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Everything posted by damonxwind

  1. damonxwind

    Freeside Trading Co.

    when I was in the teamspeak server, the guys were saying something about a heli close to their camp, so they may already know.
  2. damonxwind

    Direct Chat VOIP

    you can bind individual keys to each channel, or you can go by what channel you are typing in. You can change that via the , and . keys by default.
  3. damonxwind

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Bumping this thread to let everyone know how satisfied I am with what these guys are doing and how they operate. I join their teamspeak, talk for a bit, offer a trade, and a guy drives out to me, we complete the trade, everyone's happy. A halfhour later, I offer another trade, and it was done quickly and easily, they even gave me a ride from Novy to Kamyshovo, which was nice of them to take me that far. A little trust man, and everyone profits.
  4. damonxwind

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    Let me preface this post with a question. WHO THE FUCK CAMPS ORLOVETZ? I mean really? What are the odds that the asshole who camps Orlovetz, and the crew of 4 with a red sedan cross paths? One Winchester shot and our driver STOPS, asks if we should kill him, and the vehicle is promptly disabled. We get out to engage using superior numbers and weaponry, and the fucker shoots the car more and blows it up. One casualty, three wounded, no car, no car parts for the UAZ we were going to repair.
  5. damonxwind

    No competent player should die

    Camping cherno sounds boring, just saiyan... I like building up my camps in the north, looting contested lootspots where experienced players might cross my path, for better or for worse. I'm currently on Day 7, on my current life, would be day 12, but my friends dragged me to Elektro and some things happened and lives were lost.
  6. damonxwind

    Computer Specs?

    Intel SandyBridge i5 2500k 3.30 Ghz 16 GB (4 x 4) DDR3 RAM 2 x Nvidia 550Ti - 2gb DDR5 each Smoothe as melted butter.
  7. damonxwind

    sniper rifles?

    DMR is technically as loud as the AS50, just saying. They should probably have their own noise class, but they don't... I don't think.
  8. damonxwind

    Uneven loot distribution

    I always explore, hitting major and minor loot spots across the north. Every day for the past week and a half I've found something worth finding, be it car or heli crash.
  9. damonxwind

    Diplomacy attempts?

    I've made friends in cherno with a guy when we were both getting shot at by an unknown assailant. We've since met up a few times and helped each other out. I've had two strangers agree to team up with me, one brought us a truck, just because we asked.
  10. damonxwind

    The Ultimate Realism

    We should have to pee and poop too, or else you might pee or poop your pants, and if you do that, you'll get sick, or the infected will smell you, and you can also die of dysentery.
  11. damonxwind

    Day Z Urban Legends

    My first day on Day Z I had no idea what I was doing, and I ended up leaving the coastline pretty quickly, getting myself lost. While I was looking around, a human character model wearing a Burqa, so that I couldn't see their face or model ran right up to me and looked at me. Then stopped, disappeared, and then reappeared out of sight and ran up to me again, looked at me, and disappeared. I have never seen it since.
  12. damonxwind

    You know you are lucky when...

    You know you are lucky when last time you spawned was passed out on top of barbed wire, and when you try to change servers, DayZ gets hit by DDoS, you come back later, and you spawn alive and well where you last were.
  13. damonxwind

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    So I take it this has been a common issue today?
  14. This thread is for you to ask questions you legitimately don't know the answer to as to whether or not an action in game is illegally exploiting a feature in a manner not intended. The community will undoubtedly respond, and perhaps an actual dev might post now and again if this thread is frequently bumped (or even stickied) My questions. Server Hopping can be an exploit, but I change servers to meet friends or find a day server all the time. Is changing servers to change your time of day an exploit? Is changing servers in order to meet a friend legitimate even if you have zombies chasing you, were just in a firefight, or even if you just left a firefight? Is changing servers legitimate if you HAPPEN to be next to a high value lootspawn when you change servers to meet a friend. If you have more than half your ammo in a clip, and you change servers, refilling your mag, is that legitimate if you don't abuse it?
  15. I've been hearing of it from friends more and more, and I just experienced twice today. I hopped servers to meet up with a friend, spawned passed out. Then later, day turned to night, and we hopped to find a day server. We both spawned passed out. Is there a new-ish function that does this if you only just logged out of a server? Neither of us were in any sort of shock at the time.
  16. damonxwind

    Lee einfield vs Crossbow

    Berezino on the east coast will yield loot comparable to Cherno, or better, due to the fact that there are more apartments, two foodmarts, a military tent section and tons of deer stands around. Theres a dirt road between the north of it and Khelm, which is a worthless town to the northwest of BZ, if you follow that road, it will take you almost directly to the northeast airfield, in which you may find military weapons. Keep to the roads while up north, they are much safer than coastal roads, but if you find a compass and map, don't be afraid to cut through fields and forests. Who knows, maybe you'll find a heli crash. Lootspots of note are as follows. Heli Crash Pure luck to find one of these, I've gone days between them, sometimes I find 4 in a night. Barracks This is in the Northwest Airfield only, and is dangerous country. Military Berezino Airfields Deer Stands Starry Sobor Civilian These will spawn your cans, tools, and low level weapons and ammo. Can be found at any town, but you should look for foodmarts, large brick buildings, and the wood cabins. I've had the best luck for loots in those. Camo will also spawn in these locations. The best cities for civilian loot (purely by volume of loot) are, in decending order Berezino Vybor Starry Sobor Novy Sobor Gorka Hope that helps
  17. damonxwind

