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About amishfury

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. amishfury

    Shoot on site solution...

    Maybe then we can introduce battlegrounds between the bandits and survivors...
  2. Found 2 servers today with vehicles, one had an ural and a white pickup, the other had a ural. keep searching they are out there. Just a hint, the loot maps out there don't have all the spawn locations. There are some other locations with vehicles at them.
  3. amishfury

    Lazy gamers

    its either this topic or NO MOAR PVPZ
  4. I like how when people speak of others engaging in PVP' date=' it always turns into this super personal thing, like that guy was out to destroy the other person entire existence, not just ingame but in [i']real-life too. Half the time I don't even see the names of the people I kill, let alone care enough to "prey" on certain people, the odds of running into the same people over and over are astronomical, given the large nature of the map, the amount of players, and amount of servers. I truly believe that most of the complaints people have, stem from the fact that they infact have never played a game like this, where player death makes you lose your time investment. I feel that most of you cannot handle this, so instead of rolling with it, you rage on the forums and tell us how PvP needs to be dumbed down because noone would ever kill another person in a post-apocalyptic scenario, and rattle off a bunch of bullshit in the process. The game is working as intended, the only thing that needs to happen now, is have features added/polished and bugs squashed. If you dislike the game as it stands now, you're gonna dislike it even more when it's done. Well said.