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4 NeutralAbout damonxwind
Helicopter Hunter
Okay, I'm fairly certain this is already implemented to a degree, but I think the following variables should be implemented for zombies, the damage they do, and the probabilities of them breaking legs or knocking you out. If you are facing the attacking zombie, it should do less damage. The human body, eyes and brain work together extremely well, and outside of conscious control during combat. Your body WILL react to incoming attacks, and more often than not, it will defuse the attack enough to avoid significant or crippling damage. Rather than implement a blocking mechanic, keep the matter out of the hands of the player, and automatically scale back the damage based on the damage that theoretically would be decreased from the actions of the player. A zombie's combat effectiveness should be directly proportional to the number of zombies within attack proximity of the player. A lone zombie shouldn't be all that threatening. In popular culture examples, the threat of zombies is directly proportional to the amount of zombies, and an average person can maintain themselves in combat with a single opponent long enough to flee. Whereas fighting three or more opponents causes the mind to feel overwhelmed, and become incapable of dealing with even one of them, since assigning priority to one will leave the model vulnerable to the others. A zombie should have a damage and stat effect modifier for the first attack during a sprint. A charge attack will naturally be more effective than a standing attack. A zombie should not be able to knock out or break legs on it's first hit, unless it has a significant modifier such as flanking in its favor. The brain and body's synergy, and therefore their reflexive reaction time, are at their peak in the critical moment of the first attack, if they eyes can see the incoming attack, the body WILL block it if it is physically able/has enough time. Since the Zeds in this game employ swipes and haymakers, the body would have plenty of time to block. The longer the zombie and player are in combat, the more likely it is that serious damage and stat effects will happen. Stamina, both physical and mental set in. The body or mind will make mistakes eventually.
The only loot tweaking I can think of is making the M24 more common than the AS50 or the M107. I've never had the M24 or Draganov, and I've had each .50 cal several times in the past two weeks. I'd also like to see more CZ's around. Having a marksman in my group is important to me, because we can countersnipe, and find snipers before they find us. If the lowest tier scoped rifle was more common, low geared players could defend themselves more easily. Another thing I feel is that the game doesn't need 2 semi-auto .50 cals. I'd sooner see one replaced with a bolt action 1HK.
Not sure if this is entirely possible or even interesting to most people, But I'd love idea of tracking players in this game. Put it this way, wherever you go, you leave something behind. Footprints (Impressions outside, tracking mud inside), Shell Casings, Blood, empty cans of beans and soda. A player would have to notice these on the ground, and then could inspect them via the context menu. Upon inspection it would tell the player what the sign was (footprint, et cetera), and tell them roughly how long it had been there.If the sign was more than say, a half hour old, it would only say "You cannot tell how long this has been here" Running, crouched or standing, leaves footprints, whereas walking only leaves footprints if you are standing.Firing a weapon leaves brass, but maybe you can pick it up yourself and not leave evidence of being there.you will leave a trail of blood while bleeding, or if you've recently looted a corpse of any kind. Whenever you eat or drink, you leave your trash on the ground, or it goes into your inventory, forcing you to drop it eventually to use that space. Empty cans that are freshly emptied would have different models than the trash loot spawn versions, or could replace them entirely. Upon inspecting a corpse, rather than saying "The cause of death is unknown", or whatever it is, specifically, it would tell you if there was something obvious such as a gunshot, blood loss, or mauled by zombies, and would tell you if their legs were broken. This might entice bandits to do more hunting, and follow someone around the map for the kill, would perhaps allow friendly players to know that there is another player about, and to give them a chance to find or avoid them. I think the player type who could most benefit from this is the Bandit Hunters, who will be able to track bandits and hunt them down.You could also allow players other ways of avoiding leaving traces behind such as walking on hard surfaces all the time, picking up their own trash and brass, and perhaps even removing bloodstains if they have a tool such as cleaning supplies. EDIT: I see I posted this ON THE SAME PAGE, as another, extremely similar suggestion. Sorry, I'm lazy and I know it. it won't happen again.
I'll have you know that this is already being done successfully, with a well equipped group to facilitate trades and engage in other events on their server. I've traded with them several times, and traded with others through them I've seen fit to volunteer with them to help build their trading post construction and events. www.freesidetrade.co
Post your best and/or worst experiences
damonxwind replied to mikkelbooiiy's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Everyone can make mistakes. I still consider myself more disciplined than most who play this game. -
Game is the most fun at the very beginning?
damonxwind replied to Torothin's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Game is the most fun at the very beginning?
damonxwind replied to Torothin's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Post your best and/or worst experiences
damonxwind replied to mikkelbooiiy's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I volunteered to overwatch with a DMR while two friends raided the Barracks. We enter, having found somebody's truck on the way, We hid it a click out and carried on. We prone out onto the airfield, and I take up a position in my ghillie near some bushes. Everything looks clear, so we proceed. The guys get in, and find little. The place might have been raided recently, but we're not sure. Since the server had been moderately hot that day, We decide to skip the towers and hangars and make our way to the south barracks, low and slow. We get just outside the trees on the runway, and the server restarts. We come back in when the server comes back up, I spawn in first. There's only 6 other people in the server, and I continue my approach while my team spawns. I watch for a few more seconds, and nobody else spawns in. The airfield has been quiet for 30 minutes, and I decide to rush in and check the barracks so we can get out quick. I do so, my buddies spawn in, and continue their approach. As I exit the barracks, I hear shots, and my friend goes down. My other friend loses sight of the shooter, and I can't get an angle due to trees. I ended up bugging out on my own while my surviving buddy exited the opposite side of the airfield. I volunteered for overwatch and went awol. The guilt is eating me alive... -
Game is the most fun at the very beginning?
