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Posts posted by Oricy

  1. We are not happy. Our group was at a newly made camp in a new stable server we found (ny14) and suddenly a dirtbike with 2 players came by. One jumped off to check our tent maybe not realizing there were people present until it was too late. He engaged one member and killed him when I proceeded to kill him with my recently acquired L85 I had. The guy on the dirtbike took off. The member he killed on his way returning to camp heard the dirtbike returning to our position as well. Once all our members regrouped at the camp we saw a group of 4 players approaching from the west flank. I engaged and killed the individual with the ghillie suit as he was the one I saw on the dirtbike originally. When I was then killed by another player. At which point the rest of the members of my group were either instakilled except one member who was just kicked out of the game. The one member who was only kicked rejoined and saw players around our tent' date=' as well as the trees flattened as if a huge explosion went off. *we got nuked*. That member engaged a player who was then left there who alt f4'd. This is quite ridiculous... Can we please get something done about this abuse of the game.


    The same thing happend to me as well except I was luckily not killed, but i was kicked from the server.
