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Everything posted by Igno4

  1. Nevermind- I figured it out moments after posting this. Thank you!
  2. He hasn't done it because it's not technically breaking the rules. It's just dirty playing. When you DC after being shot, you're metagaming, not actually exploiting some bug of the game.
  3. Igno4

    want someone to team up with

    Is your steam ID derekfcw? Sorry, I was looking for you, but only found that,
  4. So yesterday I was playing, and when I decided to switch servers, I logged in with a new character. I tried joining about 12 other servers, and all had a new character. But then today, while I'm playing with friends, I log and my character from yesterday is back. Has this happened to anyone else?
  5. I'm predisposed to trust you, but if you don't respond "friendly" I'll kill you on sight. Am I a bandit?
  6. Yes. Combined Operations is just the name steam gave the package that contains both games. If you download just Arrowhead, it will work.
  7. Igno4

    Starving, Thirsty, need help :(

    I'll help... Let me know where you are, and I'll see what I can do. I am wary though, so I'll expect you not to have a gun out or something when I give it to you.
  8. I've seen probably 30 threads on this in the last two days alone, and I was just able to resolve my own problem an hour or two ago. This thread is aimed at the bug where you are able to connect to a lobby, but get stuck at a black screen displaying only "Loading" between the lobby and gameplay. In order to keep the amount of threads down, and increase awareness on how to fix this problem, post a comment in this thread if it helps you fix your problem. I've had this specific method work for me and about 5 or 6 other people. Follow these steps: 1. Get Arma II Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php 2. Open zip file and run the .exe to install the new patch. 3. Browse to /Program Files(x87)/Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ and RENAME the existing arma2oa.exe. 4. Go to the /arma 2 operation arrowhead/expansion/beta and copy the arma2oa.exe, then paste it into your /arma 2 operation arrowhead directory. 5. Launch steam, and click properties under Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. Choose Set Launch Options, and enter this: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca 6. Run Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from steam once, and then use 6 launcher. And that's it. I was able to get it to work using those. If this doesn't work, try clearing the caches for Arma II and Arma II: OA. Best of luck guys!
  9. The .exe is just a suffix for a file type.. Basically a runnable file. Just go by file name. And choose to use the most recent patch, at the top.
  10. Igno4

    Stuck on Loading

    Solved with this: 1. Get Arma II Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php 2. Open zip file and run the .exe to install the new patch. 3. Browse to /Program Files(x87)/Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ and RENAME the existing arma2oa.exe. 4. Go to the /arma 2 operation arrowhead/expansion/beta and copy the arma2oa.exe, then paste it into your /arma 2 operation arrowhead directory. 5. Launch steam, and click properties under Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. Choose Set Launch Options, and enter this: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca 6. Run Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from steam once, and then use 6 launcher. And that's it. I was able to get it to work using those. If this doesn't work, try clearing the caches for Arma II and Arma II: OA. Best of luck guys!
  11. Are you sure you've replaced the .exe in your arma folder? I know it sounds stupid, but tit won't work at all if you don't do this XP and I apologize for not knowing more about the retail problem, I've only been able to work with steam.
  12. Reinstalling battle eye won't work. There's a thousand threads on this already, but the common answer I've given, and what has worked for me, is to do this: 1. Get Arma II Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php 2. Open zip file and run the .exe to install the new patch. 3. Browse to /Program Files(x87)/Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ and RENAME the existing arma2oa.exe. 4. Go to the /arma 2 operation arrowhead/expansion/beta and copy the arma2oa.exe, then paste it into your /arma 2 operation arrowhead directory. 5. Launch steam, and click properties under Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. Choose Set Launch Options, and enter this: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca 6. Run Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from steam once, and then use 6 launcher. And that's it. I was able to get it to work using those. If this doesn't work, try clearing the caches for Arma II and Arma II: OA. Best of luck guys!
  13. Solved with this: 1. Get Arma II Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php 2. Open zip file and run the .exe to install the new patch. 3. Browse to /Program Files(x87)/Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ and RENAME the existing arma2oa.exe. 4. Go to the /arma 2 operation arrowhead/expansion/beta and copy the arma2oa.exe, then paste it into your /arma 2 operation arrowhead directory. 5. Launch steam, and click properties under Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. Choose Set Launch Options, and enter this: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca 6. Run Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from steam once, and then use 6 launcher. And that's it. I was able to get it to work using those. If this doesn't work, try clearing the caches for Arma II and Arma II: OA. Best of luck guys!
  14. Igno4

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Had this problem for three days, have tried everything (beta patches, reinstalls, etc.) and still have been unable to get past the loading screen. Could we see a dev/support post? Seems to be a pretty common problem that's going un-addressed. EDIT: Nevermind. Was able to get on just a moment ago. Will upload what I did if I'm able to get on again. EDIT 2: FIXED. Here's what I did. 1. Get Arma II Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php 2. Open zip file and run the .exe to install the new patch. 3. Browse to /Program Files(x87)/Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ and RENAME the existing arma2oa.exe. 4. Go to the /arma 2 operation arrowhead/expansion/beta and copy the arma2oa.exe, then paste it into your /arma 2 operation arrowhead directory. 5. Launch steam, and click properties under Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. Choose Set Launch Options, and enter this: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca 6. Run Arma II: Operation Arrowhead from steam once, and then use 6 launcher. And that's it. I was able to get it to work using those. If this doesn't work, try clearing the caches for Arma II and Arma II: OA. Best of luch guys!
  15. I've had this bug for a while now, and I literally left myself in loading overnight and never got in.
  16. Lots of people having this problem. Hopefully we'll get an answer soon.
  17. @Vipeax - Then what's the problem? Can it be fixed?
  18. Igno4

    Stuck on Loading

    Yep. Same problem.
  19. The server is constantly moving players into the air and then dropping them, instantly killing everyone. This has happened twice in the last 10 minutes. I repeat, if you value your things, DO NOT CONNECT.
  20. Igno4

    Can I run this game? *Listed Specs*

    With a 550? I don't think so. You can probably run high textures and stuff, but I'd leave shadows off. I can run everything highest spec with a 560 Ti, and the 550 isn't too far behind it.
  21. Has this happened to anyone else, or is it intended to be in the mod?
  22. Igno4

    Noob group!

    My names Igno4 in game. Messaged you with my skype and stuff. Hope to talk to you in game!
  23. I don't know if this is the wrong place for it, but I just picked up this mod 2-3 days ago, and I'm looking for other people who'd like to play with me ^^ Seems to be more fun with a group. Just looking for you to be light hearted and not take dying too seriously. Just playin for fun!