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Everything posted by yorkie065

  1. Well you know zombies were massively reduced for performance reasons at the release, but im guessing as we're moving through the development line and things are becoming more stable, they're going to slowly to increase the number of zombies. They've probably done a mini update with the servers allowing/ spawning more zombies. Yet to see it myself but I look forward to it!
  2. I believe DayZ SA has implemented the Shacktac movement mod, which effectively removed the collision models for weapons allowing you to maneuver inside buildings easier. Me personally, I prefer it is the way it is now. I know it makes sense that the weapon shouldn't clip with the walls and doorways, but it was just soo damn inconsistent that it got too frustrating in both calm and tense moments. I am starting to think now though that because it's very easy to lower a weapon, that the ST movement mod should be on when the weapon is lowered, but off when it is raised. Would be a lot realistic that way, it's just a matter of responsiveness.
  3. yorkie065

    Your preferred backpack in SA right now.

    I've just gone hunter back pack as it's a decent size, and I can actually see over my shoulders with it on.
  4. A lot of people are falling unconscious for what is either a really long time, or indefinitely. So I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread with a list of all the different steps that people have taken to get their buddy or some random person out of the unconscious state. Hopefully people will post up any attempts they have made to eliminate different possibilities in the hope of finding a solution, providing this whole thing isn't just a flat out bug. If it is, then hopefully a fix will come soon to shorten or limit the amount of time, whilst a way of getting someone out of the state is found or implemented. Please don't fill this with posts saying you've been unconscious for 'X' amount of time and how much it sucks. Thats not what this is for as there's plenty of other threads doing exactly that. Hopefully we can fill this first post with things people have attempted and make it actually useful. Unsuccessful Items tried: Epi-pen (Epinephrine): A friend tried this on me when I fell unconscious as it was an item that was used in the DayZ mod to wake someone up, and also in ACE mod for Arma 2 when used in conjunction with morphine. Turned out to be unsuccessful. Morphine: Also tried after the Epi, and again no success. Unsuccessful procedures: Tonyb3 made this post (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154075-unconcious/?p=1547348) in a thread which was basically blood bagging and giving blood to the person who was unconscious. Unfortunately it was me and my mate, and no one else around, but he tried taking the blood from me and giving me the transfusion (not really logical taking blood out and putting it back in, but it being a game, it could have worked) following the same steps in the post. Didn't work. Needs testing to see if having blood already in a blood bag before person passes out and gives transfusion, or takes the blood from a third person and giving it to them works. A lot of people have said to basically constantly eat food and drink loads to keep your hydration and hunger levels up, however can be difficult depending on how much loot you find. Also, hard to actually get a solid reference as to what level your at with no indicators other than screen blurring and going grey scale when it goes bad (reports of people passing out before this just randomly, also pretty much impossible to notice any warning at night). Other than that, we've tried giving food, water and vitamins to the unconscious person but it doesn't have that interaction built in yet (?). I've seen bottles of certain medicines and other pills (antibodies or something), syringes and a few other medical equipment around. Maybe some of those may work. If anyone's tried anything else, please post in here with what it was so we can build up a database of what has and hasn't worked, and see if we can find a solution to this rather infuriating mechanic (or bug).
  5. yorkie065

    Atlis Map

    Before anyone says anything, I'm going to say this: This is not what I want on Day one, and should not be incorporated until development of Stand Alone and the Chernarus map is complete! I actually understand game development having worked in the industry myself :P But yeh, at some point, I think it would be very cool to see Atlis (the Arma 3 map) put into DayZ SA. Im not sure how they'd do it, whether as a free or paid DLC, but it would be very cool to have Atlis turned into another infected DayZ world. Having just watched a heli tour of the island (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck_xHGqZ4Vg) and seeing the detail in the landscape and size of the cities, I think it would be an awesome experience. I do however think that the map would need some work first though for DayZ. With more towns, villages and cities incorporated into it as there is a lot of rolling hills and empty rural areas at the moment. And thats why it shouldn't be done until SA itself is complete as it would take an awful lot of work. Hopefully others will agree with me on this after they've seen the video because.....well, just look at it, it's some of the most gorgeous believable scenery I've seen in a video game.
  6. yorkie065