    Lee einfield vs Crossbow

    North of elektro is barren for a long time man, don't hate on him... Anyway, I suggest the Enfield, players are always the bigger threat. Find a sidearm to deal with zombies.
  18. damonxwind

    reply if your good with PC's

  19. damonxwind

    reply if your good with PC's

    ignoring the spambot, I guess I'll chip in my two cents. Having the right MOBO and Powersupply IS most important, as everything else will be upgraded based on those things. It is cheaper to build yourself, as I built myself a computer that would have cost 2000 dollars to have built, customize for around that or higher, or find a comparable shelf model for 2200 or higher. I spent about 1300 + 400 for peripherals and windows 7 At any rate, for your price range, I'd suggest an AMD motherboard and processor, although I am not familiar with that brand, their midlevel equipment is cheaper than Intel's. I will swear by Nvidia though, they've never steered me wrong or had me considering buying a different brand of graphics card. The 550Ti should run Arma smoothly on medium, and is affordable enough to buy a second card to put in SLI to bump up to full graphics capabilities of the Arma engine (this is what I'm running) You'll save yourself a bundle on buying you're own parts, and 50-200 dollars if you build it yourself (different stores charge differently to build a computer for you). I built my first computer last year, and it was easy enough to do just by reading into it and watching some videos. One last thing I'll leave you on is something not every person will bring up. Invest in a good computer case. I'm talking about the tower itself. Being able to afford to upgrade later means little if your new parts will overheat due to low airflow, or won't even fit because your case is too small. This is the case I built in, and it is very roomy, easy to build in, and can aircool very well with the built in fans and a decent CPU fan. I got it on sale though, and if you want something cheaper, newegg will have suggestions.
  20. So me and a friend get on for a few hours today, and after a relatively uneventful start at the northwest airbase, we head east to find a chopper conveniently crashed within an enfield shot away. After a short recon, we approach and find a DMR (Mine), and an empty Bizon SD... My friend found some NVGs which I had totally missed... whatever though. Anyway, we reflected on our luck and continued east to our destination, berezino/NEAirfield area, briefly hit Starry, and bugged out without incident. Along the powerlines we were following, I spotted a SECOND Chopper. This one yielded an M107 (one mag), and a Mk 48 Camo, the latter of which my friend promptly snagged. Cutting through the woods eastward again, we go through gorka, looking for camo and cans, once again reflecting on a lucky day of loot, when, lo, in the distance, east, just halfway up the hill south of the gas station out of Gorka, is a THIRD Chopper. Not long after I spot it though, I hear an AK firing, and hit the deck. A quick evaluation reveals that a lone gunman is trying to take out the zombies surrounding the chopper, and a quick shot from a DMR at 500+ meters sends him running. I'm not experienced with sniping very much, and I'm used to being able to zero, so yes, I missed. However, I had reason to believe he was alone, and knew he had an AKM, we had him outnumbered, outranged and outgunned, so we assumed cover in a treeline, and slowly worked our way around to the south. A few minutes passed, we had heard sporadic firing, but that quickly died out. We had worked our way perhaps fifty meters southeast, keeping a sharp eye out. Another few minutes and we noticed that the zombies had respawned around the chopper, and I heard more AKM fire. To My surprise, I saw the same player approaching the chopper again, killing zombies and then began to LOOT the chopper. I almost laughed out loud at this guy, as I fired again. The range got the better of me again, and I got him in the pelvic area. My friend moved in to finish him, told me he thought his leg had broken, and then told me he logged out. We camped for a few minutes and looted an M14 and some FN Fal mags off the place, then met up with my friends brother, who lead us to a fourth chopper, which seemed fairly well picked over. All in all, a pretty good day.
  21. damonxwind

    4 Choppers = Good Haul

    are you sure it was an M24, theres the M24 and then theres the M14 AIM.
  22. damonxwind

    killed by friendly fire?

    Yo Thuglyfe, I'm pretty sure we're already added on steam, my friends picked you up in a bus and hung with you and your friends once, if this is the same thuglyfe. Just made a massive haul, so if you need any gear, hit me up, I'm carrying an extra primary currently, although I really like both these primaries. I'll help you loot though, like, tonight or tomorrow, Going to bed pretty soon.
  23. I've noticed that whenever an alternate timezone server I'm on restarts (and they do at scheduled intervals), they change to their default timezone, which is almost undoubtedly night when I play.
  24. damonxwind

    Best DayZ Related Song?

    This is in my head if I find good loot at an airstrip, crash site, or if I find a perfectly good car 'abandoned' in the woods.
  25. damonxwind

    How to develop trust?

    It's a rare moment when me or my friends open our minds to the possibilities of a true friendly. We only have had people join us when we outnumber and outgear them, or ALL of us had shit gear. Too many unknowns to worry about. Once we had a mexican standoff at northeast airfield, our crew of 3 against a pair, about equally geared. We hung out with them for a while and it cost us our bus. Those guys bailed at the first sign of trouble, although I guess we're lucky they didn't just shoot us while we were in the bus.