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Colten (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Colten (DayZ)

  1. I think you are forgetting the instance wherein you came into TeamSpeak and cursed everybody in the channel for not "helping you", and rambling like a baby. Also, I was attempting to address an issue on the server the other day with a user, and you told me to "Shut the fuck up" in TeamSpeak. I asked you why, and what I did wrong, and you said, "Because I told you to shut the fuck up". This behaviour you are referring to? What behaviour? What, I accidentally banned somebody because people in TeamSpeak were saying that his name was mentioned amongst some hackers on a previous day? I took precautionary measures, and got you to come in and deal with the issue. I'd say that that is making quite an attempt at cleansing the server of hackers and wrong-doers. What I say won't matter, because I am sure that you and your buddies will come in and provide erroneous reasons as to why I was really banned.
  2. I wouldn't "want in" anyway. The admins ban people for their own reasons, and evidence for this can be found in the logs where Dave explicitly states that he bans people for HIS OWN REASONS, not necessarily reasons that actually warrant a ban. I do not want to be a part of a community that has admins whom ban people for whatever reason that they choose.
  3. I banned you and him from the server to give you a taste of your own medicine after you decided to ban me from TS/DayZ for a hardly justified reason. Wow, "he questioned my authority, therefore he deserves to be banned"? And of course you and your little troop are going to come in and provide all of these ludicrous reasons as to why I was banned, and that it was not because of what I said to him. The fact of the matter is, there were other people in the server who also didn't agree with what he did... so apparently I am not the only person.. He never saw a hacker. He actually said that he looked like a "shady character", and did not ban him based off of what was found in the logs, rather banned him on the premise that he appeared as being a "hacker type" from what he was saying in chat (such as the "call cars out for me", then suddenly our GAZ disappeared). Frankly, I think the immature one is the one who comes into chat and subjects the entire channel to cursing, swearing, etc. then coming back in later to apologize for it, only to curse and swear some more afterwards. The other members have talked to me about it, and said that he has displayed this same behaviour in past instances, as well. I am not giving names for their sake, as I am sure you would ban them for calling you a child. I did nothing to make the game better for your players, huh? I do recall countless times where I have aided players in finding the correct version of Takistan. I recall banning players who were combat logging. I banned players for even referring to hackers, asking them to get "teleported" by hackers. Most of the players didn't even know I was an admin, also. The fact that I would try to trick people into bringing me morphine is nothing more than a cheap bandit tactic, and has no relevance to whether or not I was a good admin. And what power trip are you referring to? I am so confused right now.
  4. Why do you like being a bandit? personally, for me... it's the thrill I get watching somebody run like a decapitated chicken. What about you?
  5. Colten (DayZ)

    Why do you like being a bandit?

    Today I convinced a guy that I was friendly, and me and him tried to fix a chopper. As we were going to look for parts, I said, "I call dibs on the ALICE pack". He tried to dick around, and take it himself... so, I shot him in the head. I loled. I obtained an M4A3 CCO and a hatchet out of that ordeal.
  6. Colten (DayZ)

    Bandits should have more consequences

    No, we should not have more consequences. If a zombie apocalypse were to actually occur, zombies most certainly would not be the only threat to a survivor. Besides, being a bandit yields some hilarious results. For example, shooting at a noob and watch him running around like a decapitated chicken. If you are not a person friend, and I don't know you, you are going down. I don't care if you have an AS50, Coyote pack, NVGs, etc. If I see you, and I want it, I will take it. It is that simple. The other day I killed a noob for a can of beans. I often trick people into coming to the air fields, just so I can kill them for their beans (in Takistan). It's fun, and much more delightful and thrilling than being a bambi.
  7. Colten (DayZ)

    Why do you like being a bandit?