    Atlis Map

    I heard that due to the engine being so open and modable, it makes it a lot easier to take gameplay elements from one engine and implement it into the other....kinda..with some coding obviously. SA is taking a fair few features from Arma 3, like the sky/ lighting, and the movement with also it's own mechanics, and Arma 2 mods too like the ST Bunny hop. Thats what I've heard anyway, can't be assed to check for 100% clarification at the moment. And Im not really sure if it's backwards, more disabling a few things or adding others. I know Altis (sorry) was larger than Chernarus, with Chernarus being 225km sq and Altis being 250km sq? But SA is having all the buildings re-modelled so they're enterable, plus the adition of Utes being added as well bumps up the size a little. Theres a lot of improvements coming server side, with player bubbles and the server handling a lot of information rather than the client, so I doubt the size of the map would be too much of an issue, especially with the usual DayZ fog and render distances. Could be wrong though. I doubt they would to be honest. Would be nice, but it would probably work better as a paid DLC further down the line. I know they're closing off a lot of the SA, but im wondering if we'll be seeing other islands/ maps coming back in like Namalsk and Lingor.
  7. I've discussed this topic with a friend of mine on numerous different occasions, and thought it would be interesting to see what others thought, and whether they apply it to DayZ. It all spurred from the usual Zombie Apocalypse talk, and we got onto the subject of moving around, and what the best number of people in one group would be and why. We've both agreed it's around the mark of 3-4 people. 2 being absolute minimum, and 5 being max. Main reasons for this being; - how easily and quickly you can move as a group: as too many people can slow you down easily, having to wait for people. - communication: again more people makes it harder to communicate effectively. - amount of supplies people can carry: too fewer people may mean you have to sacrifice supplies to make room for others. - effectiveness in fighting off zombies and players: too few can make it difficult to cover and help each other, as with 2 or more people, you can cover each others backs. Having played a large amount of DayZ, and look at the number of people I've always played it with, and it's always been around 4 maybe 5 people mark. Sure I've done some lone-wolfing, and also played in much larger groups (I think 8 or 9 friends was the max we had all together at any one time), but everything seems to be better at the 3-5 number. Would be cool to hear everyone elses thoughts on the perfect number, and the reasons for or against certain numbers of people, and whether this has been proven to work or not work in your DayZ experiences.
  8. yorkie065

