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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Sometimes you have to play the cards you've been dealt. That's where you see those who try to make the best of it, and those that just quit. If anything, i feel that the walking dead, and other zombie survival fantasies are attracting a crowd with unreasonable expectations. You're not gonna be the hero in this game, you're not gonna have an epic adventure, unless you really fight for it. Everyone want a slice of cake and nobody is willing to share.
  2. There is such a thing as a bad suggestion, this forum is filled to the brim with them.
  3. It isn't biased. Whether a game is in alpha or not doesn't matter, you review what is available because that's what people will experience. Of course if you do that, it would be a good thing to "update" said review when there are significant changes. And a game is "released" the second anyone can put their hands on it, doesn't matter if it's finished or not, you can't just count on empty promises.
  4. The "cheaper in alpha" thing always puzzled me... if a game is 10$ in alpha and 30$ on release that's 10$ they have now but 20$ they won't have in the long run, which may end up costing them the ability to complete the project. I don't think pricing is something to debate, either you think it's too expensive and don't buy it, or you think it's a good value and you buy it. Obviously everyone here felt it was a good value since you bought DayZ SA anyway. As for the game going in the "right direction", that's not up for debate, chipping in 30 bucks doesn't buy you a seat at the design table. As for star citizen, there is still time for it to be any of these: A. It might turn out to be the biggest scam of the kickstarter era. B. It might completely fail, i mean it wouldn't be unheard of a designer getting more money than he hoped to get to still run out of money before completion.
  5. Why the recap? Topic, i ban thee to the depths of this forum.
  6. Of course there are reviews then.
  7. Define what kind of QA tho, if the game is functional? sure. if the store page is accurate and doesn't lie? Definitely. If it's any good? Games are an art form, you can read reviews and make your own opinion.
  8. Steam is a marketplace, not a publishing company, it's not their job to do QA on products that are being sold, they will remove problematic products (scams) but i don't think it's up to them to judge wether the game is "good" or not, that's a very subjective thing to do. Do your homework as a buyer for god's sake.
  9. Lady Kyrah

    This game. And the people who play it

    Well this is kind of a zombie themed forum.
  10. Lady Kyrah

    This game. And the people who play it

    Welcome to reality, help yourself, because others don't need or deserve any.
  11. None of this is up for debate. You break the rules, you'll get reported and your server will be taken from you. There is no "discussion" to be had about any of this.
  12. Lady Kyrah

    It´s time to retire for DayZ

    They should have waited a few months... do you happen to run a software company?
  13. Lady Kyrah

    It´s time to retire for DayZ

    Ah gamers and their "But... shinyyyy!".
  14. Lady Kyrah

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    Yeah deers usually hear and smell you long before they can visually identify you.
  15. En même temps mon petit, c'est pas si mal que tu prenne le temps d'écrire Anglais, vù la qualité de ton Français.
  16. Lady Kyrah

    What Do? "End-game"

    Well how about you start risking your life recklessly? All that gear is useless if you do not use it.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    What Mods do you want in the SA

    Low gravity and jump pads. ("if you could make anything" topics do not exactly help brewing "doable" ideas)
  18. Lady Kyrah

    Hardcore by default?

    Why do people still spew this lie over and over? It's not gonna make it true. https://sslimgs.xkcd.com/comics/visual_field_large.png Turn your damn view if you need to see behind you. And it's not "once private hives come out" it's IF
  19. Lady Kyrah

    Deaf players...

    I understand how you feel but... what do you want really? Today players communicate almost exclusively through voice chat for priority informations. Video games by themselve are already audio/visual medias.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    How to make Server ?

    How is that an excuse? I'm not english either and i learned. It's pretty much mandatory online anyway
  21. Lady Kyrah

    Respect the Soldier that Wears a UN Helmet!

    The cowl doesn't make the monk. And why would you respect the guy with the guns?
  22. Sounds good but.. one step at a time, such as having crafting that require welding maybe?
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    1:1 isn't interesting from a gameplay perspective for this game, in Arma type games the combat is already over before any bullet was fired because of equipment, headcount and location of the different protagonists. This is not a game where you just come out of improbable odds through superior barrel lineup speed. The bullet is just the punchline.
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Karma system

    Karma doesn't exist. If anything, being ruthless gets you ahead in life.
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    Then submit a resume and quite being a prick. Arma doesn't use a "floaty camera with a model attached to it" they have a system where character movements and the actual animation of it is very much tied together. Which means that there is, ultimately a maximum angular rotation speed applied to your character, what you guys call "negative acceleration". You can swipe your mouse mat as fast as you can, you won't turn faster than that speed.