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About FinalJustice

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  1. Ammo might actually be precious
  2. That would be better than what we have now, but it doesn't really address the problem that the majority of group play is spent trying to meet up then trying not to do anything if not everyone is on. I agree it would detract a bit from the character of the mod tho, but it's alpha, right..
  3. "Come stay at my Inn! I'll protect you while you're logged out!" You log in some time later and you're back on the beach. Then you run to your tent, restock and get revenge. If you were locked to one server you'd have a reputation.
  4. Could you imagine player operated "inns" for protection while offline.
  5. The practical problems make this a bad design choice. Would be interesting otherwise.
  6. I don't see how adding a second map would kill solo/casual play Hold monopoly over a giant city? I dont' see it. Hold monopoly over a 'base' that has no loots spawns? Oh noes. Stay on Chernarus then? What I'm suggesting is giving those bandit trolls and clans a place to run amok where everyone understands that this is exactly what the map is designed to facilitate. Stay on Chernarus if you want to be left alone. It's as if you're saying you want everyone to play on Chernarus and behave the way you want. Solo/Lonely play? Chernarus. Chaotic play? Other map that isn't Chernarus. Not, everyone play on Chernarus, and everyone play the way I think you should play. Let me tell you what my routine has come down to. - Go to top of the mountain NW of Krasnostav - Check for someone else's zombie spawns - Approach town from NW and spawn zombies on that side of town - Go to Market on SE side of town, where there are 0 zombies - Run to my Dirtbike, ride it to the airport - Loot airport - Hide Dirtbike - Hang out nearby and wait if someone was following me to my hiding spot - Log off Do I want to "kill" this type of gameplay? No, I want a map where this gameplay is not possible simply because there are other people around. Let me reiterate, STAY ON CHERNARUS IF YOU ENJOY BEING ALONE 90% OF THE TIME, GO TO THE OTHER MAP IF YOU WANT TO DEAL WITH OTHER PEOPLE I do? Please tell me how you've come to this conclusion. I'm not suggesting teams, target player info on the hud, safe zones or pvp flags, or any of that other bullshit. I'm suggesting a SECOND map that is smaller than Chernarus with centralized loot spawns. No changes to current mechanics. Changes to the game apply to all the maps, obviously. I'm just suggesting a new map in contrast with the current one. One map spreads everyone out and puts hot spots around. The other focuses players to one area an puts reasons to leave the hot spot. Thats true. And they would have to separate the characters across every map, so that you couldn't item grind on an easy items map then hop over to the "run through the forest to items" map.
  7. FinalJustice

    Day Z Gamestyle Discussion

    Write out SOS HELP on the beach with lit campfires Fill a truck with empty cans Bridge Troll
  8. Running is pointless unless you have somewhere to go. You wouldn't have any loot spawns to run to if they were all in one big city. Cars wouldn't be just transportation that you try to hide from everyone else. If the map is small someone will find it when you log out. Better use it wisely. Not pvp zones. A map. Not get rid of pvp, give pvp somewhere better to go. Some people play Chernarus, others play Utes or something (Utes is definitely too small). If you wanted to pvp, I'd bet you'd rather see 4 people per 1km sq. rather than 1 person per 4km sq. They wouldn't be playing on the same server. If you wanted to be alone and drive your truck around for more loot thats fine too, play Chernarus. Perfect' date=' now put 3 of those equal distances from each other and the only gas station. Put all those 3x that distance to the city (aka loot). It is boring. 1 person per 4km sq. is just ridiculous.
  9. why dont you just crouch walk and tap crouch run when Zs are out of los/arent groaning at you? just pay attention to which direction they're looking and crouch walk when you hear them if they agro, just stand up run and zig zag through some houses/trees to get some space, then right as youre about to turn a corner and break los, crouch walk, then turn the corner, then keep walking and break los with the corner before the Z can see around it. the z will run up to the spot you started crouch walking, then lose agro, then he'll keep walking straight until he passes the corner, if he sees you he'll pick up agro again. if he only hears you, he'll run to the sound spot then "look" for an agro target, just dont be there anymore and youll be fine if you're running through a field, once in a while they just randomly drop agro and look for you again, they usually see you cuz youre still running, but if you stop at just the right moment with enough space in between, you can lose agro in an empty field
  10. FinalJustice

    Spawning with a melee weapon... yes or no?

    just hide under a pine tree and slowly walk away while the zombie is stuck on the other side of it
  11. FinalJustice

    Barbwire Fix (short and sweet)

    barricades are a good idea so they shouldn't be removed, they just need to be implemented well you'll need a ton of them to make a legitimate fort, making them rare would make people use them in the only way feasible/effective, blocking entrances to loot spawns toolbox to set up is just putting up a barrier to entrance into the Loot Blockers Club® if it filled your inventory, then you'd only pick it up if you had a definite purpose, not "i have space, i will pick up" then "oh i need space, ill just deploy it here HAHAHAHA someone's gonna be piiiiissed"
  12. Takes up 12 slots, has 12 uses. Fills your entire inventory, doesn't fit into the noob backpack.
  13. I dont think the setting/location is important. The only thing thats important is a direct contrast to Chernarus, where the majority of players in the server are in the same general vicinity, rather than spread out with miles in between them. Playing axe murderer to just freak people out is how i get over a really painful death. it sucks running through an empty cherno/elektro and feeling like im just starting the item grind again. If you play super carefully then you never see anyone, or if you do then you can avoid them or shoot them in the back. What am i supposed to do, purposely run around like an idiot and not pay attention so that I don't notice the guy who ends up shooting me? You can minimize risk to the point where all you need to worry about are server hoppers. Right now there are 50 player servers but what about when there are 100, 200? Lag isn't the only thing you need to worry about. Will zombie/loot spawns work as intended with 30 people in elektro? Are placeable items barbwire/tents/traps? You'll need a lot of barricades to make a kickass fort, but you dont want people spamming them everywhere just to be dicks. How about Z agro mechanics? If they hear something and start moving toward the source, will a massive horde form? If there were enough of them and no where to run (long term), would their indoor speed turn out to be ok? We can test all that. We just need more players per square meter.