    Dayz Public Development

    Games like this should not be released based on the fact that people are starting to get impatient on waiting for it's completion. The hiring of more people won't help speed up the process, instead, will probably slow it down! The more people are involved in the development, the harder it is to communicate the original concept and ideas, and the more likely development will be pulled away from the original goal. It's best that the team is a very small and focused group! It means things actually get done in an order of priority, and it's very easy to keep pushing forward towards a set goal and objective. Oh! And theres no point in referencing minecraft because the game is vastly different to DayZ in terms of gameplay mechanics, graphics and design.
  9. The very first time I played DayZ was at night, in the middle of a thunderstorm with 3 other mates! Couldn't see anymore than 50 metres infront of me, I spawned at the docks in the Electro, a mate spawned just along the coast to my east, one at prigordky and the other as far west of the map as you can get. Me and the first guy met up within the first 10mins, and sat in the hut on the dock waiting for the other two to keep warm. Eventually the guy at prigordky somehow managed to find his way to us (he randomly chose left or right and stuck to the shore, he chose the correct way first time fortunately). From there, we went in search for our 4th friend, not knowing he was all the way over to the bottom west side corner. I think he ended up respawning though and managed to spawn close the next time we played (was night and raining again), and we went into cherno, not knowing it was cherno :P We geared ourselves as best as we could, and as there were only us 4 and 3 others, we decided to head inland with flares, running with it on one person to Stary as we knew it was a good place for military loot. Unfortunately upon arriving there and standing out in the yard with a flare infront of the red barn, my mate got shot by some guy (we can only assume had NVG's). We hid in the barn and was talking to the guy over side, eventually we decided to make a break for it and head out west and then try doubling back to loot my mates body as he tried running up himself to recover it. I don't know what happened to the guy who killed our mate, but he disappeared off into the night I think as there was no sign of him. Eventually our mate got back to us, we recovered the rest of his stuff, looted the military tents and headed for the NWA. Needless to say, it was probably the most thrilling gaming experiences I had ever had, and it hooked me.....all because it was at night.
  10. I get what your saying, and have been on both sides of the fence for both DayZ and many others games/ mods. But the problem we have here is that there are virtually NO servers catering to the old fashioned DayZ experience. And if they are, theres hardly anyone in them. Players are important to the experience as well and they're what makes the mod unique. Theres nothing more enjoyable than trying to survive in a hardcore environment, with a number of people either trying to do the same and team up, or risking their own lives to try and kill you to extend their survivability. Not to spawn with everything, die, spawn, die, spawn, die and repeat, warping what the game used to be about, to the opposite.
  11. Also agree with the OP! If they want that experience, why not go make a DM vanilla arma server? Because thats what it's basically is, not DayZ! It's also one thing that I absolutely adored in DayZ Redux. I thought that vanilla DayZ was tough when I first started. I played it for months, learnt the game and got bored because I was able to gear up within 5-20mins in just Cherno or Electro and run north to....basically nothing and no one. Redux however reminded me what it was like when I first started playing DayZ. You spawn with fuck all! No back pack, pretty much just a bandage, painkillers and maybe a heat pack, nothing else! All the loot was edited and adjusted to give an authentic feel, and guns like the enfield were a lot rarer and could only be found in barns. The weapons listed was adjusted so a lot of the high powered stuff was taken out, crash sites reduced, military loot reduced. Basically, it was a hell of a lot more hardcore and unforgiving! Hell even finding a vest pouch backpack (the little 6 slot thing) was a god send!! Also, PvP engagements were actual fire fights. There were a number of clans on there who'd run around with groups and come across one another, and it would be an actual fire fight in about 200 metres with tactics using AR's, rather than who sees who first and is most accurate at 700 metres with their DMR. It's just a shame that the mod died out and the new people who go on there now, usually leave when they realise just how tough it can be. But judging by the dev blogs so far, it's looking like it's going to be tough! Lets just hope Rocket continues to move in this direction, and those who want to just DM go to Arma 3.
  12. yorkie065


    Getting a new headset will only get you so far, but a decent one will certainly help! Getting a decent sound card is also a very good idea! The better the sound card, the better sound is generally going to be, and also give more precision as to where gunshots will be coming from. Two of my mates had the same speakers, but different sound cards, and you can tell the difference between the two!
  13. Yay! Another thing that is rather cool and could be exciting but is going to be put on the coast so that all the fresh spawn killers/ snipers have a new area to play in. On a serious note, looks cool, sounds cool! But it's annoying that it can't be put somewhere in the middle of the map to draw players in without it looking too ridiculous. We need more stuff inland to draw everyone in, rather than death matching on the coast. And as for locations for it, Guba bay! The very top right hand corner of the map in that bay of water that comes inland a little. Having it in there, in the broken state it's in would make it look like it ran-aground accidentally, as there are no lighthouses anywhere near that area. Also, it's somewhere away from a major city, meaning not everything is all in one place.
  14. yorkie065

    [SA] Prevent meta-gaming

    To bring this discussion back on topic, I agree with the OP. I too had exactly the same experience that he had with learning which towns are useless and not worth visiting, and where the best loot spawns are which is why I enjoy playing new maps without looking at the DayZmap with the loot spawns. But either way, the changes that they are making with the server side spawning, will fix this. Ideally, they'd have it so that there is a limit on the amount of loot spawning per server restart so that over time, the larger and more popular areas for loot, will become less viable, and therefore make the smaller and what are currently useless towns a better option to look for loot. I like the idea of doors being locked, and need a crowbar, hatchet or a pick lock to open. Also, brute force (as a couple have said) that can be an option, that involve the player kicking the door, but there could be a chance that the door is well re-enforced and the player could end up breaking their leg :P Would make it more challenging to get inside a building, add to the realism and also increase the threat of nearby zombies with the sound. At the moment, I can't think of anything else to add, but for the moment, you have my beans!
  15. yorkie065

    Is the term "bandit" losing meaning?

