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Colten (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Colten (DayZ)

  1. Colten (DayZ)

    Seattle 123 camp locations (clan camps, etc)

    No problem. :) Their combat skills aren't that great, nor are their communication skills. WE had a group of six or seven at one point, attempting to take on two bandits (or three). Anyway, the three bandits killed all of us. That's how bad the communication skills are between us. Oh, and one of my other guys took out five of the clan members on Skalisty Island.. they had the chopper. It is still there. :P
  2. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Holy shit, 600 + views. I can only imagine how many people have been passing through the server.
  3. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    With all due respect, everything we've all been doing has been a waste, as this is a mere alpha test... everything will be reset anyway. Secondly, the cry-babies are the ones who are constantly coming into the topic (those of you from the SoH clan) and slamming me for what I am doing. If I am such a cry-baby, then why do you need to keep trying to point it out? :P Why do you keep resorting to all of these derogatory comments if I, myself, am the one who is truly the "loser", or the one who is the "cry baby"? It just further exemplifies your childishness by resorting to those pathetic insults. I've never once insulted you. Anyway, cheers. Tonight will be FUN. :D :D :D By the way, it is nice to know that one of my fellas is on the island, murking you guys. Wait until the other guys converge on the island. :P
  4. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    LOL! Okay.
  5. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    K. You wanna raid them with us?
  6. So, I am just curious... who here would be interested in getting together, and completely destroy ~{SoH}~'s main camp tonight, around 8:00 AST (-0400)? They have a tonne of loot. Also, their Skalisty Island base has many, many items available for the taking. They have L85s, AS50s, etc etc etc... everything you can think of. I defected last night, because I am getting rather tired of their "anti bandit" ways. It became boring. I want a bit of a rush. Who's with me?
  7. Colten (DayZ)

    Attack on Seattle 123 tonight.

    Ah, well... As many as possible, actually. We are up against ~ 15 - 18 people tonight, all of whom will most likely be posted up around the tree lines with thermals and sniper rifles, watching incoming and outgoing traffic into the city. :) I am sure there will be somewhere in the midst of about five thermals being posted around the city... keep that in mind. Also, snipers. There will most-likely be some inside of the city, as well, who will act as an assault team. Add me on steam... netloc_exe For more details. I can set up a chat room and we can all discuss this further. Or, even on Skype... We can get together on Skype, and take them out. I am not an idiot when it comes to their strategies. I will be able to figure it out, as I have gone on various ops with them.
  8. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Ladies and gentlemen... we have a rager. Also, for somebody who wasn't very "tricky", I certainly am making a great deal of you mad. CrissCrow posted a message on there with something along the lines of, "Hunt him, kill him, spawn kill him"... <--- indicates rage. You people are like a bunch of ants scrambling. You're all extremely paranoid... you banned another person on the forums because you thought it was me, lmfao. How paranoid is that? Clearly what I am doing is working.
  9. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Well, actually... I don't think that's immaturity, I think that is called a smart move - interrupting communications between everybody. Secondly, I think you are mad. Quite mad, in fact... you are still taking the time to respond to what I am saying. Thirdly, I have been giving shit from our clan to bandits all along. When vehicles went missing, do you honestly think that it was always some random hacker, or "random" bandit? I am responsible for some of the vehicles going missing. I am responsible for most of what went on (in terms of vehicles being jacked), actually... but you never had the slightest clue. None of you did. I was probably the least suspected in the clan to do something. I hope you have fun while your camps will be constantly raided by onslaughts of bandits. I have posted the coords in other forums, as well. I think you guys bit off a little more than you could chew when you let me go. Enjoy.
  10. Van thief's location 062, 028 Our base 073, 011 Vehicles (near base) 069, 010 New base (near Zelenogorsk) 102, 011 008/009 line, 081 nEW BASE 018, 091 OUR TRUCK 005, 077m (TEMP) 009, 071 OUR VS3 004, 068 MY CAMP 111, 012 NE CAMP (URAL) 140, 009 NE CAMP (VS3) 138, 010 NE CAMP (White truck) 138, 009 NE CAMP (ATV) 134, 014 010, 065 114, 007 131, 029 014, 086 007, 055 000, 040 000, 027 THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside... Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well.. This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . . ~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake. Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even... Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick! *** TIP *** SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...
  11. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Well, that's your choice... I, personally, don't care. Obviously it bothered some of you, considering you took time to post how "immature" it was of me, etc. And, it won't matter about team work when the entire rest of the server will be out to get you.... Lol.... they will be swarming that area like flies on shit.
  12. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    You call it "immature", however... I call it "smart". As another player blatantly stated, I couldn't give less of a fuck as to what happens, hence why I posted all of this information. What more would you expect from somebody who left the clan? Really? It's not about "immaturity", it's about simply not caring.... It'll be fun to see how this all turns out. EDIT:: FYI, I have been planning on leaving for a while now. I have been playing on other servers with other bandits for quite some time. Funny thing is, none of you ever suspected it. LOL.
  13. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTstdv9UFbc IF you don't believe me, check that video out! This was made by another clan member... some of the vehicles are gone now...
  14. Colten (DayZ)


