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Posts posted by abahnur

  1. So I haven't played DayZ sienc on one of thwe servers a hacjer spawned us all in one place and threw a granade, haven't even heard of the new maps til last week, and now I'm stuck with lingor/namalsk and maaaan...the ammount of fun I had. gave a bandit a ride like a boss, saved severall uneqiped peeps from certain death and hell even sacraficed myself for the new players.

    I must say I made a bad decision with paying for the...other game.

    all I'm waiting for is the stand alone DayZ and arma III dayZ if there will be ever be one.

    Mr Dean "rocket" Hall, you created a masterpiece.

  2. No' date=' there are no real "Supermarkets." Only convenience stores. Me and my buds have just taken to calling it as such since it makes a great deal more sense than the "supermarket."

    Still, some half-decent loot can be found there.


    like makarov and a enfieel next door?

  3. I saw 3 people standing next to a large vehicle in the middle of a forest. It looked like they were making some simple repairs. I heard over direct chat "Finished in just a sec' date=' found a tire in that town."

    "Awesome!" they all shouted and then awaited him to attach the wheel. He took his time putting the wheel on, I suppose them being in the middle of nowhere had made them feel safe. I sat in the bushes waiting.

    The man repairing stood up and said "All aboard boys!"

    That's when I shot. I took two of them out and broke ones legs. He was new, didn't have any items on him. Screaming in chat about what was going on I went up to his friends that hadn't quite took the hint that I wanted them to die. I put the last bullet in their heads and looked at their friend shouting simple questions like "How do I pick up your gun?" and "I fucking see him, how do I kill him?"

    I laughed over the mic and put a bullet in his head. I hopped in the car, it was fully equipped and entirely repaired. I didn't even have to think as to what I did next. I drove the vehicle into a tree, got out and popped the tires with a pistol. I grabbed all of the loot in the vehicle. It mainly consisted of meat and other items such as STA-NAG Mags and bandages.

    Taking whatever I could carry, I walked approximately 500m from the car and started unloading into it with my DMR. The car was completely trashed.

    I went offline for five mins to have my daily meal of children's blood and came back, I lay there waiting in the grass for the poor survivors to come back and see what I had done to their precious.

    When they arrived they stared at the car and shouted over the mic "What type of fucking cunt would do such a thing?"

    "That's the last 3 hours of our lives wasted. At least he didn't loot our bodies."

    That's when I threw the grenade...

    I'm accepting nominations for the most evil man in the world, I hope you all vote for me.

    And remember kids, heroine not only looks nice - it's good for you!


    You are my Idol now!
