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About Intigo

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  1. NO. This severely limits gameplay and the options you have when newly spawned. Bad idea.
  2. Intigo


    CZ = 150 new Winny = 125
  3. Intigo

    Winny changes

    How do you check those things? Interesting info to be found, I'm sure. :)
  4. Intigo

    To Evan from PC Gamer

    Haha, I think I remember that. The less work Ander has, the more content he is? ;) Just a shame since the PL servers are easily some of the most stable servers when it comes to fully loading because of the high amount of resets they get.
  5. Intigo

    To Evan from PC Gamer

    Pallidum, less bad posting, more fixing the PL servers so they don't have name tags. Also, you will lose the Alliance Tournament again this year~
  6. Piss off with the tiny link. Give us the actual URL.
  7. Intigo

    Dogs: Discussion

    You don't like dags? :'(
  8. Very few admins are "diligent" though, so the game is near unplayable at any peak time.
  9. I was once hanging with like 3 people we couldn't see eachothers names, the chat was spammy, try and make sense of what's going on. This way if I see a guy around I type his name and ask if friendly, otherwise going like "GUY in field u friendly" might get me no answer. Why do some believe having name tags on is so wrong but being able to chat with everyone is not. just lulz. Please stop posting when you are this incompetent.
  10. Intigo

    Weapon damage charts

    I think he was just saying after that 5.56 and 5.45 are worthless - not necessarily related to the AKM. And yeah, the AKM is awesome while the AK74 feels very lackluster.
  11. What? Why would you and your friends even be using direct chat in the first place? Unless you're trying to group up with new people you should just be using an out of game voice chat. You are truly derpy.