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About mam795

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I got goosebumps reading your post. The world you're describing sounds terrifying. You have my beans dude...
  2. I know Molotov's have been suggested before, but perhaps a Molotov could be used to create a burn effect. A burn effect which adds a like a fire UI, and shaky screen, along with some damage being dealt. On the plus side, being set on fire creates light that surrounds you and you can set other players on fire when using a melee weapon. You could probably make Molotov's with bottles of whiskey. Another type of drink (and also my favorite type of hard liquor). Possibly a drunk status effect that if you drink too much whiskey your screen gets blurry, and your gun shakes along with disoriented movement, perhaps going unconscious. Maybe some weapon upgrades, like maybe a 2nd type of crossbow, that has a scope and longer range, but slower reload time than the regular crossbow. Perhaps, if you crouch near a campfire with a loaded crossbow, you could set the bolt on fire, so that when you shoot the crossbow you have a chance of giving a player a burn effect as mentioned above. Next are the other crap I thought up, maybe adding crates in the world, that could only be opened by crowbars, and nothing else. Maybe flare guns, that could light up the night to signal others, or create a flash bang effect when fired at players, or a burn effect at zombies. Maybe wildlife, be less, static. Perhaps run away when you miss with your gun, or run when they hear a gunshot. Here's summary of everything I said thus far. 1.Burn effect that deals damage, adds a shaky screen, fire UI, and creates light in your nearby area. 2.Bottles of whiskey that could be drunk for thirst, or made into Molotov Cocktail's. 3.A Molotov Cocktail that could be used to create light, and burn zombies. 4.A drunk effect caused by too much whiskey, that causes a wobbly and blurry screen, with disoriented movement, and perhaps unconsciousness. 5.Another Crossbow with a scope, with a longer range and slower reload time than the other crossbow. 6.Crouching near Campfires with a loaded crossbow lights the bolt on fire, so that you can give zombies/players a burn effect when you shoot. 7.Crates in the world. Filled with Supplies or rare items, but could only be opened with Crowbars. 8.Flare guns that can signal other players, or give a flash bang effect to other players, or give a burn effect to others. 9.Wildlife being less Static, perhaps running away from sounds of gunshots and maybe roaming around the landscape. This is pretty much everything I got, other than the obvious ones like adding other guns, Like adding the Skorpion, or SKS, or adding more melee weapons. If you would like to add some constructive criticism, or point out flaws, be my guest. I'm happy to work something out.
  3. I got quite a bit amount of suggestions, sorry if they are repeated but I don't think I got enough time to read through all of them, but here they are, summarized. 1. A lot of my suggestions are pretty much weapon based, like maybe the CZ 67 (Skorpion) being added, maybe the SKS, and some more Russian based weaponry since we are in country near Russia. 2. Molotov Cocktails, that damages players, and maybe a burn effect too, like from surviving explosions or being set on fire can give you the burn effect. Maybe rolling while prone or going into water can put out the fire. 3. Brandy, used to make Molotov's and maybe increase your temperature just a little bit. But too much can get you drunk, which blurs vision and makes aiming harder for a short time, possibly getting you unconscious. 4. Possibly farmland? Like if you go to a farm you may find crops growing and you could replant and grow them, and you could create a large supply of food. Possibly a shovel to create temporary farmland on grassland. And canteens of water or rain to hydrate said farmland. 5. Possibly crates found in the world, which require crowbars to open them up, maybe rare weapons or supplies inside the crates. 6. Maybe a less militaristic helicopter? Y'know, just saying. 7. Standing near a campfire with a loaded crossbow equipped could set the bolt on fire, so you could fire flaming bolts which have a chance to give the burn effect, as mentioned above. 8. Maybe a little bit more variety in wildlife, maybe crows that come by and feast on corpses (Cosmetic) or maybe wolves that come around at night to eat other animals, and perhaps attack you if you get too close. 9. Maybe to go with wildlife, maybe make they move a bit, like with some animations, maybe run away from a gunshot noises, but still die easy from singe bullets. 10. Zombie bite attack, which has a chance give a viral infection that if not removed, perhaps through bleeding enough to phase out the virus or something, can cause a cold and infection symptoms together, then eventually lead to death, but your dead corpse in 2 hours (or when someone tries to loot you) will come back to life as a zombie to attack other survivors. 11. Fishing rods to catch fish and cook them. 12. Radios to contact other players from afar, maybe stationary Ham radios for an ever further range. 13. Maybe a claw hammer melee weapon that can be used with wood piles (and perhaps nails) to barricade doors and windows from the inside.