    Now, I have a question. I have been utilizing a few tactics over the past few days (i.e. baiting), and people refer to me as a scumbag. Is there a point in banditry when it becomes "too much"? Are there boundaries in banditry?
  8. Van thief's location 062, 028 Our base 073, 011 Vehicles (near base) 069, 010 New base (near Zelenogorsk) 102, 011 008/009 line, 081 nEW BASE 018, 091 OUR TRUCK 005, 077m (TEMP) 009, 071 OUR VS3 004, 068 MY CAMP 111, 012 NE CAMP (URAL) 140, 009 NE CAMP (VS3) 138, 010 NE CAMP (White truck) 138, 009 NE CAMP (ATV) 134, 014 010, 065 114, 007 131, 029 014, 086 007, 055 000, 040 000, 027 THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside... Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well.. This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . . ~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake. Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even... Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick! *** TIP *** SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...
  9. I realize that you're busy trying to fix and tweak things that are currently having an effect on users, however, something else is going on - your customer's experience is being tainted by hackers. As an example... Last night, two of my clan members were at our vehicles. Suddenly, a gentleman appeared, and killed one. Our VS3 and URAL were taken. Seems like it's pretty normal, huh? After he was killed, his body was starting to get dragged by an invisible entity. When he got onto the ATV after logging on, and reconnecting later, he was being "chased" by another invisible player, whom seemed to be running at a speed equal to that of an ATV. He could hear the footsteps running along the ATV as he was going at ~45 km/h. He said after he had gotten off, he was shot. 20 minutes later, they were at a camp that was by one of the lakes. They had the same experience. Another experience was a few days ago. I had parked a URAL for a brief five minutes to investigate something, when all of a sudden, I heard the door open/close, and it disappeared before my eyes. I never found it in that location again, even after saving it. ANOTHER experience was about 1.5 weeks ago. I was laying down UNDERNEATH OF A GROUP OF PINE TREES, clearly hidden. An hour went by, and I heard footsteps approaching from behind, suddenly. A gentleman appeared next to me, looked at his map, then looked down at me and blasted me with his .50 cal. I was wearing a ghillie suit, and it blended in quite well. This issue seems to be the least addressed. I think more measures need to be taken against these hackers, and soon. Cheers.
  10. Van thief's location 062, 028 Our base 073, 011 Vehicles (near base) 069, 010 New base (near Zelenogorsk) 102, 011 008/009 line, 081 nEW BASE 018, 091 OUR TRUCK 005, 077m (TEMP) 009, 071 OUR VS3 004, 068 MY CAMP 111, 012 NE CAMP (URAL) 140, 009 NE CAMP (VS3) 138, 010 NE CAMP (White truck) 138, 009 NE CAMP (ATV) 134, 014 010, 065 114, 007 131, 029 014, 086 007, 055 000, 040 000, 027 THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside... Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well.. This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . . ~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake. Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even... Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick! *** TIP *** SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...
  11. I was banned from Seattle 123 for "ghosting". :-\ I don't recall doing any such thing. They also said that it was my "second account", which is simply not true. My name is Admiral Ackbar on the server.
  12. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    I had been working with other clans. I never said that I was specifically apart of them, did I?.. And, resorting to hacking? I never hacked. You fellas are making the extraordinary claims, therefore the onus is on you to provide the extraordinary evidence, which we will never see, because I never hacked. :) Banned for "ghosting"? Come on. Really? REALLY? LOL
  13. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    You actually stated the contrary to what I said. Actually, now that I remember what was going on, I had originally done it because there were a great deal of people posting in another thread about activity around Pustoshka, and how they were hearing "gun fire" in the distance, how it seemed like a "major firefight" had been going on, etc. Okay. Well, that is relative. Yes, but the fact of the matter is, I had never really done anything to suggest that I would've stolen the vehicles, other than the conning incident, which happened about a month ago (and there was already a big stigma surrounding me prior to that). I'm sure some people deserve it. :) Keyword there - "generally". It wasn't really difficult to be "tricky" with them. It is up to them as to whether or not they get offended with what I say. I am not in control of their emotions, they are in control of themselves. If they find what I say to be "insulting", "defaming", etc... then that is their issue, not mine. Anything that anybody says could be taken in an offensive light by anybody else; even a certain tone can offend another. Anyway, I think this topic has run its course. Those who will be going after the base already have their coordinates. It has been viewed 1000+ times... I am sure much fun will be had by the clan within the next few days.
  14. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Okay. No, it hasn't. For all I know, they could have been involved with a fire-fight. I just went in and permanently banned them for the sake of even temporarily disrupting communications. ....? First of all, the whiny behaviour has been exaggerated astronomically as a result of the stigma surrounding my presence in the clan. The stigma had even been more-so catalyzed when I conned two clan members into giving me a white pickup truck (which they didn't want me to have, because they thought I crashed every single one which, again, is a total exaggeration. they had not experienced any of my driving first hand, and merely based their views off of hear-say. That's an indicator of an ignorant minded individual) in exchange for a VS3. Secondly, I had never actually gone out and done anything particularly wrong to give them any reason to distrust me, other than the conning for the white pick-up truck. That was it. There were a few other clan members that couldn't see why there was such a stigma surrounding my presence in the clan, either. Thirdly, when an individual doesn't like another, they will literally fish for reasons for them to dislike them even more. It's how the human minds works, for most people. Where did I say it was hard? If they've felt insulted as a result of what I have said, then that is their problem, not mine. I had never intentionally insulted him. Okay.
  15. Colten (DayZ)

    Was banned from Seattle 123 for "ghosting"?

    Yeah. I never did any such thing. The only thing I did was give out their locations that I had saved in a .txt from being in their clan, and they were furious... so, they banned me. I don't think that's against the rules. lol
  16. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Yeah. Also, they banned me for "ghosting". LOL.
  17. Colten (DayZ)

    Seattle 123 camp locations (clan camps, etc)

    Come back to the island. I am there. I know where they are going to be located... We can go around and light them up.
  18. Colten (DayZ)

    Seattle 123 camp locations (clan camps, etc)

    Don't be surprised if they restart the server to get it back. Land it, and save it.
  19. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    lol. thanks.
  20. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Morbid, believe me... I will find out where you went. :P It will NOT be difficult.
  21. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    And the only reaction that they are getting out of me is a bunch of laughs. lol
  22. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Also, can you guys please record any footage? I want some lulz.
  23. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Oh, brother... there will be one hell of a show tonight.
  24. Colten (DayZ)

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    LOLOL. I have had several tears shed today.. 1. When a pal of mine killed five of the clan members on Skalisty Island as they landed the chopper (ROFL) 2. When another person went and got into a fight with them in Pustoshka, and took some gear ( LOLOLOLOL) Glad I can help people get geared up. It's what I am all about. EVERYBODY CONVERGE ON PUSTOSHKA IN SEATTLE 123.