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About Deviationist

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  1. Deviationist

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    A few patches back the great Morphine shortage really made an impact on me. I spent a loooong time crawling to and into Electro to get myself back up and running. Through a pitchblack night with Z shambling along above me mindlessly. Good times :)
  2. Suggestion: Small servers as home bases: Much smaller player cap and Map size Every player registered in the clan opens 2 spots in the servers max pop & increases map size slightly players can not see how many are on the server only max slots available [*]Accessed only by people with a password or if followed all players spawn on coastline area for base servers when entering [*]Structures can be built in center of the map away from spawn area, functional & cosmetic [*]Anyone can pitch tents, store gear, get gear How this ties into Disconnect issue: altf4 or disconnect within 200m of or spotted by another player you become followable for 30 minutes to homebase server to alt server ping tone if they rejoin present server (giving follower initiative) [*]following survivor is warned when someone hastily exits in their vicinity (alt-F4, server disconnect) [*]following survivor is given the other survivors alt server destinations for 30 minutes and opportunity to scroll wheel and follow [*]option to alternately exit 1 minute animated delay log out that allows player to spawn out as unfollowable I am enjoying playing out these scenarios in my head. There is a world of great situations that pan out. It gives you a good reason to stalk a player and not kill. I follow him as he exits town from looting (no one in their right mind would log out in town the chances of becoming followable would be huge). He's holding an AK and carting a Military pack, full of spoils. He hits a tree line 400m up as I drop to the dirt I have spotted him and kept my reticle over him for at least 30 seconds so I know his name and he is followable. He looks around and cocky that no one is following he quick disconnects. He's on his way into his homebase server I have the info and access to his home server for as long as he's there. I gather two clanmates and they piggyback in with me as I follow. We pop in just outside what appears to be a small clans server, 10 man pop, means a chance at 5 defenders. Unless of course someone else piggybacked in as well. They'll never see us coming. We check the perimeter waiting 3 minutes and scouting the coastline. One of us stays back to cover the entrance incase we are flanked by incoming players. We move up, through a small opening in their fort barricade. The two wooden sniper towers looking out onto the spawning area are empty. In front of us is a small clearing with 3 tents. We pass the threshold. BOOM! As50 one of my clanmates is down. My heart sinks as I realize he knew. AK rounds pepper the ground around me, I'm up and running for a small opening, I see the bear trap at the last second. I'm down crawling, with broken legs. Over teamspeak I'm hearing my one clanmate swear in two different languages. The other is next as the AK and AS50 cough in the background, I hear a heavy sigh from his end over teamspeak. I'm done, I can either pop out and easily be followed for 30 minutes (or log off for 30 minutes, but there is no way I'm staying offline for that long) or stay and try to get to safety. A little morphine and I'm mobile. I'm sure one of them has seen me previously. I check the server list. There are 3 more in here now me, vs 5. I run for a bush, hoping to make a lengthy disconnect attaining an unfollowable exit. However I hear two gunshots before the third catches me in the back and I fall unconscious. I'm trapped I can't get out of the server now until I regain consciousness. The last thing I see is our target walk up, he switches to his hand gun, mumbles something in some other language and one last shot reminds me who the real target was.
  3. Deviationist


    The admins do not have the ability to move you around in this fashion. Do some reasearch on the forums. If you can come up with what exactly happened then you can have my beans :) Hint: starts with Ack and ends in Er ;)
  4. It's not a priority. The Dayz team has finite resources and time. This would be a waste of valuable time and effort they could be using to actually improve the game play and mechanics. As it stands they are so bogged down trying to keep the HIVE server going with all the new influx of players. Bottom line (IMHO) this is (at present) not necessary to improve what the game is. Besides you and your friends will be so bored 6 hours into the game with all the best gear and no other players to challenge you.
  5. Your frame rate kills the immersion. If you are going to do future videos try and figure out how to get a better quality FPS.
  6. Deviationist


    The first time they kill you you should know where they are... Why are you not flanking them and trying to take them out? If anything these guys are providing you with a chance to get some top teir gear with little effort invovled. I love it when they snipe me for exactley this reason. I have done it three times, and its worth it.
  7. Deviationist

    OMFG Rocket!!!

    I agree with this statement. Please insulate yourself and your vision from being over run by any of the negative posts floating around here.
  8. Deviationist

    Thank the dev thread

    Your team is an example of persistance and determination in the face of some daunting prospects and odds. I am incredible grateful for the hard work and countless hours you have obviously sunk into this project. Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. -Calvin Coolidge Keep up the good work. Your an inspiration to us all. :)
  9. Deviationist

    Zombie models/3D

    Your first character models? I would step lightly your biting off a big chunk of commitment. But hell considering the zombie games in production this would be a great portfolio piece. The only failure in life is not trying ;) Programs used? you building from a base mesh or scratch? do you know your topology really well? (I assume you do being an animator it usually matters more to you guys than the modelers). Few points to consider. Getting the models to match the other player characters might be challenging. Recomend using the texture maps already present in the engine, not reusing them just color picking. I would also recomend getting one of the models out and into Max/Maya/Zbrush and simply adjusting it, best way to try and keep the models as close to the target look. That way you might not even have to rig,weight,animate the new models (although I gather thats your whole purpose ;). Your facial poly/tri count shouldn't be to high, no facial animations necessary from what I have seen. Same with the hands. Safe bet would be around 10k polys (tris if you can pull that off). Also don't forget to model your LODs before you animate. This way you can test the animations on all of your models as you go. From experience the hardest thing you will face is getting the animations into the engine. This is where 90% of your work load is going to come from. Best bet is to find a tutorial (being an older engine there should be a few around) watch that thing twice before even starting. I don't think it even brings the bones in to the engine instead the animations are vertex baked, and they use animation blending to adjust on the fly. Hence you don't see any ragdolling when people die. Which means you might have to animate in strange ways (torso, head, legs, arms all seperatley). Good luck :) if you would like any critique or help in Max/Maya/Zbrush drop me a PM.
  10. Deviationist

