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Rhyye (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rhyye (DayZ)

  1. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters on DayZNamalsk - Ryan Talbot

    Confirming I am Rammfisch's British alter ego. What what, pip pip, cheerio.
  2. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters on DayZNamalsk - Ryan Talbot

    I bet you it was me. I'm also Rammfisch. -_-
  3. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    No I'm Spartacus!
  4. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Just a little fight.

    This is just a tale of the battle that just happened (and was frankly, very enjoyable). However, the few butt hurt players took it upon themselves to racially insult us just afterwards. It would of been one of my favourite moments in DayZ, aside from that.. Ah well, here goes. Me and Busty Bullets log on for a quick game of DayZ. I find a car near Vorkuta, and drive it down to the Sebjan dam, where Busty Bullets arrives (with 2 new friends in her shiny PBX whom depart shortly after). We decide to head on down to the good old hospital, however, unbeknownst to us, it has already been looted. We did stock up on good old food and water though. Heads still held high, we began our drive to the nefarious "Death Mountain", once again unaware of the dangers that await. Once we get within 200 meters (climbing near vertical in a car), we hear gunshots... Heavy caliber... Then an AKM.. Then a normal AK. We ready ourselves for glorious death and began our sneaky approach. Busty quickly tells me over mumble that she is going to flank around to the right.. but as she does so, I spot a player in the barracks. Quickly aiming my AKM, I realise how chilly it is up here, and have a fair bit of trouble aiming. I back out behind the wall, and wait for another clean shot. It comes quickly, as the man steps out of the barracks, takes a knee and looks around. I take the opportunity to put a quick cap in his ass, though in the heat, I don't notice him NOT DYING (The important bit you know? :D). I keep hidden as we know there are more, which is confirmed as Busty calls out a player as being on the roof of the tallest barracks. I aim high, but am unable to get a shot.. the man aims back just as his friend rises from the near death experience. I however, am rather adrenaline fueled and take the chance, popping out of cover and blowing his brains all over the wall. The man on the roof doesn't react fast enough and instead runs around into cover. Busty however, being under the helicopter pad now has perfect eyes on, and takes the shot. BAM, another guy dead. Unfortunately, I find out how terrible I am at counting, and forget there is another guy. HUURRRR DURRRR. Bullet to the leg, bullet to the chest and one to the head. Well played! Busty mops up house however, after taking a lovely M24 and M16 ACOG combo from the bodies and proceeding to triple tap (you never know these days) the last dude. We make off with a lovely UAZ (leaving our old pickup and a broken UAZ up there). However, due to attitudes of the players, we decide not to ever play on this server again. Busty accidentally ejects killing herself however, and we log off for the night.
  5. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Just a little fight.

    Yup! We got kills, and are therefor hackers! Oh le noes. ... No but seriously, overreacting butthurt players..
  6. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    Might wanna look up. Lol
  7. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    Shows what it needs to show. That guy being a racist jackass.
  8. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    You do realise not everyone in the world has 200mb upload speed? (Does that even exist? I pulled that number out my arse). Also this;
  9. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    Not going to troll. Were innocent, we know it, if you have actual evidence, post it. I know I am going to.
  10. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Cheaters: Busty Bullets and EXinar