    Thats what a PROPER bandit would do! Although you can't steal their gear from them unless they drop it, but causing someone missery like that is what Banditry used to be all about. But now, what the OP is saying, is that the term "bandit" has been warped into a SOS PK'er.
  16. yorkie065


    Footsteps would be far too expensive in implementing into the game. Arma does things very differently to a lot of other games in the way that it handles data. Most games, only render data and players that are relevant to you, so anything within a certain radius would be rendered and you'll be able to see players within that radius. Players outside of that radius won't share data with you, therefore you can't see them. However Arma being a military simulator, it classes everyone as being relevant to you, so data is shared constantly whilst your on the server, no matter if they're 10 metres, 100 metres or 10 kilometres from you. For that reason, I think foosteps are a little unreasonable as they'd be there constant. However, blood trails seem to work better. Not everyone on a server is bleeding all at the same time, so one person getting shot and leaving a trail of blood for say 5 minutes can work a lot better. Same with an animal. It also makes things less confusing (multiple foot prints in different directions), and also more challenging for when the hurt player bandages themselves. Players can be relatively easy to track at the moment anyway providing you see them and they don't see you. Usually by their direction, and what gear is visible on them, you can tell roughly what key areas they may be heading towards. I've done this a few times, just to see what the player is doing and also trying to grab a sense on their mentality of the game. Are they heading towards a high loot area? They looking for friends? Are they looking for a specific place, building or crash sight? Or are they going to lead me to their tents. It's good fun watching players, and very intense in trying to not let them see you. Done it a couple of times and been spotted, and a few times they've lead me to a crashed chopper, or a hidden tent or vehicle that I then stole when they left :) So whilst your idea is nice, it can already be done if you think hard and put your mind into the other player.
  17. yorkie065

    Is the term "bandit" losing meaning?

    Over time, every term that was ever created for a certain play style has been completely twisted into something else. I've always known Bandits to be people who you've described in the OP; someone who will cause misery for another, without actually killing them, or not at least right away. Now, as you said, it's PK'ers who are "bandits", so everyone is one. It sucks as I've seen someone compare a sniper at the NWAF to the cherno/ electro sniper.....what!? :o The two are completely different things, there with completely different objectives: Electro/ Cherno Sniper- Someone who enjoys shooting people for no reason what so ever. Will shoot fresh spawns knowing full well they can't attack back just to increase the number of player kills that they have. Relatively safe knowing that the majority of player traffic will be in front of them, with rare movement coming from behind or the sides. Has made little effort to survive and probably found the rifle off a dead guy nearby. NWAF Sniper- Someone who has travelled and survived a short period of time and headed North for the rarer loot. Won't always necessarily shoot on site and will wait for the prime opportunity instead to ensure the kill. Can easily be flanked and stumbled upon from multiple directions, and knows that people coming in and out of the area are likely to be armed with some sort of reasonable ranged weapon. It's two completely different playstyles and the NWAF sniper always made the visit to get the higher grade loot that much more interesting and rewarding. The cherno/ electro sniper completely ruined DayZ for me, before the script kiddies. I was lucky to avoid the hackers for a while, but the lack of people up in the North and inland areas of the map made it very dull once you moved away from the coast. Even then it was only really in Cherno and Electro. Was too easy to avoid, and frustrating to get shot for no reason when you clearly have nothing on you.
  18. yorkie065

    New spawn idea (best one?)

