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Everything posted by Xelacalle
Zombies spawning halfway through floors, unable to chase (
Xelacalle posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Date/Time: 7/7/12 13:25 (GMT) What happened: I had noticed zombies doing this before but thought they were able to chase me, I was just being stealthy. However, as I entered a barn I found several zombies with their legs through the floors. They started to make the noises that you would expect from attacking zombies but they seemed unable to move (screenshot included.) Note - this is on a PC that I just installed DayZ on to yesterday, have not experienced this problem on my normal computer. Where you were: The barn just outside of Msta, coordinates are 114, 098 What you were doing: Just walking around looking for loot. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: UK101 *Your system specs: Processor: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz Memory: 2048MB RAM Available OS Memory: 2030MB RAM Page File: 3861MB used, 541MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Display Memory: 874 MB Dedicated Memory: 115 MB Shared Memory: 759 MB NOTE: The other computer I run DayZ on has 4GB Ram, Intel I3 processor and integrated graphics (cannot get exact specifications at this time.) *Timeline of events before/after error: n/a I believe. I simply installed DayZ, wandered around a bit and noticed this bug. -
Hey I'm Alex, Xelacalle in-game. I travel with my companions - Shrew and Siophis, and I'm normally the one lagging behind the group, spotting on the hill with binocs/scope, sneaking through zombie-infested towns, friends in tow or getting shot at by bandits. We always play on UK or EU servers, (often UK101), and usually only in the day. If you ever see us in game know that we're friendly, but very paranoid due to a recent incident so expect a rifle pointing at you at all times.
Why you shouldn't trust guys with British accent and roll with Polish noobs instead
Xelacalle replied to Sarissofoi's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm British, and my only murder was with an axe, but it was a mercy really. Broken legs, no morphine and in a barn in the middle of nowhere... What was I to do? Seriously though, we're not all bad. My goal is to get a car and taxi fresh spawns around. Yeah, I know I'll get myself killed... but it'll be fun! Me and my friends tend to avoid survivors at the moment. We make a point of killing only if we feel threatened (which usually means one of us got shot.) -
DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again
Xelacalle replied to Vipeax's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Me and my (two) friends are currently stuck on the "waiting for character to create" screen. We've tried several servers and this problem seems consistent with all of them. Is this a related issue? Is anyone else experiencing this problem? -
Announcing your presence and to kill or not to kill
Xelacalle posted a topic in New Player Discussion
I basically just have a few questions for the people here. When you see a player, and they don't see you, what do you do? Do you kill on sight, let them go by, or announce your presence? Personally, I have had only six encounters with other players, ignoring the friends I play with. Three, I was shot on sight. Once near an airstip (to be expected), once outside of a barn, once in a castle. Another, neither of us had weapons so we chatted but didn't group up. A fifth, in a barn, a guy spawned inside it, with me and my friend. We told him we were friendly, but he unfortunately jumped off of the second story and broke his legs... after which I hit him in the face with an axe... The sixth, a player was running from zombies near Staroye. We had clear sight to him (me and two friends) we chose not to kill him, even though we could deal with the zombies easily. To me, it's on a case-by-case basis. I might kill someone if it benefits me. Or if they're as good as dead anyway. I'd probably try to talk first, despite the fact that this puts me at a severe disadvantage. So again, what do you do if you see a survivor, and why? Or what have you done? (This post isn't well-structured and thought out. Sorry.) -
Ah, ok, fair enough. Don't get me wrong it's a cool idea which would certainly improve immersion and realism and I would like to see it implemented some day (with the correct balancing, of course) just... maybe after people have more reasons not to shoot me for my delicious face meats :p
I suppose with enough balancing it would be reasonable. However, as Buzz has said, some people will still just kill you at random for the sake of cannibalism... So now on top of bandits and just generally paranoid players, we'll have random cannibals too. Yeah, it adds more immersion, but I'd rather have reasons to trust/reluctantly work with other players, rather than be afraid that they'll eat my face.
I feel like that, even if this could make it into the game, without certain countries banning it for including cannibalism... It would only give people another reason to kill each other... which is really not what we want right now. Right?
It's very strange that you're having this problem... I'm playing on laptop with Intel I3 processor, 4gb of RAM and integrated graphics, and I am not experiencing the same problems you're having. Is anything running in the background? Try closing everything and checking in the hidden icons on the taskbar. Additionally, there have been reports that lowering graphics settings can move load from your graphics card and onto your RAM instead, so lowering settings may not help. If you still have the same problems after restoring default graphics settings and closing EVERYTHING then I'm not sure what else you can do.
