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Jenn (DayZ)

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About Jenn (DayZ)

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  1. Jenn (DayZ)

    Private Hive Topic Mayhem

    I can understand that. Will the beta be going away when the standalone is released?
  2. Jenn (DayZ)

    Private Hive Topic Mayhem

    Yes I can see the request was made for this a while ago under the pinned private hive topic... I can also understand the development team, while allowing private hives to exist in peaceful cohabitation, not wanting to offer too much support... many offerings of other sites have been mentioned - like opendayz and armaholic... but THIS is the dayz community and private hives ARE a part of that community. This would be a great start, but I would also like to see a forum for admins to ask questions or discuss between admins of other servers problems and how to solve them. For example... my server has tools to control the # of vehicles spawned... and my auto- server restart doesn't seem to work, nor does the tool that is supposed to control the # of vehicles on my server. I have it set to no more than 25 and currently have 50+ vehicles on my map. It is too new to have that many saved vehicles... Another example... I would like the choose male or female skin option... There is great customization that can be achieved with the male skins, so that the 3 other people I play with all look different and we can tell each other apart, which is GREAT. But... being a female (and knowing that I can't use a ghillie/camo), I would still like the ability to choose that. Long timers here would probably know the code to help fix those issues... or be able to offer advise... It would be helpful, like I said, to have a full-topic private hive main forum area with the subtopics (and I may have the nomenclature wrong but am sure you know what I mean) of adverts, admin help, reporting, etc...
  3. Private Hives are becoming commonplace on DayZ, and I think this is a good thing... HOWEVER... Limiting all private hive topics to one single forum is problematic. SO many posts here are people who advert their private hive servers, which is fine and well... But some of us private hive administrators have legitimate questions or problems (such as myself) that we have to weed through so many "play at my server" adverts that it is hard to find answers to our questions, despite the search tools, that cannot be answered by our server hosts but rather those who understand the code behind the game. What I am asking, respectfully, is to make the Private Hive a major topic, and include subtopics for adverts, admin questions, reporting, and so on... From what I have seen, private hives are quickly matching if not overtaking the number of community hive servers (for me the choice was cost - it was cheaper to run a private hive rather than a community... and I am on, like many of us, a limited budget) Anyway, my humble request. I will understand if it is not granted but it is my hope that it is at least considered. :)
  4. LOL true enough!! I have faith things will get better though. Hopefully diligent Admins like yourself will get more leeway to ban questionable players without the fear of being blacklisted... after all, you do pay to host the game. Regardless, I enjoy playing there. I have no problem with legit pvp - I was killed legit the other day (basically because I ran and got shot in the back) and could not bitch. Seemed on the up and up to me. I should have, maybe could have... shot back, even though I was poorly equipped because of the moving camps deal... Probably a person that belonged to a camp we had raided.... But!!... found a better one totally by accident so alllll is good (bet you are wondering if it was YOURS - whoever is reading this... LOL!!!) But hackers suck. I have no problem saying there are people out there that have better aim, better equipment, etc. Never have, and I have been playing PC FPS for a LOOOONG time (I am almost 40 now, I pretty much remember the time when there were no computers...) I really don't understand cheating to get ahead... never have never will. PVP no problem... raiding other peoples camps - we have done it and expect the same of any who find ours - all is fair in love and dayz - EXCEPT outright cheating - that just blows. The guy with the cow suit... was maybe funny tp a degree... (and probably because they weren't hostile... and we chose not to shoot at them..) but like I said earlier, it was disturbing nonetheless. It was still cheating/hacking/exploitation of the game... Crisco35 and I decided not to shoot but to run, as we knew they were hackers and if we shot at them it would just be the worse off for us. Who knows, if we had decided to shoot they may have nuked the whole server... But then the Eric Clapton hack (and I have no idea if it was the same guys... I have seen videos of some hackers that just like to freak people out and then just leave...) seemed much more malicious... Spawning everyone to the same place knowing that most people would go hostile... I'll admit, I ran and then logged. Crisco35 was not so lucky, died, and lost all his hard earned and/or raided gear... (and with the bugs on the tents right now... *sigh*) I do appreciate your communications, and hope at some point in the near future the admis that PAY to have their servers (such as MAD) have the ability to ban the douchebags that do things like this without fear of repercussion... you all pay to run the server, you should be able to ban on the simple fact of 'I don't like you' as far as I am concerned. I have seen the posts of a few players complaining about your server but for the time playing you have been on the up and up and we have not had any problems at all except for the past week or so - which I don't think is a fault of the MAD server at all - I have noticed the cheat complaints have almost exponentially risen for all servers since then. Although I think the MAD camp may be one of the camps we found... not to give away in game info, but I think we found one of "your" camps and never have seen the server reset as accused. (although when in-game, just pretend I never said that... LOL!). There are no tags, but one can recognize what may be a home 'clan' base vs a home 'merc' base... DAYZ DEVS... if you are paying attention... Your server hosts, such as this (these, of the MAD clan - and please believe I am not affiliated with a clan or do I wish to be at this time... I play lone-ish wolf with my friend, trying to get a small merc group of family players going... off topic, NM...) fine gentleman here, are the persons who should have the right to ban players from the servers that THEY pay money to host. I realize this is a test phase of the game, but if you are testing without considering the amount of cheating that is being reported, then that is a skewed test to begin with. Let the admins of the servers who pay to host the testing decide if the people playing on the servers *that they pay to host...* are a worthy representation of the future clientele of gamer you wish to cater to... Those admins that abuse their power will have low populated servers.... Servers such as US188/NY84 will stand up to the test of time and be back to where they were before these hackers ran rampant - 2 weeks ago I had to wait 30 min to get on because the server was FULL. I have seen complaints against the server, and dismissed them, because in our (both Crisco35 and my) opinion this is a fair server with admin that will answer questions and are fair to players even not affiliated with their group/clan/guild (whatever... I play all genres). Regardless, drop the topmost and lowest percentages (yes... people are stupid, for a game, go ahead, put them on the curve... (hope that didn';t make me sound like a QB...) I am not asking anyone in the DayZ development team or BIS to fix anything... I am asking that you allow those who put up their hard-earned money to run a DayZ server to have the ability to ban those they suspect of cheating. And in the case one is banned who should not... well contact the server admins (I did it - both through the forum and externally...) That could be the kicker there.... advise server admins that they need an email to address complaints and have them submit logs... or not. Once again, they are playing the cost... so let them decide damnitt.
  5. Jenn (DayZ)


    Server admins need to be able to ban players from their servers or password protect them if they wish. They are the ones paying the costs. I would not spend my hard earned money to run a server only to be overrun by those who wish to ruin every legitimate players good time. I have experienced "friendly" hackers (guy walked up to me in a cow suit and said "moo") to the ones that teleport everyone in the server to the same spot and lets the chaos commence... I have spoken to the admin of the server, who is more than willing to check logs... but is restricted because of the fear of the server being blacklisted. I can respect that from the admin, but what respect do I have to those that put that fear in him? He (and his clan) PAYS to run THEIR server, why should he not have the ability to get rid of troublemakers? If the creators of the game or the 'anti-cheat' software cannot handle the problem, then let those that cover the costs of running the server in the first place - the server admins - have the ability to ban those that need banned. Honestly, they are spending THEIR money on running a server - they should be able to ban someone on the simple basis of "I don't frikking like you!" This is not "guilty until proven innocent..." this is "I spend MY money to run this and if I don't want you here then GTFO!!!" These people not only paid the price to get Arma II, they pay month after month. Those that burn their bridges cheating or by just being general douches will run out of servers to play on. I think there may be cases of legitimate admin abuse, but I think half the time someone cries that it is the result of a hacker anyway. in which case those admins that do abuse their power will find empty servers anyway I saw somewhere (and am too lazy to go back through to find to quote) that half the hackers and script kiddies are those who are tired of being killed by hacks and are leveling the playing field? That there, is about the worst excuse for hacking I can think of. That's almost like saying 'the devil made me do it' or 'i hack because i was abused as a child.' Hackers know they are wrong when they hack no matter what the reason. There is no excuse for hacking. I am frustrated, but I would never resort to hacking, I would never intentionally take an item from a hacker (I don't play friendly anyway so that wouldn't happen - unless i raided it out of a tent camp which totally WOULD happen.... *evil grin*). Grow up. If you are bored playing go find a new game or go masturbate but leave those who enjoy playing the game it is meant to be played alone. Bottom line: Hackers and Scriptkiddies suck. Give admin the power to ADMIN their own servers: After which, if you don't like the way the administrators of the server you are playing on administrate THEIR server, find another one to play on... the admins that abuse their power will find themselves with empty (boring) servers, and those who are fair and just will be the ones people will wait and hit refresh for an hour just to get on. This lets the developers get on with the developing. The admins get on with admin-ing. And the players get on with the playing. Then, the dev's of the game only have to say: "it is the discretion of the administrator of any server as to if you can play there or not. They pay the costs of running that server. If you have a complaint about the way a server is run please contact the administrator of that server. Thank you, have a nice day, enjoy DayZ."
  6. Found another post about the exact same thing happening.... http://dayzmod.com/f...-on-the-server/ Maybe if you can find out who the admin of that server is you can compare notes, sounds like it *might* be the same person...
  7. Same exact thing (the clapton lyrics) happened today on US188/NY84. Maybe the admins of both servers can get together and compare IP's of people who were playing at the times of the incidents and figure out who it is... I have screens of the people who were playing when it happened to us and none of the names match - but there are other ways to track people....
  8. Tonight! August 13, 9:55 (ish) pm EST. My friend (Crisco35) and I (Jenn) were in Zeleno. We just finished up in the grocery store and were on our way to the church when we both started rising up in the air and the words "what would you do if you saw me in heaven" appeared across our screens. At that point everyone in the server was drawn to one location - and of course everyone started killing each other. I just hauled ass and then logged to the lobby. My friend was not so lucky and was killed. Which sucks, we were both pretty nicely outfitted... I don't know how to take in-game screenshots... I knew something funky was going on so grabbed my phone and snapped a few and so did he, I uploaded them to (edit) Photobucket This is the list right after I ran and logged http://i210.photobuc...975399768_n.jpg This is the list a few moments after the first list (this would be right at the time Crisco35 died. http://i210.photobuc...398970952_n.jpg This is a shot by Crisco, after he respawned was drawn to this location and it happened again. http://i210.photobuc...08-13220302.jpg He got a player list right before he died http://i210.photobuc...08-13220357.jpg and the list after death (2nd death) http://i210.photobuc...08-13220521.jpg If you can't see them or anything let me know and I will find some other way to post them. This time the hacker wasn't so friendly. We really enjoy your server and appreciate your running it and looking into this. It sucks that some asshat has to go and ruin other peoples fun. Pretty much blew our night, and we don't get much time to play because we wait to play together... not your fault, but sucks nonetheless.
  9. My friend and I were playing today (around 3:50 - 4:00pm EST). We were in the process of moving one of our camps. We were finishing up gathering our gear and all of a sudden we hear voices on the game comm (we use external comms.) They guy says "You don't want to shoot..." My friend spots a guy in a Ghillie Suit over at the next pine. At the same time, I see a cow coming straight for me! The cow walks up and over the comm I hear "Moo." We decided not to shoot at them, but instead booked it to the east, running backwards to see if we were being followed... We weren't and we stopped at the next ridge to scope our surroundings. All of a sudden the Ghillie suit guy is right there next to us again. We decided to log at that point. PVP is all well and good, but we don't want to get into a pissing match with a hacker. All total it was funny, but disturbing nonetheless..... I don't have any photo or video proof (honestly have not figured out how to do screenshots since I don't go in through steam...) I also can't tell you what name they were using because that server does not have tags. I still wanted to post, maybe in the chance that the admin of the server might come across this post, I don't know what they could do at this point, but I do have the time we were playing and I can go back and get GPS coordinates to where it happened. Thanks for reading :D
  10. Jenn (DayZ)

    No Female Cough?

    I have heard coughing, watch your blood. If it starts dropping you have an infection and need antibiotics. I play a female too but seem to recall one time I coughed like a man... that was a while ago though so I don't know for sure.
  11. Jenn (DayZ)

    Is it weird?

    I have found maps inside the groceries and firestation on base... have not found a compass yet though. I'd rather have a gps at this point :)
  12. Jenn (DayZ)

    Why don't my bullets break the glass?

    Groan... LMAO!!! That was funny I laughed lots... :D I had a crowbar at one point, but only hit the window like 3 times and it didn't break. We had already gotten the supply box on the roof so decided to just loot the apartments around the hospital instead. Wish we would have gotten in, we might have found the antibiotics that we are desperately looking for now...
  13. LMAO!! For some reason that just cracked me up. :D I alreay play with a group, but there are lots of female gamers who play this game. Really though, I would look for anyone who is a good team player that fits with your group...
  14. I wear a female skin, when I looked into it at the time the forums said that they had not coded for the females to wear them yet. So I could not tell you if it was a residential bug or not. Was going to give it to my friend, but died before I could give it to him :D I've been crawling the NW Airfield recently, so I am hoping I will find another one. I figured the one I did find was one of those .0001% chances to find and I got lucky. I about crapped a brick when I found it because it was certainly the last thing I expected to find. Facts I am not sure about, exept for what I experienced. I did find one in an apartment - must have been maybe a month ago... but I would never expect to find another one in that locale again.
  15. Jenn (DayZ)

    Did I overreact?

    Agreed. My very first time playing I had someone start following me through a warehouse. This was back when you still started with a pistol. So I'm going through and he's following me, and we are not finding any loot. I stop to look in my bag and the dude shot me in the face. So now, I trust no one. I won't go out of my way to mow someone down - If I see someone and they don't see me I go hide... but... If I am spotted I'm gonna shoot first and ask questions later. I would not however, tell anyone I am friendly nor ask for stuff and then shoot the person who gave it to me... That's just a crummy thing to do.