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Everything posted by Charlizard

  1. Charlizard

    US 1345 Admin Abuse

    Suspended http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/50584-do-you-see-a-dayzhostingcom-server-locked-view/
  2. Charlizard

    Possible admin abuse - US88

    I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. I used to be in NwO, but I left because being in a survivor clan full of bandits is redundant. That is another story. I also found this camp with 8 M107's on US88; however, I also found other camps with AS50's, SAW's, Mk48's. Not only did I say where these camps were, but I marked them on the map for a few people who deleted them off shortly after. Want to know something funny? The server didn't restart until lag become an issue, which I respect. So don't go saying "if anyone talks in side or global chat about find a camp when an NWO member is on the server goes down." You are just full of shit and butthurt. /endrant
  3. Charlizard

    US 1352 Server locked 3 players

    Actually, his post is a couple hours old, and the server is still locked with 3 people in it.
  4. inb4 admin responds saying they were testing the stability of the server.
  5. Charlizard

    Admin kicking/ banning everyone but 5 people us 175

    This is just ridiculous. There was a post earlier about how you had the server locked for 5 HOURS "testing" the server. Now you unlock the server, but kick anyone who joins? Looks like to me you just didn't want to get in trouble from having the server locked any longer.
  6. Charlizard

    Killed by hacker?

    On UK123 I was on the outskirts of Cherno with my M16A4 ACOG and ghillie suit. I was near the radio tower and I scouted out the entire hill and saw no one. When walking down the hill I got hit by a zombie and killed it with a M9SD. While bandaging, I heard the toolbox noise behind me. I turned around and there was someone no more then 10m behind me. They blew me away. Did this person teleport to me, or am I just incredibly unlucky?
  7. Charlizard

    Killed by hacker?

    Teleports? That son of a bitch. I didn't ALT + F4 because I only do that around hackers, but now I wish I did :\
  8. Charlizard

    Killed by hacker?

    Yes, explain what it is, but don't explain how to do it.
  9. Charlizard

    Killed by hacker?

    Toolbox glitch? Never heard of it.
  10. Charlizard

    Killed by hacker?

    Case closed!
  11. Charlizard

    Sniper Kill Forum

    I will be posting where snipers are on what server and what gear they have. Then if any of you want the loot, hop on the server and take their shit :P Feel free to leave your own posts for other to hunt.
  12. Charlizard

    Sniper Kill Forum

    I didn't say you had to wait? If you're browsing the forums and happen upon the thread, you know where a sniper is.
  13. Charlizard

    Sniper Kill Forum

    Sniper in the outskirts of Cherno on UK123 Veteran Server. It's updated to He is by the brick wall near the forest to the North / West of Cherno. He has a DMR and a Coyote back pack. Happy hunting :D
  14. So you think these people are cheating, because the tents had the same gear they had the other day? Not only do tents come back with the same gear if you don't save it after you loot it, but tents are known to be bugged in DayZ and keep respawning the same loot. I've seen multiple tents do this.
  15. Charlizard


    Bump. For justice!
  16. Bump. So DayZ staff will get off their asses and do something about this server.
  17. Then why is it that I see bandits all the time snipe my friends, and then when a zombie gets close, they dc?
  18. Charlizard


    Ignore this: Server is back up in running as FR59...I hope to see it blacklisted soon.
  19. I don't see what the problem is. They are obviously not big fans of the mod; therefore, if they are given weapons, they will only use them on that one server.
  20. Charlizard

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    There is also a duping glitch where people pick up a backpack at the same time and then disconnect, or something like that. This duplicates the backpack. Please fix this as it gives unfair advantages.
  21. Charlizard

    US75 - Entire server killed by nuke.

    You can't roll back your inventory. It is saved clientside.
  22. Charlizard

    US75 - Entire server killed by nuke.

    Well isn't that convenient. A person who is accused of hacking on Seattle 71 says he just left our server before the hacking began. Strange.