    That would make more sense! Would make a map and real world navigation skills that more useful and important! Plus, it would mean each person is going to be more unique in that sense, not everyone can read a map properly.
  19. yorkie065

    New spawn idea (best one?)

    Thats cool! But then thats a set spawn location, one for other players to easily camp and kill anyone who spawns into the game...just like WarZ. Personally, what I'd like to happen to have a sense of confusion and bring it closer to life, is you spawn in on the coast like you normally do. Maybe have the message in the bottom right pop up saying where you after, and after that, each time you log in, there is no message saying your location. That way, you have to remember. Once you die and start a new character, the message comes back up again.
  20. So what your saying is that everyone cheats? Way to be prejudice!
  21. But scores change the way that people play! Also, it's good to have games where scores don't exist! It gives a refreshing change of pace, as peoples actions aren't influenced by a bunch of numbers which others use to judge them. One of the great things about DayZ is that I don't know how many people i've killed, but I can remember about 80% of the kills that I made. How it happened, what weapon, who was with me etc etc. With that, comes stories shared with friends and other community members. Great times are remembered and are almost legends amongst friendship groups. If the game was all about stats, I probably wouldn't care for each person that i've killed, and I wouldn't be bothered so much about those mediocre shots that I made to kill someone. Only those that were truely difficult or rewarding will be remembered. I don't want that, and I doubt others do too, thats what other FPS's are for. DayZ is something different, and we should push to keep it that way.
  22. You know, funny thing is to me the features that have come in the last 2 patches that have been taken from community modded servers have added and improved the game. And nice of you to pre-judge. While you may be right slightly, in the fact that I have played DayZ very little in probably the last 2 or 3 months, I played it a hell of a lot before and going back to May/ June back when the population was down at 200,000. The community, with their KOS and sit camping the coastal towns 24/7 made the experience dull and boring over time. Also, having learnt how the game works, and being able to gear up easily within 10-30 mins depending on where you spawn, made the game less challenging when compared to when I first started playing. Thats when I came across DayZ Redux (where a large number of the community made changes have come from) bought life back into DayZ for me. It had extra content, the loot table and spawn locations were re-worked making what used to be buildings and towns that no one would ever go near, viable places to look for loot. Weapons that were deemed OP and "not within the spirit of the mod" were removed, more vehicles, food and drink types, tent mechanics and other general gameplay mechanics were added. It all added up to make the experience of DayZ fresh again, and I felt the fear that I had when I loaded DayZ up, and spawned on the coast for the very first time. As for splitting the community...if anything it's trying to draw it in closer, making the line between white-listed servers with exclusives features and the public hive smaller. The removal of the stats table is just another step in the right direction.
  23. Someone clearly hasn't read the updates to the standalone. It doesn't look anything like what your hoping for, and what "apocalyptic features" that are in already, make sense. Like another guy said before me, it comes through wear and tear of a disused/ desolate landscape. Any further changes will be player made, things like boarding up windows and setting fire to vehicles or tents and the like. Red through the updates that rocket has posted, and I guarantee it will put your mind at ease....then excite it like mad for the features that are hopefully coming :P
  24. Good!! DayZ isn't about stats....and if they were to be, it only should be about the number of days you have survived and the number of zombies you've killed. Stats change the way people play games, and therefore can and the majority of the time, ruin them!
  25. yorkie065

    Is DayZ considered an indie game ....

    To me, DayZ isn't an indie game, although BI are by definition an indie developer. DayZ and Arma2 to me are classed as AAA titles. Which brings me onto the quote above. Both Rocket and the BI studio team are breaking "the norm." of AAA developers these days. They're doing whats RIGHT with games development, and providing to a wide audience, whilst keeping the core spirit of gaming close to their hearts! Rocket is a shining example of what all games designers of the future should desire to be. Too many are closed minded and want to tell a story through safe cut scenes and quick time events. Yet, the best games on the market are those where the players can create their own stories through their own dynamic experience of the game. Rocket is keeping to this for SA, and I love the potential that it brings! Thats probably enough ass kissing done for the day :P lol