Announcing your presence and to kill or not to kill
Xelacalle replied to Xelacalle's topic in New Player Discussion
From what I'm seeing most people are nice but just get paranoid around other players. I think if I ever noticed a player close enough, I would be paranoid too, but luckily I travel with friends, so if I'm ever killed, I have them to avenge me and pick up some of my stuff. The only time we've announced our presence is as follows: I was killed by someone in a building who followed me in. My friends quickly avenged me, but they were paranoid about going outside in case my killer had friends. So, I told them for one of them to announce their presence over direct chat. If there was anyone nearby, they already knew there was a player in the building, as there had been gunshots. If they were friends of the murderer, they would know that there was one person with a silent weapon. If they were not, they would know there was one person with a makarov. Eventually, one of my friends agreed. There was no answer, so they ran into the forest and were safe. I feel like this was the best course of action as one of my friends (who is still on his first 'life') was panicking after I had been shot. Taking this sort of logical step and thinking about my arguments calmed him down, and if there had been anyone outside they may have replied. Besides, there had already been gunshots so they would know there was players around. Would any of you have suggested this? What would you have done differently? -
8300 blood, died from a SINGLE zombie hit.
Xelacalle replied to herd's topic in New Player Discussion
You can't do it yet, and as far as I know there are no plans to implement it. It can be annoying to start out with, but I now enjoy meeting up with my friends and going from there. It can be interesting to see what's on the way, and we might find some random building we can go into and get useful stuff as a result. I would suggest using a map such as the one here: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/Gmap/beta/gmap.html To help figure out where you both/all are and arrange a place to meet.
I just want to add to this thread, to keep it alive. Situational awareness is important - just today, I died because of a lack of it, and my killer was swiftly dealt with due to a lack of it, too. So here's what happened. This morning, me and some friends were playing for a few hours on a server we frequent, and we investigated one of the castles. We were very cautious, and picked up a few useful things from it. A pistol for me, (I was carrying a CZ at the time) and various types of common ammunition we were running low on. After our visit to the castle, we decided to take a break, retreating to a safe distance and logging off for a couple of hours. On our return, we decided to take a look at the castle again. This time, we were not so cautious. Having had no problems previously, we were too confident. All was well to begin with, but as my friends moved into the main castle building, I hung back a little, checking some other stuff. I then proceeded to follow them. Halfway up the stairs, I hear four fast, close shots with a pistol and I am dead. I had not been watching my back, or my sides. It would not have happened on our first visit. Unfortunately for my killer, it would seem that I was the only person he had seen and he was dispatched shortly after with a headshot from my friend's crossbow as he looted my corpse. My friend lost my rifle to bugs as he dropped it in a panic, thinking the murderer may have had allies, but most of my stuff was saved, and we picked up blood bags, morphine and binoculars from his corpse so, all in all, it wasn't so bad... But had I turned around in time, seen him, and talked... Perhaps we would have had an ally, rather than another death and murder hanging over our heads. Since, we have resolved to ALWAYS have a lookout and/or someone watching any entrances to a building we're in. tl;dr - be aware of your surroundings, and maybe you'll survive a while.
As far as I can tell, the only way you can do this is by buying another copy of the game. Making a new profile doesn't change anything as your information seems to be connected to your "CD" key rather than the name of your profile.
So I've been playing this game for a couple of weeks now, and I've managed to get two of my friends to join me. We've met up, got ourselves hunting knives, hatchets, matches, and a water bottle. Next we plan to raid one of the smaller towns we're nearby. One of my friends is currently using a crossbow with no bolts. Obviously, it's pretty useless and my friend would much rather have his hatchet out while he goes through the town, so the plan is to leave it with me on a hillside as I watch out for other survivors and watch the zombies with my hunting rifle's scope. As none of us have the space to keep the crossbow in our packs, my question is this: How long can I leave the crossbow beside me before it will despawn? Can I pick it up and put it back down again to reset the timer? And finally, am I in any danger of losing my hunting rifle in this situation? (I've had weapons disappear while dropping them before.) Thank you in advance for the help :)
A couple things that really need to change
Xelacalle replied to snared04drummer's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
@snared I was not quoting UK laws to "drag international political bullshit into this conversation", merely to defend Rocket's logic. Also, is it the official 'lore' that your character has survived for days/weeks/months before you spawn? I feel like that is irrelevant, anyway. I do agree that allowing people to spawn with a Makarov again is perfectly fair but it does prevent people from randomly opening fire on other players soon after they spawned. It's also a lot easier and less stressful to group up with other fresh spawns who physically can't kill you and steal all your stuff - at least not until you get to know them a little. In the end I don't think it makes too much difference whether people spawn with Makarovs or not but, personally, I would prefer it if it stayed as it is now. -
I agree that this idea would certainly increase the horror aspect of the game, especially in groups buuut... Personally I feel like this game is all about you being terrified on your own and coming together as a group to maybe-not-be-quite-so-terrified-now. Just today I managed to get my second real-life friend onto DayZ and he was saying, "I'm actually terrified right now because I can't do anything, but once I meet up with you guys I think I'll be ok." That sort of feeling is what I think Rocket intended for this game - although I think probably he intended it to be like that for people who don't know each other in real life, too. I just think the game is supposed to be about grouping up to feel more safe and survive the apocalypse. Sorry that was pretty incoherent but I think I got what I'm thinking across.
Good to see you split this off, as I said before, I completely agree. Bullets from high-powered weapons should at least have a chance to go straight through zombies and players alike. It would add another small measure of realism to the game, and I feel would generate yet more stories to tell of adventures in DayZ. Your last bullet, thinking you were done for, manage to two-for-one those bandits that were hunting you. And the amusing incidents you laugh off later when you accidentally kill your friend through that walker. Obviously, bad_mojo makes a great point - it could be exploited. But I think it would work fine if there was a limit to penetration, or a reduced chance to penetrate if the bullet already passed through something. Personally, I don't think killing two or even three zombies with a single bullet from a sniper rifle is too unrealistic or game-breaking. Anyway, great idea, wish it was in the game already. +1
Zombies Don't Break Legs. They Bruise.
Xelacalle replied to hawkygaming's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I kind of agree with this, and kind of don't. On a personal level, I agree completely. Having (today) pretty much saved my friend from pulling all the nearby Zeds by charging a walker he attracted and hitting it three times in the face with a hatchet, only to receive broken legs in return was extremely annoying - especially considering we were miles from a medical centre and had no morphine. However, the main issue with this was latency - the first hit should have killed it, and I would not have had my legs broken. If a zombie got hold of you in real life... I'm pretty sure there would be a chance it could break your legs. Then again... You are not suggesting removing broken legs from zombie attacks. Your suggesting a lower chance of it happening, and some other inconvenience be added to replace the current amount of chances (if that makes sense.) So, on balance, I think I'm going to have to agree with you. +1 -
Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)
Xelacalle replied to Dreganius (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Anything that promotes survivor cooperation is ok in my book! If something like this were added, hopefully the "kill on sight" incidents would decrease. +1 -
I like the bullet penetration ideas, but not the ghost zombie one (although I agree that it would increase the tension and make the game a little more frightening.) I think a lot of people will put this post aside because of the ghost thing, perhaps you should make an additional thread for bullet penetration. It should be possible for me to kill my friend and a zombie at the same time. By accident, of course...
A couple things that really need to change
Xelacalle replied to snared04drummer's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
1. Here in the UK (as an example) it's pretty much illegal to own a gun - with some exceptions. (For example, armed police and farmers.) 2. Bleeding is supposed to stop on it's own. It's either bugged right now (it's never stopped for me) or we just aren't bleeding out long enough, or the chance is very low. 3. I've personally only ever fallen unconscious when on low blood or having been shot. If this is indeed a problem, then yes it definitely needs to be fixed! 4. I agree with this statement, but I think it could be fixed in other ways. If you could just regen blood by existing, what would stop people simply finding a bush in the middle of nowhere and going afk when on low blood? Personally, I think matches should be more common (or some other form of ignition). Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places but I've never found a box of matches, or anything similar, to cook the meat on the wood which I acquired with my hatchet and hunting knife! If I just had those matches... and honestly, I don't know of anyone who doesn't have matches or a lighter in their house. You do have to remember though that the body requires nutrition to repair itself, so it makes sense to only be able to regain blood by eating. EDIT: Reading the poster above me's suggestion on the blood regen thing, I find that his suggestion is much more realistic. It would be kind of silly to eat three pieces of meat and immediately regain one fifth of your normal blood level in real life. The above suggestion would also make it easier for newly-spawned players, as long as there was a threshold for hunger/thirst (say, above 90% you still regenerate) as, if you managed to get a zombie attacking you, you might still be full enough to get some of the blood you lost back. It would also put more emphasis on finding food and water, which are the priorities you should have in an apocalypse situation. (Sorry if this post isn't very linear or followable. This is pretty just my thought process in text.)