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Qayin (DayZ)

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About Qayin (DayZ)

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  1. Qayin (DayZ)

    Long-term suggestions, are they possible?

    see guys? its needs fine-tuning but i think this really could be an awesome thing (well as long as the devs can create it i mean)
  2. Qayin (DayZ)

    Long-term suggestions, are they possible?

    in no way do i think they should be permenent! and that is why you can upgrade them slowly - you start with weak wood... eventually u can strip car parts and use those. yes more threats are needed but forming a society will be SUPER HARD and getting to that point where u have a small field to grow things and big stockpiles will also be hard since the better ur shelter is the bigger target it will be. so ull need to take new people in to defend it, but who do u let in? how do u know that person wont kill everyone by surprise? thats just the way i see it.
  3. well - been playing DayZ since the first version of the mod, on and off, ive taken a big break so some of the things i suggested may be ingame so bear with me *building sanctuary's: i think that a big step in making this game "real" would be the ability to hunker down, in the face of a zombie apoc people would seek a place to go to, to stay in. the way i imagine this is this: when you discover a big structure such as one of those keeps/forts, a gas station or a big store (for example) or even a mansion if there are any ingame, you are prompted with the ability to improve it, lets say (for example) "collect 500 woods pieces, 300 bricks. x whatever". once you do, the more people with the right work tools working on the place, the faster its built. and OFC you can upgrade it and NEED to repair it constantly which will keep people searching for things. once it IS build, depending on what it is (each structure should have bonuses, for example, in a gas station youll have gas which u can cook with. fuel cars etc) u are safer from zombies, but u have something to maintain and hold on to! you can assign rooms to be storage rooms, a room for food where u stockpile it, a room for ammo and weapons. after a while it will create a BIG sense of accomplishment and an overall "real world" feeling. because this IS what you would want to do if zombies come. advanced versions would allow u to build and sustain small crop/vengtebles growth. this also makes the game dinamic and real because people would go scouting for other peoples forts to take over, its a risk to raid it and take over because they are fortified, but if u are well armed maybe u can do it! u can destory the fort or take it over. and who do u kill? do u keep the doctor and cook alive? you do because u need them. (my take on the professiosn suggestion here:http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/183479-perksskillsprofessionsstats/) *gained professions: alright so, it only makes sense that if you have the above fort as i suggested, you're going to need rules, right? so ull have someone that cooks, someone that patrols and keeps watch, some guy that tends to everyone's wounds, someone that repairs. each of these should EVENTUALLY become skills they are BETTER AT, and if a portion of that lasts through death, it could give a tiny sense of progression in the game. i know that isn't entirely in the tone of "the only thing that carries is your (the players) experience) so that's fine too. but the person that makes the food every day, should have a bonus that means he makes better food, needs less ingredients , it tastes better, more nutritious etc. - if you fix the fort and build the fort all the time, u SHOULD be better at it, work faster, less resources are wasted etc. this also adds another aspact to the game... if/when the doctor wonders of, for example, to tend to a fellow fort memeber that *born profession: well, seems really strange to me that everyone is a nobody when they spawn instead of having random bonuses. some guy WAS a doctor, one was a lawyer (no useful skill) one was a hunter, you see where im going with this. if you add this to the game, maybe in combination with the above, it could lead to a more profound game experience. even if these would be super rare and even provide a tiny bonus (perhaps the better u are at the game and survive longer, ur next spawn has a higher chance to spawn with a skill) because lets assume there are forts inplace, u could come asking to join saying "i used to be a doctor, i can be usefull" it would also add an aspect to the game we dont have yet, someone comes to kill you "wait wait, im a trained doctor (gained profession), he can spare you, have you heal him, take you to his grp i know these are long term but i think thats fine, DayZ has been here for a while but hopefully itll be here years to come, and i think that things like these can improve it drastically. כדכ
  4. Qayin (DayZ)

    dont understand how to equip hatchet/knife

    hey thanks that worked! but for some reason on my 2nd fight instead of hitting with my hatchet (i did have "ammo) i tried "throwing something".. which got me killed, but i understand this is a learning experience.. but how do i prevent this from hapening?
  5. for some reason i just dont have the option.. help?
  6. Qayin (DayZ)

    mouse is now look only? doesnt redirect me?

