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Wrath (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Wrath (DayZ)

  1. Last two days of gameplay: Day 1(had to play on regular) Tracked a group of 4 for at least 5km's, when engaged finally at Stary, they instantly logged out.- Asus/Jay/x/x Shortly after a guy inside the Tents once under fire logged out. -Ashen Shugar Another guy in the far distance to the west of Stary, similarly once under fire logged out. -Gordon Fro-man One guy at the edge of the NW Airfield DIDNT log out, and was killed. -Anthony 5/6 D/C Day 2 (no longer play on regular) Group of two at NW airfield instantly logged out once under fire from our team. x/x 2/2 D/C Total 7/8 = 87.5% D/C
  2. Please please do address this Rocket, we want at least a playable mod without this exploit before you start work on the standalone. Me and my team work hard for our fire fights, and to have the enemies just vanish is such a buzz kill after hours of playing tactically. If one of our team dies, the rest of us fight to the death and try to avenge the fallen, none of us d/c.
  3. Lee Enfield is so powerful. So retarded.
  4. Wrath (DayZ)

    Craziest stuff you've done?

    Run up to a known bandit, steal everything from his backpack, then run shouting "I just robbed you" over the direct comms. I escaped with my life and managed to turn the tables on him and had him running for his life after i chased him with an axe. It would have been quite a sight.
  5. I personally support strict ruling. As soon as the rules are relaxed you're going to get locked servers, people exploiting admin rights, and all sorts of retarded crap that goes on in other games that have relaxed ruling. This is an MMO hybrid, this isnt just another COD/BF server. You're dealing with a persistent world akin to an MMO and thus server control should be strict.
  6. Wrath (DayZ)

    Truth Time Rockett

    There is a very good reason why this hasn't been done before, Rocket has ample time.
  7. Wrath (DayZ)

    Hidden A-10 Spawn Near NW Airfield??

    Hacked Edit: Nvm OP is just an idiot. Don't bother clicking the link.
  8. Wrath (DayZ)

    2 toons

    Stop saying toons. Just stop it.
  9. Rocket has said he would like to see a stand alone by the end of the year. This isnt some massive AAA production. Its going to be made by pulling parts of the ARMA III engine out, and then adding in the few features he wants in Day Z. It shouldn't take too long at all. edit: I used too many definitives. edit2: ARMA III is out 2013.
  10. Wrath (DayZ)

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    I'm saying that seeing "OMG UR SO BAD LOL" and "LOL LOL GET REKT IN CHERNO NOOBS" is horribly immersion breaking and doesn't belong in this game.
  11. Not sure about temperature either, has it been deactivated?
  12. Wrath (DayZ)

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    You're the main reason why side chat was awful.
  13. I know, its my No. 1 problem with the game and my No. 1 wish to be fixed. Eventually he will stop updating Day Z mod and be working full time on the standalone. I just hope its fixed before the mod is abandoned. Otherwise its going to be a very long few months.
  14. Wrath (DayZ)

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    Side chat was very immersion breaking. I'm very glad its gone. It will be reintroduced eventually (probably when Day Z is standalone) as a radio system. That will be cool and it will not break immersion.
  15. Unfortunately, Rocket said in his latest interview that whilst it is a problem he's not going to spend much time addressing it in the Day Z mod as it is quite difficult and would require significant amounts of work, whereas problems like these will be easily addressed once Day Z is standalone.
  16. Wrath (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase or Monthly Fee. Studio Developed. Studio Servers or controlled community servers like you have now. Don't do free to play. Don't do community rubbish. STICK with your original vision of the 'game'. Be very cautious of altering to what the loud minority of the forum-goers are saying.
  17. NZ servers are currently horrible. Plus half are them are still on catering to the whole 10 people that are still on the old version.
  18. Wrath (DayZ)

    2 difficulty levels?

    There are two difficulty levels. Regular and Veteran. This should be changed so there is only one.
  19. But I'm not and I can quote Rocket for you if you like. He wants the players to determine what the game becomes by NOT implementing restrictions. If you think it currently is a 'hidden snipe-fest' then guess what buddy, thats what Rocket intended.
  20. But thats wrong. If you can be shot, you can see the sniper. You are bad.
  21. How about you listen. I'm no complaining at all. I'm telling you the reason there is an abundance of gear is because of SERVER HOPPING and DUPING not because there is too many guns around. The reason you are being killed by an 'unseen sniper' is because YOU ARE BAD AT THIS GAME. Don't run out into the open, its really not that hard. Sit in place and LOOK AROUND YOU for 5-10 minutes before full sprinting across a field. I'm sorry but EVERYTHING you say points to you not being able to handle the harshness of Day Z, which is why you shouldn't play.
  22. Oh gosh, reddit now too. I'm pleasantly surprised to see the people there disagreeing with OP.
  23. Its ruining the game because you don't like PvP so you're implementing 'gamey' solutions to a non-problem. Its a problem for you because you're not good at using tactics, surveying your surroundings, and actually surviving. If you were you'd see PvP isnt a problem, and in fact adds a HUGE level of tension to the game - and you're trying to remove that.No, please go away and stop playing Day Z. Edit: The reason so many people have high powered weaponry is because of server hopping not because of unrealistic numbers. You're playing in a militarised zone, there is going to be weapons around. Think again.