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Colten (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Colten (DayZ)

  1. I am looking for a bandit clan. Are you a bandit clan?
  2. Hey guys, I am an experienced player (I have been playing since July), and I am looking for people to group up, and kill other players with. I am looking for people who are not extremely talkative. I want some mature players who aren't going to yell whenever they see a goat in the field, or talk about random things that have nothing to do with the game for an extended period of time. My Skype name is colten.deyoung, so feel free to add me.
  3. ArmA name- Karma Chameleon Email- coltendeyoung@gmail.com Gender- Male Age-Country, State/Province/Territory/Ect, & TimeZone- Canada, Nova Scotia, -0400 AST Available Hours WK & WKND- Eh, in the evening from 6:00 PM my time to about 12:00 AM... on weekends, about the same, since I work on the weekends, and go to school during the week. Christmas break is coming up for me very soon, so I will have a lot more time to play with you guys. How Long Played DayZ- Since July. Wanted Position- Sniper/Overwatch Wanted Weapon (be realistic)- A good sniper rifle. Skills- Good aim, good navigational skills Weaknesses- Running and gunning. Skype/TS/Vent/Steam- colten.deyoung (skype), netloc_exe (steam) Additional Details- I would very much enjoy being a part of the team. I am tired of being a lone-wolf.
  4. Colten (DayZ)


    This is simply untrue. New research that has been conducted provides new insight to morality amongst the great apes. It suggests that our concept of morality is not entirely different from theirs. As an example, I wiill use Koko. When she is told of her cat dying (in a Youtube video), she sobs uncontrollably in the night. The same would happen if her newborn baby died. Throughout evolution, we developed a sense of good and bad simply based on our need for self-preservation. In fact, it acts as a pivot for survival; such as, "I don't want to hurt him, because I don't want him to hurt me. Therefore, if I am good to him, he will be good to me." ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") The name that we attribute to morality is invented by humans, yes... but morality, as we understand it, exists in other species. http://www.academia.edu/455691/Moral_apes_human_uniqueness_and_the_image_of_God
  5. Colten (DayZ)

    My best story...

    Last night I was laying down by the road south of StarySobor. I decided to use side chat to lure somebody to me whom was close by, so I could snag some beans. A player declared that he had a bus filled with goods, and that he would come and give me morphine. Ten minutes later, I hear the rumbling of the bus over the.crest of the hill..In a hurry, I set the zeroing of my M107 and acquired a good target. I shot him out of the bus, and took an AS50 from the bus, NVGs, a GPS, and an L85.. and a ghillie suit. This was on US 845. This has to be the most lucrative heist that I have ever been involved with... however, I did not take the bus, as it would have attracted way too much attention (I prefer to stay hidden and stealthy). What's your best story?
  6. Colten (DayZ)

    Unconscious - HELP!

    He's on Skalisty Island, in the middle of a clearing... I don't trust it.
  7. Colten (DayZ)


    I don't find his posts to be creepy - I find them to be interesting. Instead of greeting his sentiments with sheer hostility, perhaps you should analyze his points.
  8. Colten (DayZ)

    What made you a bandit?

    I do it for the rush, honestly.
  9. Colten (DayZ)

    Unconscious - HELP!

    I have an epi pen. Send me a pm with your Coords and I will help when o get home in 30 mins.
  10. Colten (DayZ)

    Need: satchel charge and GPS

    Why would you want a satchel charge when you can just use the rocket launcher?
  11. Colten (DayZ)


    My lying abilities in game have gotten me to thinking on whether or not I am pathological. I end up believing my own lies that I create in game to lure players, which adds an essence to it that makes it even more tangible. On Takistan, I killed about three to four players a day from simply lying (and these weren't noobs, either; these people had M16s w/ ACOGs, M24s, etc.) I lie in game to get what I want. I have traveled with groups for hours, only to shoot them randomly.. for no apparent reason. Seriously. We were running through a forest in Chenarus, and when they stopped to drink their water, I murdered all three of them. I tell people I am in Bastam, and I am really in the south air field... or I say I am in Cherno, and I am really in Prigodorki. Lying in this game is the reason as to why I've survived for so long. Who gives a damn about dignity? As long as I get what I want, dignity does not matter. :P EDIT: Now that I think about it, I killed a man last night who found a clan bus filled with tons of gear. I told him that I was laying down in a field with a broken leg south of Stary Sobor, and he drove the bus to me. As soon as I saw him descend the crest of the hill, I shot him with my M107. Out of that bus, I got a Ghillie Suit, GPS, NVGs, AS50, L85, etc. I was loaded, and the bus was still loaded when I left. I -love- being a bandit. The rush is excellent... I love the feeling of tricking people, and stealing their items. I don't feel bad, because it is a game... however, it is a game that taps in to our primal instincts... which I find interesting.
  12. Colten (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Apparently if you go to the NorthWest Airfield, and stand on the tarmac with a burning flare while saying Bloody Mary three times, she will appear on top of the firehouse and shoot you in the skull. This happened to a friend of a friend of mine...
  13. Colten (DayZ)

