there might be a return to a pre industrialization society, but without the production chain, it will be mostly based on the consumption of stockpiled resources and recycling/refactoring and then will most likely degrade slowly to more primitive technologies as those resources disappear.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Drug Addiction (bad idea).

    I don't see any reason to add anything that doesn't have a medical use really. If you're taking morphine for recreational reasons in the game, that's your problem. On a sidenote, Booze could be addictive too, and act as a shiver suppressant for a cold character (it would not really work you up tho, just make you "feel" warm). I wonder what Australia (i think it was australia) consider to be "drugs presented as powerups". I mean most drugs HAVE desirable effects, sleeping tablets allow you to sleep even in the worst situation, painkillers... kill the pain, caffein keeps you awake and alert. A lot of drugs simply allow you to outperform yourself in the real world. But i don't think bongs should be in the game.
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Drug Addiction (bad idea).

    Well you can get addicted to painkillers.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Oh Fiddlesticks!

    That would make him.... the Batman. :D
  21. At the same time, there is hypothermia coming right?
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Shouldn't the #1 priority be mods ?

    I think they should finish the game first.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    The Fun of Clans?

    I think the term clan was cooked up by gamers because "club" didn't feel badass enough :D