    EXinar here. Just wanted to post MY version of this oh-so-hilarious, yet-ever-so-slightly-sad story. Me and Busty Bullets log on for a quick game of DayZ. I find a car near Vorkuta, and drive it down to the damn, where Busty Bullets arrives (with 2 new friends in her shiny PBX). We decide to head on down to the good old hospital, however, unbeknownst to us, it has already been looted. We did however stock up on good old food and water. Heads still held high, we began our drive to the nefarious "Death Mountain", once again unaware of the dangers that await. Once we get within 200 meters (climbing near vertical in a car), we hear gunshots... Heavy caliber... Then an AKM.. Then a normal AK. We ready ourselves for glorious death and began our sneaky approach. Busty quickly tells me over mumble that she is going to flank around to the right.. but as she does so, I spot a player in the barracks. Quickly aiming my AKM, I realise how chilly it is up here, and have a fair bit of trouble aiming. I back out behind the wall, and wait for another clean shot. It comes quickly, as the man steps out of the barracks, takes a knee and looks around. I take the opportunity to put a quick cap in his ass, though in the heat, I don't notice him NOT DYING (The important bit you know? :D). I keep hidden as we know there are more, which is confirmed as Busty calls out a player as being on the roof of the tallest barracks. I aim high, but am unable to get a shot.. the man aims back just as his friend rises from the near death experience. I however, am rather adrenaline fueled and take the chance, popping out of cover and blowing his brains all over the wall. The man on the roof doesn't react fast enough, and instead, runs around into cover. Busty however, being under the helicopter pad now has perfect eyes on, and takes the shot. BAM, another guy dead. Unfortunately, I find out how terrible I am at counting, and forget there is another guy. HUURRRR DURRRR. Bullet to the leg, bullet to the chest and one to the head. Well played! Busty mops up house however, after taking a lovely M24 and M16 ACOG combo from the bodies. This is when it gets weird.. Immediately, hacker insults and cheat calling are slung at us, nothing new to DayZ if you've played it even for a little while, but what gets us is the quite unprovoked (not later, mind. I do like myself a bit of trolling), and generally racist attitudes and insults thrown at us. That being said, I'm not above trolling and being a general arse in the channels, but I've never stooped so low as to racially insult someone. There is a line man. TL;DR;; WE KILL PEOPLE, THEY RACIALLY INSULT US. Will be posting the video once uploaded. PS. Not slandering the server in anyway.. Just if it IS "Non PvP".. Maybe try putting that in the name or a MOTD. :|
  11. Not sure how you've done it Desync.. but every patch, ever change you ever do on the server.. my FPS seems to increase. I'm quite able to run through Cherno/Elektro at a steady 30-40 FPS now with details on high. Other servers I would get about 15 on optimal settings. So, whatever you did, I love you for it <3.
  12. Also for the ATV... they are seriousally broken in DayZ.. I hit something, engine was fine.. drove 5 minutes down a straight and clear road and it just blew up. Don't drive them on ANY bridge either.
  13. Found a tractor just outside the NWAF North Barracks.. dead guy next to it, Pawn, and it was FULL of guns. M249, FN FAL, AKM, M16, M4A3 CCO, M16 ACOG.. thanks <3.
  14. I blew the bus up at Khelm, sorry :x. Also took a PBX I found waaaaaay up on land.. Took me ages with my bicycle to nudge it into the water. Drove it to Skallisty.. figured I'd help look for the chopper. Two zombies stared at me from 600m away, directly at me.. NOPENOPENOPENOPE. :(
  15. We (Me and Angel) found a white truck North of 'Zino.. Took that. Also noticed the tractor on.. Solnichy bridge (South of the gas station near the factory). Also, bus is at Chelm (Not the mountain, the town!) OR Pusta (in which case it has no wheels. :P)
  16. Well, title says it all really ;3. Not looking for some group that just copy/pasta's info, that doesn't show me that you are interested at all. Sorry if I sound like an ass already (I am one, fyi :3). I'm just your average PC gamer really, from the UK, 19, and I'm looking for a small gang of fella's/gal's to play, and generally piss about with. About me; Know the game, know the hotspots, but I'm still reasonably "fresh" to anything other than hiding and getting a one shot kill. I know vehicular spawns, good weapon spawns, and most of the map in and out. I know various tricks and tips (Such as clouds always go east, and using it to find my way) I'm rarely upset/angry about losing gear. In a way, that's a fair bit of the fun. I'm more of an Rifle (Dont worry, I rarely use the Enfield outside of cities in a fresh spawn :X!) sort of person. I can snipe, but not that great at it. Also have played as a Combat Medic style (Focused more on medical supplies/food than a spare weapon/extra ammo). I'm 19 years old, but have spent alot of the last 7-8 years gaming, and generally farting about with people much older than I. I do play other games as well. EVE online, League of Legends, DayZ of course, BF3, and a few other various multiplayer games such as Killing Floor ect. A good sense of humour. I like to joke and generally mess about, but know when to act serious, and where to just sit down and have a good time. What do I want from a group? A good level of maturity. This doesn't mean you can't make fart jokes, "thats what she said" and all that shizzle, cause I know I will if you don't. I just want a group that knows when to act serious, and when to not. A good level of experience in the game. I don't want to join a freshly made group of (no offense) newbies that can't figure out how to get out of Cherno. Doesn't mean I'm expecting Sacriel clones though! I'd rather have GOOD comms, not Skype.. Skype is terrrriiibbllee, but I can use it if I have to. Also have Mumble, TS3, and Vent installed so . Just some general guys/gals I can get to know, and enjoy gaming with. NO "Super happy fun time friendly" group. I do appreciate them, and they are definitely needed in the game, but I'm not after that. I protect myself and my friends, and if you come across me, or I come across you, I will attempt to kill you :3. It's as simple as that. No exploiters/hackers/Alt-F4. Seriously. There is nothing worse in the game than those three. Not based in Cherno/Elektro 24/7. No, really, I don't WANT to sit and snipe off some shitty hill all the time I play. I don't mind doing it, especially in stupid ways, but just not 24/7. Also, Cherno Makarov raids are awesome. If you managed to read all that, you're probably what I'm looking for. Just drop me a note/post! Sorry if it's a long list, but theres nothing crazy there, alot of groups should pass the requirements at least partially, if not mostly. TL;DR, LOOKING FOR SMALL GROUP, WELL EXPERIENCED, KNOWS WHEN TO STFU/TELL YOUR MOMMA JOKES. (PS SHE'S FAT)
  17. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    To the guy on I think SE 47... the one that wouldn't stop chasing me and meowing (I started it too, to scare the guys in the store with you LOL).. Thank you for such a massive laugh XD. I was literally crying. You sir, are legendary.
  18. DayZ Name : EXinar How long have you played DayZ : A good month and a bit. Time Zone: GMT+1 Will you stay loyal to our group?: Of course. What is your primary role: I have no primary role. I do enjoy some more than others though, such as Sniping (Though admittedly I'm not that good), and Combat Medic. I can also drive, but I'd rather someone else did it, as my cars seem to love concrete barriers. tl;dr, any role you need, I can fill it.
  19. Ran over a new player as he spawned just east of Cherno.. in a bus. At full speed. I have no regrets, he made a rather satisfying "crunch" under the wheels. The best part is how he was looking for the noise of the bus, but looking the wrong way... Until he turned to see the bus approaching at 60, only 10ft from him :D
  20. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    It wasn't that I was shooting you, but forced movement resulted in a bullet to the head (I could of been reaching for my gun, and I assume thats what I was put down for.) Enjoy the gear though! I had fun :D. Application was sent (I think?) too!
  21. Rhyye (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Found these guys at the NW airfield scouting, managed to get close enough without being shot, to be able to let them know I'm friendly. I was told that any sudden movement would result in a round to my skull... What an awefully good time for my cat to walk across my keyboard. Pew, splat, brain matter everywhere before my first step had even finished. These guys mean it! Shame I died and all, but at least you followed up with what you said! Loving the work, even if I did die. :( Lost alot of good stuff, but it was good fun. Hope this doesn't hinder my chances of joining.