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Everything posted by morgan

  1. morgan

    Pending Update: Build

    Can you do anything about the various methods of tent duping?
  2. morgan

    Wipe all tents...

    First off, there are plenty of people who aren't "dupers" who nonetheless have their stuff "duped". Secondly all items need to be reset, not just tents but vehicles and players. There really needs to be a clean wipe of the database to start fresh. It's an alpha, stuff honestly should be wiped far more often, it's not like it's hard to find decent items in the game.
  3. I don't think the actual amount of revenue is as important as whatever their sales numbers were since DayZ released they would have sold at best 5% of that number in the same time frame without DayZ. Let's be honest, pretty much everyone who wanted ArmA2 and it's expansions to play ArmA 2 and it's expansions already had it before DayZ released.
  4. morgan

    Any safe servers?

    I don't believe what you are referring to is a fault of the individual servers. It can be hit or miss.
  5. morgan

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, please, any thoughts about respawning in the debug plains with no ability to either respawn or find zombies to kill you short of going afk for 45 minutes or so until you starve/die of thirst? I'm totally cool with trying no respawns for ideal spawn points, but not so long as I have even a .05% chance of spawning in the debug plains. If you are going to insist on trying this without ensuring I can't spawn in the debug plains, can I at least get a good picture of you to print out to throw darts at until I die of thirst and respawn? That's not unreasonable, right?
  6. morgan

    Pending Update: Build

    My problem with the respawn button going away is what happens when you fresh spawn in the debug plains? It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but it still does happen. There are to many people playing to expect any kind of individual support from the dev team for something like this. I like the concept Rocket, but it's going to make the bug that spawns you out there even more intolerable. I don't know if you can fix that particular bug or not in a mod but it still happens and without the ability to respawn I imagine there will be a lot of pins stuck in Voodoo dolls modeled after your likeness. ;) Edit: I speel goad
  7. morgan

    Atlanta 73

    The steam group is up, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/atlanta73. If you see a problem you want to report leave a comment there and one of the admins will hop into some kind of chat with you to find out details if one is around. If nobody is around one of us could at least look back through the logs to figure out what went down and take any appropriate action. Names, screenshots, videos, anything that can help find and ban these fucktards would be awesome.
  8. morgan

    Atlanta 73

    The only restart last night was one that was given with a 3 minute warning and that was around, 7 pm est and that was was due to seeing frozen zombies. Of the 2 admins, 1 didn't play at all last night, the other was with me and I can say with 100% certainty we went after no tents of any kind and only killed 1 person and that kill was with a rifle. As Antwann said there was a hacker on that got removed but that doesn't mean there wasn't another on at another time. It was with 100% certainty not admin abuse. It's not possible to use some magical admin powers to make players explode, that's a cheater using something battleye will ban him/her for eventually when it gets around to it. I'm going to get the admin to add the steam group to the server messages so there is another method to report this stuff that can get more prompt responses. We can't stand the hackers and want them the hell off the server as quickly as possible but the in-game tools for dealing with this short of it happening to the admin are piss-poor. You can't even tell him something is happening and ask him to at least check it out in real-time in the game.
  9. Zombies are only a threat when combined with players.. Yesterday I didn't update to the current beta version since our server didn't update. (thanks hpb) By about 9 pm est it was me and 1 other person on our server. I cycled loot at Stary for an hour, then moved to the NWAF and cycled the hangars and barracks for 3 hours. I never took any measures to deal with zombie aggro other then shooting them with my gun. 400 zombie kills later I can safely say the zombies are no threat without players around as well. It's part of the reason why bandit's are needed. you can't throw smoke to attract all the local zombies and then a grenade to kill them all with other players around, giving away your position like that just gets you dead. Part of it is the terrible AI with Arma2, AI is very predictable, and in this game even more so. The other part of it is the difficulty of the zombies is set so low (things like aggro range and damage given to players), set the difficulty higher new players get frustrated and stop playing, set it to low and once you get experienced with the very limited AI they have, they are no longer a threat. IMO the zombies are just the backdrop for the murder simulator we call DayZ.
  10. I read the whole thing, he wrote that in May when this was just an experiment. It's not that anymore, it's his financial future. Please don't tell me you are going to act like that doesn't change a persons decision making process and/or outlook on things. Notice, I'm not criticizing him for changing his outlook on this, I would probably do the same thing. What I am saying is it's now fair to levy fair criticism to the game about how the player perceives the experience. I believe Rocket has a thick enough skin to not take stuff like the OP personally. (and if not, he had better find that thick skin quickly) The OP isn't totally wrong with his post however, sure, he went over the top with some of his hyperbole but the core experience isn't far off what he described. The players need more diverse tools to create game play, as it stands now his title description isn't that far off base.
  11. When he said that it was exactly what he said. Fast forward almost 2 months to now. It's not that anymore, it's an alpha test for a game that he wants to get paid to make. That make it fair to criticize the project from the standpoint of it being a game.
  12. morgan

