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Everything posted by damonxwind

  1. damonxwind

    Remove broken bones for now

    I think of it more as a sprain or dislocation, where you really can't walk on it because of the pain. Although, killing the pain with morphine and running on it would just make it worse realistically... But in any event, I think there are worse and more broken mechanics. I haven't broken my leg from anything but zombie hits in days, and that was always having a few hits before hand. So maybe I'm just lucky, but this particular mechanic doesn't seem that broken to me right now.
  2. damonxwind

    Starry Sober.....

    The barns and rusty warehouse looks almost exactly like they do in game....
  3. I was driving the blue van near Starry, thanks for missing with that MG, and not chasing me. Nearly gave me and my friend a heart attack. Curious if a member of your group could let me know how many you were, because I've never rolled with a group that needed a blue truck and UAZ rolling together.
  4. damonxwind

    Hacker taking control of players?

    legitimate fear.
  5. damonxwind

    International Airport

    I won't usually go to NW alone, but even with only one other person I'll go in, and have little to no problem. If someone is there, we will kill them if we get the shot, because we usually will have driven there, and can't run the risk of them finding our car, or getting the drop on us later.
  6. damonxwind

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

    You steal a bike in real life, reflecting on your luck to find it before someone else did.
  7. damonxwind

    Winchester Question

    looks to be about 300m to me (first shot fired), just eyeballing it. Wiki says Winchester is good to 150m. Shot could be made though, with patience and luck. My advice, stop camping hightower and get in those guys faces. I prefer an AK or an M14 on the ground to a sniper on a hill or tower... though having a friend with a DMR up there never hurt...
  8. Everyone has one. And nobody's is the same, from what I've seen on these forums. Mine is the NVGs. I've had literally every piece of gear that I've wanted in my two weeks (6/17/12 was my first day on Day Z) of playing. I've found tents, vehicles, ghillie, M107(two at one heli crash), AS50(Gave to a friend), Mk 48 (Twice, Gave to a friend), FN FAL, FN FAL NightSight, M14(Twice, my favorite weapon), PDW, G17, MP5 SD, M4 CCO, M4 M203, AK Kobra. my friends that I roll with have had M24, SVD, M4 SD, Bizon SD. Together we have found two vans, a red sedan, probably 10 atvs by now, a UAZ, and a blue truck. Most of which are lost, stolen, or crashed. I have had ghillie probably four out of every five of my lives, not counting shitspawn respawns. I see people asking where to find these items on the forums ALL THE TIME, so I'm wondering if I'm the only one who seems to find at least some moderately rare stuff within a day of playing a new character.
  9. damonxwind

    So..uhhh...now what?

    Cherno cop is sounding increasingly fun in my mind... but I wouldn't want to do it alone. I dream of having civilization in at least one city in Chernerus for a while.
  10. I'm talking about barbed wire, exclusively and specifically. It serves no PVE Purpose, and is a permanent and difficult trolling device. It spawns way too commonly, and requires pixel perfect precision to get rid of. You should be able to cut your way through any part of it if you have a toolbox, and it should not spawn as commonly. Elektro and Cherno are literally sealed on half the servers I play on, most of the time, I have had a toolbox for two days, and only been able to dismantle three wire fences. While seeing at least twenty more. Resorted to server hopping to see if there was loot in the tower of a fire station, my friend was killed while I was trapped with no way to help him without server hopping again. SOLUTION: Increase range of 'Remove Wire' Interaction for the traps, keep current time to dismantle, or even increase it. Make zombies unable to clip through placed tools (Seems that may be difficult, given the progress with walls and doors.) Remove Barbed Wire from spawn list until fixed. I'm sure this thread has been done, but I checked the page and it wasn't on it, so I'm posting it.
  11. I know that's where the spot is, but I can't seem to find it consistently, I think it should be at least somewhat easier.
  12. damonxwind

    Where do Ghillie suits spawn?

    Ghillies will spawn in any class of lootspawn except industrial. I most commonly find them in houses in small towns, next would be apartments, then cafe buildings, then military types of spawns, and ONCE in a barn.
  13. damonxwind

    So..uhhh...now what?

    play with friends, SOMEONE WILL DIE. And you have a new objective to get them geared again. Get a car, keeping it repaired and fueled is a common objective in my group. Become a vigilante in a high pop server, killing bandits in cherno, elektro, berezino, or wherever. swim as far as you can south. see if you can aggro more than 500 zombies throughout the entire map. find camps, destroy camps find vehicles, camp vehicles, destroy vehicles when another player repairs them Don't Know bro. My best answers were the first two, and they work for me just fine. Playing solo is BOOORING for me.
  14. damonxwind

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Can't say I approve of this list, but since the spot is already there, I might as well point out that a Red Sedan spawns in the same spot as the UAZ in Starry, by the military tents. Basically doubles the chance of finding one or the other, in my opinion. My ATV Spots are secret though :P
  15. damonxwind

    You sunk my battleship

    Seems legit
  16. damonxwind

    I need advice

    There are two hospitals in the north part of cherno, east and west. there are also military tents which have medical tents among them. There will be boxes chock full of every medical supply there is.
  17. I roll with some friends, we basically do things based on consensus, Everybody gets to drive at some point if they want, figuratively and literally. There's no hierarchy. If someone really doesn't want to do something that the rest of us want to do, we'll either split up, or do something else, but once we've met up in game, we generally don't leave people alone unless they die. We generally don't roll up into Cherno or Electro just to meet up with one guy. we had a ventrilo, but somebody forgot to pay for it, so it's out of action for a day or so. Anyway, add me on steam. lord_damon
  18. Okay, this has happened to me twice now, and I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to. The very first time, and the very latest time I've hit the northwest airfield, something strange has happened. I go inside the southerly barracks, to check for the juicy loot, and there, at the end of the hall, is a PILE, of weapons, ammo, and miscellaneous loot. Now when I say pile, I mean 4 M4s, 2 M16 M203s, 2AKMs, 3 AK74, 1 AK74u, assorted ammo that would take up two Alice Packs. This doesn't seem like a natural phenomenon, because all but two times, the barracks has seemed to have normal spawn rates, just rarer weapons in some cases. I brushed it off as a bug the first time, but it's happened twice now...
  19. damonxwind

    Literal Pile of Loot in South Barracks?

    Sounds boring to me, defeats the purpose of the game in my opinion... But to each their own.
  20. I too am sad I cannot strip corpses naked... That came out wrong...
  21. Is it just me, or is the M16 sighted to about 300M, with no way to zero it down to 100? Whenever I am close to a target, and fire with an M16 variant, the bullet hits a foot or two above the target. Kind of annoying that I can't adjust the sights on it, as its kind of a dealbreaker for an otherwise favorite of mine.
  22. damonxwind

    Literal Pile of Loot in South Barracks?

    Well, I'd say that server hopping to loot a lootspawn again and again is an exploit, and so is whatever people are doing to spawn the crapton of hardware at that barracks.
  23. damonxwind

    Literal Pile of Loot in South Barracks?

    I heard 30 minutes somewhere, but it might be a server setting. I was on a server this morning that there was NO loot ANYWHERE, except stuff that seemed to have been dropped by other players.
  24. damonxwind

    M4 and M16 variant sights

    But you haven't had to aim for the crotch to get a headshot at 40M with one of those things? Even the CCO did it for me. I think back in 1.6, when I started playing, I found an M4M203, and it was sighted fine.
  25. damonxwind

    Literal Pile of Loot in South Barracks?

    I see... well don't ban me for nabbing some M107 and PDW ammo... I performed no exploits.