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About Kazaki

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. YES and Tank Traps and Sandbags
  2. Logged off at 3 PM north Berezino Logged in at 9 PM and was at debug with no gear. Relogged and spawned at kamenka with no items but still had my ghillie suit. Ran back to my tents to find that all items had dissapered... Lost about 3 L85 3 AS50 and M4s AKs today... guess Ill play when this is more stable. GG DayZ
  3. Kazaki

    Pending Update: Build

    Small bug report that might fit the patch: L85A2 AWS is probably not beeing saved on player's data correctly. The Following happened to me and a friend: > We each found a L85A2 AWS. > We both had for quite some time. > I joined a Server and my L85A2 AWS disappeared. > My friend joined another Server and his L85A2 AWS also disappeared.
  4. Kazaki

    Pending Update: Build

    Suggestion for preventing Abort/ALT-F4 while in combat. When leaving a server (clicking 'Abort'), the player should be prompted with: - a coutdown timer of the time left until his character is actually removed from the server and the player disconnects form the server. - an option of 'Exit Now.' which would allow the player to disconnect from the server but would leave his character (or a replacement entity) in the server standing still, susceptible to damage, death, ect.... (ALT-F4 would cause the same effect as 'Exit Now') This is a system that World of Warcraft also uses and I think it would fit Dayz fine. Since the death factor in DayZ is alot more important due to it being permanent for each character, I would say that the countdown timer should be of 25 or more seconds of length.
  5. Kazaki

    US133 Feedback thread

    Hello, me and my friend had been playing on this server for a while when suddenly we both died at exactly the same time with no blood loss or any gun fires, and the server was passworded afterwards. Looked like a random slay from an admin or something. This happened about 10 minutes ago (Current time at my location: 00:06 GMT+1)