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    I've had 5 different L85's disappear now on the server my group administrates, so I can say with 100% certainty it is up to date. It works fine in-game, but if I have it equipped when I leave the server it is gone when I log back in. Has happened since 1.7.2, and happened again just last night to today.
  13. Before I get into this, I want to say up front this isn't a shot at Rocket or anyone who works on the mod or any of the players, just an observation from a player.. I think the time might be fast approaching where it might be the best option to get decent feedback would be to wipe all "saved items" and even possibly force all characters to start over. Why you ask? it's simple. It's stupidly easy to duplicate items, even if you don't intend to duplicate them. I don't just mean wipe saved items/characters on a whim, Rocket has to figure out how to stop this first off or at the very least make it far more difficult, at least to the point where one can't unintentionally duplicate items. I have no expertise in this area, I have no clue if it's an engine issue, a mod issue, the server's, whatever, but it's a huge problem and it needs to be addressed. It's an alpha so it's not unreasonable to have multiple character/item reset's when issues are addressed. Thoughts?
  14. I've noticed the server I regularly play on eats any l85 that you have on your person when you log off. you can however leave it in a tent/vehicle and it's there when you log back in.
  15. I've seen one there a few times (once from personal experience), it seems when you try and drive over the bridge, more times then not it flips and your boned. Next server restart it is there sitting on it's tires ready to go.
  16. morgan

    IF this was an actual game...

    If the price was small, sure. Maybe $20.00-$30.00 and $10.00/month Preferred method, but I can understand if there needs to be recurring income Only if it's fluff shit, pay-to-win is lame, wouldn't be interested. 2nd most preferred method. Up front cost ($40.00-$50.00) and a store to get fluff items, skins, etc. Maybe $10.00 one-time-fee you get to pick your spawn location if you die? Little shit like that that can't be considered "pay-to-win". Buying convenience is fine, power is not. Depends on the studio Depends on the pricing model. Monthly fee=you pay for servers, no monthly fee=I'll pay for my own. no, if you can't line up private investors with your user base, get a business manager to handle that.
  17. morgan

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I can't speak for anyone else, but this issue makes it tough to give feedback on a large range of things. Due to this issue alone almost any topic you want feedback about can be answered "server-hoppers/alt+f4'ers affect this negatively in some fashion" and be an honest answer. It makes every weapon that isn't a 1 shot 1 kill weapon less useful then it should be in pvp. The risk/reward scenario gets skewed when you only have to navigate through the "Zed and player gauntlet" once to check 10 barracks for good weapons. While I know you want the players to create the emerging game play, I don't think you envisioned "camping to execute server hoppers" as emerging game play. I'd honestly rather take more pain helping you address this problem now because in the end it's still going to be less pain dealing with it now then waiting and dealing with it later.
  18. morgan

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I'd rather the towers stop people from logging out instantly within their radius then logging in. That could be offset by logging out at a fire. To my mind, the biggest issue is logging out in a firefight/with zombie aggro to avoid death. You can stop server-hoppers on your home server simply by camping the places people server-hop to. (NWAF/Stary tents/etc)
  19. morgan

    Atlanta 73 - Admin Abuse

    Problem solved between the parties.