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Date (DayZ)

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About Date (DayZ)

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  1. Is there any solution to this and even if i make through it, which happens once i spawn in the debug plains!
  2. Date (DayZ)

    Cheater/hacker spotted via log from US73

    you're one of those butthurt kids that lost his sup3rc00l gear to the hackers and now you're coming here expressing your emotions plz stay on topic boi, same goes to your boyfriend
  3. Date (DayZ)

    Cheater/hacker spotted via log from US73

    If i stole 1 million dollars from the bank and gave it to you, will you throw it away?
  4. You peoples anger for scriptkiddies is way over exaggerated, most likely you were all victims that lost your badass gear.
  5. Date (DayZ)

    US 738 Hackers

    that wasn't funny i was scared :CCCCCCC
  6. Date (DayZ)

    US 738 Hackers

    I got teleported there and got shot at.. .-. can i have my ak-kobra back?
  7. But my friend, IS IT REALISTIC?
  8. Date (DayZ)

    ***er US1225

    t0xik and Andrew, both carried AS50 TWS. Saw a guy teleported behind them and shoot them, one of the guy name Andrew died and t0xik was still standing there taking the shots like it was nothing. Then moments later 2:36 PM EST Time the entire server population was killed. Admins please check logs.
  9. Date (DayZ)

    Hacker on SG #00

    More people like you will make DayZ better than it is.
  10. Since you claim these guys have a low Forum IQ, please re-read what the admin just stated. "Before i was there", re-read that stuff. Not even sure why you bothered coming back, but since all those pretty gears are there i can imagine.
  11. I don't see any names or anything so i don't know how those pictures are gonna actually help out, you should have recorded the whole thing if you claim to see them log out. The pictures you provided is basically the same thing as an accusation by words. I've found 20 STANAG rounds in a box next to the helicopter crash site. If these guys have had camp and been working as a group for a while then obviously they've been raiding and looting stuff which can probably explain why you see like 4 AS50's and an amount of other magazines. Sorry i have nothing against you but you only showed us pictures of weapons, magazines, and vehicles. These guys are a group so finding vehicles won't be that hard, you have no proof of vehicle ESP as well. This type of duplication is common with so many DayZ players, not to mention many of them claim that they do it on DayZ threads again. This problem has been seen a while before the second patch was even announced. First my question is, you died, you came back with a Rangefinder, rocket launcher, M4A1 holo, and every other gears that cannot be obtained simply by just riding back to their base, how is this possible?
  12. Date (DayZ)

    fix patch now or we quit!

    You must suck at the game then. BACK TO CALL OF DUTY 4 U. Bye!
  13. To clarify my message for you, since you seem incapable of understanding simple sentences: Arma 2 sucks. DayZ rocks. Got it? Then stfu ;-) I like DayZ.