    its * key. ty for the help!
  7. i clicked something by mistake and now i can pretty much just move forward.. what do i need to click so that where i aim my mouse is also where i turn? ty
  8. Qayin (DayZ)

    can't enter a game.

    it worked! thanks alot man! seems VERY HARD now, but when my friend buys and installs later today we'll learn together and i assume itll be nicer.
  9. Qayin (DayZ)

    can't enter a game.

    so hey =) i just bought Arma2 CO especially for DayZ - finished the install via steam and did everything that was explained in the forums (Here). i now get to the server list, i choose a server with 25/50 people that starts with "DayZ" (used filter) - i get inside the server, there's another screen and i choose "ok" and than im stuck in a "Loading" screen.. any ideA? not sure whats wrong yet, i managed to enter a game but it seems like i've alone.. i ran for 15 mins or so, didnt encounter even 1 zombie (even inside a town) my vital signs didnt diminish at all, and i didnt have that black window at the top right hand corner of the screen that shows me my stats and the server status (such as how many zombies are there and such)
  10. Qayin (DayZ)

    Why are people calling zombies zeds?

  11. Qayin (DayZ)

    a few long term suggestions.

    ty for the comment. good to know silencers area in-game. Would u mind elaborating why u don't like any of the above ideas?
  12. Qayin (DayZ)

    a few long term suggestions.

    Hey guys! First of, i have to admit, i have not played the game yet. i just bought Arma2 - CO atm. - but im watching every DayZ vid avilable on the internet. so there might suggestions i make that are in-game already... but we'll see. ill just say what i would want to see ingame. these are things that i think are VERY realistic, and could add much to this game. 1. silencers: assuming its easier to kill Zombies with a winchester, rather than a pistol, but when u shoot a rifle, usually ull attract more and more zombies, a slower(less dmg) silenced kill from range - would be possible. 2. sprey paint: a good simple communication way, used to warn, invite and mark terretories. also as things change For example, if u will be able to set up camp or clear town and make it a sanctuary - this will be used for marking. 3. flash/bangs - zobies are attracted to sound, so, a flash-bang grande is a good way to distract em while u escape, for a few seconds itll be louder than anything and u can run. (picking up and throwing rocks would also work but im not sure if the engine allows it) 4. traps - im still not sure what are the up-sides of staying alive and making camp during the night with fire, but assuming u find a good spot, being able to set a trap could be very nice (maybe a bear trap) - using the sprey paint eventually there will be a universal "painting" to warn people (Zombies would die). this would give a sense of safty. - also if animals wonder its a good way to get food, by setting traps. 5. gps tags - i saw on some vids that u now see urself on the map, and ur friends if they are close. a way to tag friends (they will need to approve) once u met up will be a good system to re-find ur friends if u seperate. - removed when they die ofc. 6. secret cache - another nice thing i think u can do is allow for hidden cache's. this one is maybe less realistic since when you "Die" ur new guy is a whole new person. but i was thinking if u find a shovel, and u made a good find such as some extra bandages, a bag, food, etc. you could stash it underground. this will add a new asapct to the game - when u spawn a new char you already have a goal, get to that cache. also - where u dug in the ground, once mousing over ull see "Soft soil", those can be seen by ANYONE - for added risk. 7. long term profiles - for these to work, a person needs to be rewarded and punished towords long term goals. this would make the game ALOT more interestin and rewarding. for example, ive seen people complain about PKing on the forums, PKing is easy since u dont get punished - u die and u can restart as a normal person. a long term system that grants long term goals (after surviving X hours/killing X zombies/bandaging X people) ull get related bonuses when starting new chars, stuff like +1 bandage or for a bigger bonus, start with bigger bags. PKers ofc will get some panalties (and also maybe some bonuses) but point being, once u kill a certain amount of people, u can only spawn as a bandit - untill you do X to recover ur "reputation". For now these are my idea's - cant wait to see ur comments.