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About Zobae

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey, if you wanna join a Bandit Group, MSG me on Skype, whats-a-gwk
  2. GhostlyBandits are Recruiting!! Add my Skype for more Details..... My Skype is whats-a-gwk Include the "-"
  3. Zobae

    Looking for a Co-op team mate

    Add me on Skype for DayZ! whats-a-gwk
  4. If anyone wants to play, Add my Skype, whats-a-gwk Im also by the airfield
  5. Zobae

    Starting Survivor Group

    Hey, Id love to play with you Guys... Im 18, Have a Mic, and add me on Skype whats-a-gwk Add my Steam aswell Zobae And Im Canadian
  6. Add me on Skype! whats-a-gwk
  7. Zobae


  8. Can Someone pls send me a LEGIT DayZ Tutorial pls