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About abahnur

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    On the Coast
  1. So I haven't played DayZ sienc on one of thwe servers a hacjer spawned us all in one place and threw a granade, haven't even heard of the new maps til last week, and now I'm stuck with lingor/namalsk and maaaan...the ammount of fun I had. gave a bandit a ride like a boss, saved severall uneqiped peeps from certain death and hell even sacraficed myself for the new players. I must say I made a bad decision with paying for the...other game. all I'm waiting for is the stand alone DayZ and arma III dayZ if there will be ever be one. Mr Dean "rocket" Hall, you created a masterpiece.
  2. abahnur

    A Word To The Wise: What Is He???

    He's called...Carma..you know...