damonxwind replied to Torothin's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I live for the intense firefights between well armed and organized squads. Deathmatching on the bean coast and worrying about where the hell you're gonna find a box of matches or your next can of beans isn't my favorite part. Although, finding a Heli Crash and getting the rush of badass loot is pretty awesome too. -
I found like 8 tents in the past 3 days. Look in Stores, Apartments, Cafes. Search ENTIRE towns, including low lootspots such as porches and doghouses.
Am i going to get banned now?
damonxwind replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
my first day on the game, a hacker gave me a silenced ACR ACOG. I didn't think anything of it, until he told me he hacked it in. I died shortly thereafter and didn't ask him for any more guns. I'm still playing, he's banned, and I'm not :D -
Between 0 and -500 blood, a player can be resurrected if they do not respawn, do not disconnect, and have been dead less than 45 seconds. Headshots will bring a player below the blood limit, as will massive pepperings. This may lead to some realistic situations of saving someone's life or bringing them back. Interesting Idea. I give it a 2% chance of working, and that's after a .4% chance of making it into the game.
Been there done that. Spawning with gun is unnecessary Spawning with Hatchet is OP Spawning with another melee weapon is Useless (opinion) Melee weapon skins? I'd sooner have more player skins.
Surrender - Revolutionizing the Bandit Industry :P
damonxwind posted a topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Imagine you're holed up in some sort of hidey hole, driven in by a series of bandits, whom now have you surrounded. You have the testicular fortitude to stay in the server until the conflict dissolves, however, the situation looks grim, if you fight, you will die, if you run, you will die. You hear over direct chat an offer to come out and surrender, allowing them free pickings over your loot in exchange for your life. You agree. And you, scared out of your mind slowly walk out of your hiding place, Weapon lowered, and enter surrender mode. You have two automatic weapons and a fifty cal pointed at you while a pointman slowly approaches, looks at your weapons on the ground, checks your inventory and backpack, takes what he wants, and takes a position to cover you. Another one of them approaches and takes some tools. There is another that you didn't see before, who only has a 1911, who comes and takes your primary and ammo. The rest stay still, evidently they were told what you had and decided they didn't need it. The one who talked to you before says that you are free to go, and that if you want to pick up the pistol they left you, that you must wait until they are out of sight, and if they see you do it beforehand, you will be shot. You wait, and they leave. You pick up your gun, you still have most of your stuff left, no compass, but a map, hatchet, and matches. Much better than starting fresh on the bean coast eh? TL;DR Full surrender/drop weapons option, It would not detract from the game, it WOULD add to the game, Yes players might shoot you while surrendered, but surrendering is a last resort, when you're sure you would have died anyway. With that said, my murder count means next to nothing for me (not totally true, outplaying other experienced players feels good, and having a record of it is cool). This idea would be down the road, if players cease to be able to abort out of combat. Anyway, I had this idea, based on the surrender animation I found in my controls, unbound. \ Unfortunately, this bind lasts about a quarter of a second of actually putting your hands up. What if it actually did something. What if, it made you kneel, drop your weapons (both primary and secondary) on the ground in front of you, and made it so other players could loot you as if you were dead, going through both your backpack and on hand inventory. What if looting a player like this had its own meter in the debug menu, "Thefts" and subtracted karma just like a murder, although less at a time. What if shooting a player who is in this surrendered state counted for extremely bad karma. What if this surrender state would be canceled at any time by moving, opening your pack, or interacting via a context menu what if made for a different, and also satisfying bandit experience, where overwhelming a player, forcing him into submission, having the option to rob him and leave him alive, or execute him, him not knowing whether you would do either, or what you will leave him with. I hear stories, I see youtube videos, I hear on forums and twitter of people getting robbed by bands of bandits who leave them alive to their devices. I'd like to see a mechanic to facilitate this type of behavior. Do I think EVERYONE will leave people who surrender alive? No, of course not. Do I think people will shoot a surrendered player in the face, just because? Definitely. Do I think it could lead to some very interesting situations? Oh hell yes. That's what this game is about, those offhand moments when the stars align and events go together in a certain way that makes for an amazing experience. I've overwhelmed and robbed exactly one person without killing them, using superior numbers, and restraint on our part. He cooperated by not disconnecting, and it was awesome. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it again with the game in its current form. But hey, maybe the chance letting someone keep their day's survived is enough incentive to make them stay in game to see the situation play out. Maybe it can lead to a diversion and flank situation. Who knows. I think adding the mechanic would cause enough situations that would have gone differently in the game's current state to justify the work going into it. I don't think there's any real downside to the mechanic.