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Lady Kyrah

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Everything posted by Lady Kyrah

  1. Lady Kyrah

    DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

    I sincerly don't think the game will evolve to a point where you can just "go pickup your buddies" and basically make distances irrelevant.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Mentalities do not change overnight. And we have a lot of cleaning to do on our own doorstep before we can even begin to pretend to have the moral high ground. As for tolerating them or not, well what do you want to do? Invade their country? Arrest their leaders and try them under rules they where never bound to? and then expect the people to just take your own flawed value system as their own? It doesn't work that way. What good is your "superior value system" if you have to force feed it to them?
  3. Lady Kyrah

    Morailty in gaming poll

    That was a very interesting talk which I tend to agree a lot with from a societal point of view. But we are talking about individuals here, individual notion of well being is subjective. For instance, if in order to stay alive i have to harm someone else, if in order to feed myself i have to steal from someone else (and condemn them to starving) these where the right decisions because they ensure my own survival. My second point is that... while i liked the talk, this sounded like "moral imperialism", that we should "educate people" on how wrong their society is, and in essence, destroy what we perceive as a wrong value system. And it just become one value system fighting another.
  4. Lady Kyrah

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Not necessarily , they just do not share the same moral values. In some societies it is believed that murderers have to be executed, which you may or may not consider barbaric.
  5. Lady Kyrah

    Morailty in gaming poll

    I did vote that i always play with the best intentions. But it really depend twoard who, the good fortune of one makes the misfortune of another.
  6. Lady Kyrah

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Dare i ask what is "good" and what is "evil" ? Last time i checked there aren't really clear boundaries and it's more of subjective thing.
  7. I really do not see what's the issue with walking... if chernarus was a little more realistic, distances would be 2-3 times what we have now. Walking from A to B is long, get used to it, that's why we invented vehicles, you gotta make due without them.
  8. Lady Kyrah

    'How you died' message?

    What's the harm in knowing what (type of damage) killed you?
  9. Lady Kyrah

    Improvised Rifle Scope

    There is little to no chance to ever see your target in that thing. But you have my beans just because, for once, someone isn't trying to request an overpriced and unrealistic gun accessory.
  10. Lady Kyrah


    Zeeboy, don't you think BIS is going to run their own thing rather than trusting a random forum dweller?
  11. Lady Kyrah

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    Ah yet another sight thread. If it was up to me you would all be using rusted ironsights and scopes so scratched that it's a miracle to even see through them :)
  12. I think you are missing the point. A social experiment doesn't need to simulate all the aspects of life to produce meaningful results. You might not shoot everyone for no reason, in a real liefe situation, but would you trust a random stranger? Would you take a defensive stance? Part of sticking together as a group is that even without violence you can usually bend to your will a smaller group with a different agenda, through social compliance and peer pressure.
  13. Which doesn't help when said detonator is of the "dead man switch" style. As for silencers, frankly I'm not even sure that it would be quiet enough to avoid Zed detection, you want to avoid alerting zeds directly around you, and even with silencers your gun is still going to rattle in a very audible way.
  14. Lady Kyrah

    'How you died' message?

    I don't think you should get a message telling you Who killed you, but certainly details on your death, ex: You died, last causes of damage: -Bullet through the chest -Internal bleeding
  15. Lady Kyrah

    PDA's and stashes

    I did like the old Arma GPS that only gave you your coordinates and didn't really have any other display, it made maps a natural complement to it. Such a "coord only" GPS would be interesting in my book, with a simple "set/reset" function for a handful of recorded positions (it could then show a simplistic compass that point toward the set target).
  16. Yes but when it come to DayZ it's sort of a self defeating behavior. Where as individuals we take decisions that ensure our own survival, but at the same time, on a grander scale, considerably lessen the game experience as a whole. "It's nowhere as fun as it should be, but at least I do not lose." There might be more meaningful interactions but they simply cannot be allowed to happen. This reminds me a bit of the prisoner dilemma.
  17. Lady Kyrah

    PDA's and stashes

    Not sure about the paired PDA idea, but being able to store GPS coordinates in ... well a GPS would be nice. You could mark rendez-vous points, stashes and so on. And the next person to "inherit" of that pda would obviously be able to access the stored coordinates that where on it.
  18. Lady Kyrah

    What headset do i buy and why?

    You buy a headset that you find comfortable so go try a few.
  19. You are right, to me it's the most interesting bit. Players ultimately spoiling their enjoyment.
  20. Lady Kyrah

    Barrel Overheating.. would you want this?

    One small issue: It doesn't really happen in a dayZ setting. Ammo is scarce, you need to literally burn through ammo boxes for it to even matter.
  21. I think it's a good example how the "mini maxing" gaming culture is affecting video games in general.
  22. Lady Kyrah

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    I haven't anything else to add.
  23. Lady Kyrah

    Whenever you use the realism card for DayZ...

    So it has to be black and white? I tend to go for "realism until it has to take a backseat for gameplay reasons"
  24. Lady Kyrah

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Thank you Orlok for being one of the few with their head screwed in properly on this forum. So many reactions to proposals, (especially this kind) tend to be of the knee jerk kind...
  25. Lady Kyrah

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    The level of immature "EWWW GROSS" reactions in this thread...