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Everything posted by 0675056510@orange.fr

  1. 0675056510@orange.fr

    Helicopter mid flight server restart

    I wish I knew what happened : anyone knows the answer? I experienced the same problem in a PBX: server restarted and I could find my boat back at his original spawn location however I survived and had to swim for 40 minutes :P
  2. 0675056510@orange.fr

    worlds best h@cker lol

    http://youtu.be/GwARq4AoEG0 same server (FR #00): I captured screen after we all died at the same time arma2oa 2012-08-01 15H31 May you ban this hacker! >:(
  3. 0675056510@orange.fr

    How long do cars last, and what is considered "off map?"

    hmmm, I rarely have this problem, all my vehicles are exactly where I let them on every server I hide one. I don't even save them as main (Hive) server save the last location Although I just lost a S1203 van from where (1.6Km North of the map border) i parked it... :beans: