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Everything posted by guartz

  1. guartz

    DayZ is longterm, baby

    I agree with OP, this game is amazingly entertaining. I bought Arma just for this mod, I don't even like Arma. Somehow it tends to attract all the whiners though, eh, all good things end up doing that. sa la vie
  2. Any of you ever play Ultima Online when it first came out? Totally different genre you say? Perhaps, but the games are uniquely similar at the moment. The earlier version of Ultima Online was unforgivable, riddled with bugs, pks, exploiters. Everyone complained about everything. New players were like cattle to the slaughter, loosing hours of earned gear to a guy who set up clever macros overnight and became pvp powerhouse no noob could ever compete with. Monsters and dungeons were death traps to almost all but elite players, that is, if you could get to them without being gang r***d. For the casuals, the game was a series of deaths, mixed with a dash of nerd tears and rage. Hell, even the guy who created the game got PK'd, and he was suppose to be invulnerable! You know when that game died? When all the above got fixed. PvP became optional, monsters were nerfed, bugs and exploits patched. Just something to think about.
  3. guartz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Mewz SAVED my rear end. Thank you Mewz, you are a awesome MD!
  4. guartz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm near stary sobor edit: http://i.imgur.com/WQacr.jpg
  5. guartz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    4k blood, broken leg. Pretty far from any nearby hospital. halp?
  6. I'm not sure I understand what determines whether zombies keep spawning instantly due to gun shots. Because I've had different experiences with shooting down zombies. What my expectations were; If I hole up in a small town and start shooting zombies, they will just keep coming without end. If I shoot down a few stragglers on the outskirts of, say, a barn, I don't see anymore zombies again until I leave the area. What happens in the game; I shoot zombie, regardless of position, more will either come or not, seems completely random. -confused noob
  7. I agree, food is harder to find then ammo
  8. guartz

    What determines unlimited zombies?

    I dont think so, I can recreate it pretty regularly for it to be just wonky respawns. So just a moment ago I happened upon a deer with a total of 3 zombies milling around it. I was using a Makarov pistol, and shot one zombie dead without more coming. When I shot the second zombie and it charged me, 3 more showed up out of nowhere also charging me, for a grand total of 4 charging zombies and 1 dead zombie. I actually saw them pop out of nowhere as soon as my bullet connected "aggroed". Question is, why didn't more zombies spawn in the first shot?
  9. guartz

    What determines unlimited zombies?

    Right, zombies that hear you run over. I'm talking about zombies just spawning out of thin air and running over though. There has to be some kind of a trigger for that. Because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't.
  10. hmm.. ive been playing for 2 days now. I've died a lot, true, but it was always due to either lack of attention to detail or impatience.. (no bugs or pvp, as of yet) I have no problem finding gear, sneaking past zombies or starting over and getting geared up again when I do die. actually, I do have a hard time finding enough food/water because I keep running around everywhere. But it makes it fun, gives me an incentive to take a lot of risk when my food icon begins to glow red. tl;dr Stop sucking. A lot of new players are doing fine.