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About Dragon0912

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dragon0912

    DayZ, Runs on pretty cr***y pc

    Yeah, I also play on AMD Athlon x2 250 3.0ghz and Nvidia 9500 GT Geforce. I've never had any problems. I usually run on 20fps though.
  2. Dragon0912

    Arma 2 Free better performance?

    I personally noticed better performance in ARMA 2 than ARMA 2 Free. I think it depends on the system though.
  3. Dragon0912

    Vehicle gone?

    I just set up a new camp somewhere in Chernarus, it had tents and a vehicle. Somehow, after the server restarted. The vehicle is gone. I'm pretty sure I saved it, couple of times too. Is there a problem with the new patch? Or it is just server side.
  4. This helped me reduce the loading time from 5 minutes to a minute. Read pages 5-7. http://dayzmod.com/f...en/page__st__80