    Why Does Everyone Complain About Being Killed

    Pvp is the meat of this game. It would not be engaging or fun if it was adjusted. Its easy to come by gear, hell you can be kitted in under a 1/2 if your smart about it. I don't think these pvp conversations are always about the gear. I think some people are hurt that another person doesn't care about thier 1/2 of hard(ly) work and instead cares more about seeing whats on thier corpse... at least thats usually why I shoot anyone I see. Hell I will wait for another survivor to run through all the loot spawns and take him out once he is making his way to safety passed the infected/survivors. Why would I go into town when I can let you do it for me and simply take what I like once its transported past the infected. Try this on instead. Play for a day and just die. Goof around have fun die doing stupid stuff. Don't even look for high tier gear run around acting like a tool and laughing everytime some sniper picks you off because you ran through town with a zombie train 30 deep. It will cure you of this tendency to care about the inevitable.
  11. Deviationist


    Dogs... Alright so I have some crazy thoughts. When I have a strike of insanity I like to share it, cause although lightining doens't strike twice who's to say you cant hit a friend with a taser in the hopes of tricking him into believieng otherwise. In a nut shell: Dogs rove in wild packs aggresive to players. Disable one through knocking out its legs, 'remove' the rest of the pack, bandage the animal to make it friendly, then feed it raw meat to gain its trust and affection. Once earned the dog is yours for its lifetime. They remain on the server permanently even if the player is logged out. Aggresive to players that come into their territory. Mans best friend ;).. although not completely under your control. A little more: The notion of acquiring a dog as a pet is interesting. What can it do? How does it interact with you? With other players? to sound? to gunshots? wild animals? can you train it? does it have a robust A.I. or is it heavily player controlled (personally I hope not). How? Nothing in this game comes for free. Although most things are not hard to acquire (once you understand the loot spawns) they are still challenging and very interesting to gather. Hence roving packs of dogs guard the wilderness (zombies to the cities, dogs for the forests) and if the player is to acquire them there should be a system in place that does not simply give but instead allows the player to get one through interaction. So if our hero comes upon one it is part of a pack and has to be disabled so that it can be seperated from the pack and converted. Purpose? Well what can it do? How does it change the dynamic before us? First off it is like a vehicle and persistant to a server, limited amount of time before disappearing/reverting to wild. They will stay relatively close to the players log off location (a form of server persistant vehicle/tent protection). The A.I. will recognise players that have been within the owning players vicinity and not killed so it will slowly become less likely to attack players that the owner does not attack. It won't attack other players unless they are damaged by the player or damage the player. However it will growl & face in the direction of survivors nearby before the player might hear or see them. Twists? Any player that has attacked and killed a survivor recently becomes suspect to these animals unless a well known via the players lack of aggresion towards them for a consistant time within thier company. Other survivor interaciton once tamed? A survivor that can approach another mans dog and scratch or feed it raw meat will gain its trust (various based on interaction level scratch low, meat high) if the owner is near he can conrol the dog (based on if he is shot or if he shoots the other person involved). These details relate to the dogs circle of trust. Once in a player is good with anothers dog unless he injures the survivor that ownes said animal. If he does (even accidentally) then gaining trust starts over from square one. My thoughts on the notion of dogs. Please tear em apart or add as you see fit.
  12. Deviationist

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Keep at it Rocket and Co. You guys are making leaps and bounds code wise, the quality and scope of each one of these updates is becoming better with each iteration. Thanks for all the hard work :)
  13. Deviationist

    not fun to die to campers

    OP your missing the context of the design. You are relying on previous game experiences to guide your actions in this mod. CS, BF3 might help you aim your weapon but after that patience (not relevant in the previous games) and tactical wit are your tools. Running should be a last ditch action reserved for zombie hordes and trying to dodge sniper fire. Spend a day dieing none stop and getting used to losing everything over ad over again. Once you figure out the spawn points you can regather the majority of the loot in a 1-2 (depending on loot drop) hour span. Might not be chopper gear but it will sure be good enough...
  14. I don't want to focus on the zombies... encounters (deadly as they are) with other survivors are what I enjoy. Overcoming AI is relatively easy, there are always ways to circumvent them regardless of their strength or numbers. I want the unknown that is another persons mind on the other end of the equation, and I want it to be my main concern/focus. I respect the fact that some people don't have the same interest. However it appears that this game is such by design. If zombie survival without other player character interference is your thing perhaps you are playing the wrong game? Regardless it makes me think of ZombieU for the upcoming WiiU... that game looks interesting (although I tend to think it was inspired by Rockets game) and more what some people here are asking for.
  15. Deviationist

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    I will shoot on sight, I will kill you as soon as I see you. I will rarely talk or engage you in conversation. The why is very simple. I really enjoy finding new gear. I am pretty sure you do too. So if I kill you I can enjoy the loot that you have enjoyed gathering too. Now when the tables turn and its my body over which you stand... please enjoy the loot that I have gathered for you :)