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  1. Typo in there. Only hi-jacked one person and it was a scripter. --Player Info--\nName: osNy!\nUID: 16284422\
  2. There are unused ids i already have several that sync to the hive and is MY data through and through. Hi-jacking is purely for fun or for someone who is misusing scripts.
  3. Never change you two. I'm sorry but I'm not wrong, I have already joined multiple servers with a different ID and gotten in.The best part is I can farm your player ID's and log in as you :). I'm assuming you banned his GUID and not his ID as they do not show in RCON. If I was GUID banned my method would be null but I am not and my method remains working.
  4. yes lets relate a game to a car. Also my first post does not imply that I would share how.
  5. It can still be changed without touching the CD-key.
  6. playerid is a number not your in-game name. It is tied to your OA cd-key.
  7. except not. DayZ database is playerID tracked not GUID(CD-Key).
  8. Your database bans do nothing as you can change playerid
  9. hahahaha my sides your you're**
  10. Please dont take this guy seriously. He didn't create anything he is using and unless he has his OWN battleye bypass or is paying for one, most of those scripts ARE detected on regular DayZ servers.
  11. He was running a detected version of cheat engine. Not actually doing anything.
  12. Exactly' date=' if you just didn't restart your server and accept the loss and try to recover it fairly..I wouldn't of posted anything..we might of actually had a good fight. btw I suffer extreme lag/game freezes whenever I log in and enter/exit vehicles(random)..so im not really surprised you guys were suffering similar fates. Goes away after a few minutes, but it goes away. [/quote'] Having owned arma2 since its release I have never ever experienced any lag when entering and exiting vehicles.