    Character Name: Netloc Real Name: Colten How Long Have You Played Dayz: Since June What Can YOU Offer The Clan: My skills as a sniper, my skills as a team leader, my skills as an individual who possesses a "take no prisoners" attitude. Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes. Time Zone: (-0400) Age: 21 Additional Comment: I am looking to join a clan that deviates from anti-banditry. I was once involved with a clan known as ~{SoH}~ (they were an anti-bandit clan), but found that we always banged heads on what we should do, and how we should do them. The leader told me that my personality was more suited for a bandit clan, so... here I am, looking for one. I know that the fact that I mentioned that I was part of an anti-bandit clan may appear as being deterrent, however... I simply do not have the time of day to do what they do. I am tired of waiting around for bandits, shooting pigs and rabbits and driving around while we look for something to do. I want more action. Let me know. I have TS3. I have a lot of experience with DayZ.
  15. Lately, there appears to have been a surge in bandits joining our group, and posing as leaders. I want to make sure that all of you are aware that the leaders of the clan are... Shifley Trixx CrissCrow Anybody else posing as recruiters/admins in this clan are not. Please acknowledge this. Thanks. -- fellow SoH member
  16. Colten (DayZ)

    Possible Teleporting/God Mode Shens

    Our server has this individual on it, as well, and he has been observed utilizing the "god mode" glitch. Interesting.
  17. Colten (DayZ)

    DayZ Staff: Start doing something about hackers. Now.

    I most-definitely understand where you're coming from - I am not saying that he is fully responsible; rather, I am saying that an EFFORT should at LEAST be taken to DETER the hacking from occurring. I am almost certain that he can do something. I just hope that his attitude towards the testers changes once (excuse the language) shit starts to get serious.
  18. Colten (DayZ)

    DayZ Staff: Start doing something about hackers. Now.

    Can't be any more of a waste of time than the time that you spent making a post, saying, "QFS. Quoted for Stupidity".
  19. Colten (DayZ)

    DayZ Staff: Start doing something about hackers. Now.

    They do if they plan on having it as successful as they have been anticipating. Is rocket not releasing the mod as a stand-alone game? Is he going to wait until the stand-alone is released, before making an effort to stop the hackers? Huh. :o
  20. Colten (DayZ)

    DayZ Staff: Start doing something about hackers. Now.

    Mind elaborating?
  21. Colten (DayZ)

    DayZ Staff: Start doing something about hackers. Now.

    Just because I am a customer, that doesn't indicate that I have paid anything. There are two ways in which the word can be used - informal, and formal. By definition, a customer is either an individual who has purchased goods or services, which is the formal use of the word. Informally, a customer is an individual that the developer has to deal with, which does not indicate purchase. They have to deal with us, because we are testing their product. Without us, there would be no test, there would be no feedback, there would be no improvement. Just saying. If they don't plan on even attempting to deter hackers, it is not worth purchasing in the future. I have yet to see a true effort to stop the hackers.
  22. Colten (DayZ)

    Banned From US 763 for "Vehicle Hoarding"

    Why the hell would you leave your gear near an area that people can easily find them? My suggestion to you would be to move your tents about 500m - 1KM from the vehicles, and leave the vehicles empty. That's just stupidity, in my opinion.
  23. I, too, can attest to this. It is happening to me today. I thought it may be a server-side issue, however, it would appear that that is not so. Hopefully it gets fixed. :P