    How to be a REAL bandit

    My antics using sidechat landed me the label of "Scumbag" by most of one server's community. I literally lured two to three experienced players a day to a specific location. At one point, I convinced an eight month vet to travel from Feruz Abad all the way to Bastam (in Takistan), where I shot him and took his beans. I told him that I was running from zombies, and they caused me to break my leg... so I needed a morphine. Being a gullible fool, he trusted me, and ended up with a bullet going through his skull. I use side chat to lure people all of the time, and to be quite frank, anybody who says that it displays poor banditry clearly has never done it, or has attempted to and ended up getting killed in the process. If you can deceive experienced players to go to a specific location, that is excellent bandit skills. I am on my third day of survival, and on my fourth kill in Chernarus. Going down to the coast with an AS50 and picking off bambis hardly requires skill. Go north. I have an AS50 w/ an L85, and if I wanted to go south, I could easily do so and rack my kills up in the process. However, I prefer the solitude of the north...
  14. Colten (DayZ)

    What was your very first ever DayZ death?

    After I spawned near Cherno, I went into the city and navigated to the docks. I ran off of the docks to try and swim, but I fell to my death instead.
  15. Colten (DayZ)

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Half of the reason is that it is target practice, and the other half is that I am an asshole.
  16. Hey all, I was on the Marijuana Militia server for a few weeks, and started to become pretty close with the gentlemen who "ran" the server. They eventually gave me administrative privileges on both the TeamSpeak, and the actual server. Today marked the day that they banned me permanently, from their TeamSpeak and their actual server. The reason? Simply because I said I disagreed with the owner's decision in banning a player because "he looked like a shady character". That was his justification. He said that he did not care because it's "his server', and he makes the rules, and if I disagreed, I could "Get the fuck out". Immediately after he made that last statement, I was kicked/banned. It was the strangest thing ever. Frankly, I don't think that they should even be allowed to host a server if they are going to behave like this. I know that this will not have much of an impact in terms of having the server taken away, however... I believe that you should all be made aware to avoid that server. They are nothing but a bunch of douche bags who will ban you for disagreeing with anything that they do.
  17. It is absolutely relevant - the owner is giving you control of the account (the store), and this results in his account being banned (locked out) of services that he is paying for. That could constitute as being theft. He can phone the RCMP all he likes, but they will tell him the exact same thing that I have told him. Also, good luck spending a shit tonne of money and time pursuing an international case. Cheers.
  18. Like I said to Dave in private messaging... If you give your password to your STEAM account to your friend, and he hacks a bunch of servers and gets himself banned from games that he paid for, they will tell him that he should not have given his password out. The same goes for the RCON - Dave gave me his personal information, and when you guys decided to ban me for "no reason", I banned him "for no reason" to give him a taste of what it felt like. It is his loss, not mine. He should be more careful as to whom he gives his personal information to next time.
  19. I do not even know who Kajsh is. My Internet connection was actually remedied via a technical support worker coming out and changing the old wiring in my house, hence the constant disconnections. The MM is not a great server whatsoever, and that is evident as a result of others who have come in here complaining about being unjustifiably banned. Also, why should I be held accountable for the stupidity of others? They are the ones who make the trek to my "location"... I do not make them do anything. I simply used conning strategies in order to get loot/food/med supplies. That is what I call excellent banditry, if I do say so myself. I have killed six people in the span of two hours because of those tactics.
  20. I am more concerned with getting your server removed, as it is run by an individual who simply can't run it properly. And the only people that play on your server are those who kiss your ass repeatedly, not those who do not agree with how some of the things are done. I have witnessed you ban people simply because of how they said something, or because you thought they were associated with somebody suspicious - not based on actual evidence that would substantiate your position. Everything is fine and dandy with a regular until they say something that you do not agree with/do not like, then they are banned. Secondly, as for my volume/level of obnoxiousness, I could understand possibly being banned/muted from TeamSpeak, but I fail to see how it would warrant a server ban. The only time that I ever really disagreed with you was when you banned that fellow for looking shady. Or, perhaps... you know, asking me to turn the volume on my microphone down? Politely? Not just banning me? It IS a sensitive microphone... But no, you take the juvenile approach and just ban them instead of speaking to them like an adult. Thirdly, what it seems like to me is that you did not like being told that you were doing something wrong by a person who was only in the community for two weeks. Why else would you ban somebody from the server/TS immediately after saying, "If you don't like how things are done, then shut the fuck up and get the fuck out" if the ban was not for the simple fact that I disagreed with you?
  21. More lies... Really? Abusing my admins? How, exactly, was I abusing my admins? You fail to explain your position every single time. The ONLY TIME that an action of mine was questionable was simply when I banned a user because others in TeamSpeak were claiming he was a hacker that was involved with other hackers on a previous day. In fact, his name was "Rumple Foreskin" (lol), and I called you in to correct the issue. Also, there were numerous times when I asked you and the other admins to show me what to look for in the logs in order to be able to find hackers/dupers, but none of you wanted to take the time out to help me... so I only ever went ahead and banned combat loggers (which is what you told me to do), and only ever banned ONE purported hacker because of what others were claiming in the TeamSpeak. Abusing the admin would be banning players for no reason, kicking players from the server for no reason... using my admin powers in chat (such as the global admin feature) to con other players into coming to an area so I could kill them. I did none of these things - all of my actions were justified. What you did is considered admin abuse, as you banned me for an illegitimate reason... Honestly, Dave, this reminds me of campaign bravado. You are attempting to portray me as the evil-doer, and you as the white knight who went ahead and rid the server of the evil-doer. :-\
  22. First and foremost, I am very curious as to what you mean by my power tripping attitude. You keep making mention of it, however you fail to address the actual details every single time. The only thing that I can possibly think of is the instance wherein I banned the guy because.several people in TeamSpeak were telling me he was mentioned amongst a group of purported hackers. That was the only time. You are the fellow with the authoritarian fascist attitude who completely rids of anybody who questions his motives. Secondly, if you would be so kind in addressing the many times that I addressed the appeals of other users in the chat, and tried to help them find the correct version so they could actually play on the server, that would be great, too. Like I said, if I do not agree with what you are doing, you will hear about it. You should be more of an adult instead of acting like a child who has powers that are too much for him to handle...
  23. They banned me because I disagreed with them banning somebody else for unjustified reasoning, other than "He looked like a shady character". Get their server noticed, and hopefully appropriate actions will be taken to have it removed. Here is how damnitDave addresses issues with former community members (this is an EXACT quote taken from my messages, which was reported to a moderator)...
  24. They actually kicked/banned me for no reason, and THEN I went and kicked/banned them. You need to improve your reading comprehension. This second portion is irrelevant to our discussion, AADiC... This is a message that Dave has sent me, which explicitly demonstrates abuse/harassment...
  25. I did it after he kicked/banned me from the server, as I said. If I don't agree with what he's doing, he will hear about it. He didn't like somebody opposing his decision, so he banned me... because he is a control freak. Anybody who challenges what he does is seen as an enemy. This was, again, exemplified by a person in the server asking why he banned his friend, and then Dave banned the person asking, also. He is an irresponsible admin, and he should not even be allowed to operate a server. Here is how the conversation went. "Wait, why did you just ban him, Dave?" "Because I saw him talking about asking his friend to call vehicles out for him, then suddenly our GAZ disappears five minutes later? No. That seemed pretty shady, so I banned him." "I don't agree with that..." "Wait, did you just say that you don't agree with my fucking decision? If you don't agree with my decision, then you can shut the fuck up and get the fuck out." "I did just say that I didn't agree with it, yes... because we don't actually know if he hacked, so why would we ban him?" Five minutes passed, then I hear him say... ".... whaat?", and then my privileges were removed in TeamSpeak, I was banned from TeamSpeak, and then banned from the actual server. All because I voiced an opinion on a decision he made. It seems like a pretty petty way to deal with a situation like that, in all honesty.