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About theot13

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just an idea I had but with the bear trap addition in the coming update players can now use them to place around their tents for safety. Adds another dynamic to the game. Not every tent you see is gonna be a free loot spot.
  2. theot13

    Why did you shoot me.

    Are you the fucking mother of God? Since when that market became your property? I completely support that guy. Great job on him grabbing a rifle and shooting one of you to death. I would do the same. People like you' date=' who think that they are more equal than others, deserve to be shot on sight. [/quote'] Are you serious? I have every right to tell him to get the hell out of the market. Its 4v1 and we just spared his life since we got the jump on him. Plus its Berezino he could leave and hit up many of the other loot spots. Instead of being an asshole and killing on site without asking any questions, I kindly asked him to leave the market. I'm not gonna befriend the dude and share loot with him. Plus I really don't trust some random dude who says he friendly to get that close to us. Now because of the shit he pulled, me and my group kill every survivor we run into without asking a single question. Dont care if hes friendly or not.
  3. theot13

    Why did you shoot me.

    I agree 100% with the OP. Just tonight me and 4 friends run into a lone survivor in the Berezino market and we decide to be nice. I alert him of our presence and ask if hes friendly. He replies yes and he wants no trouble. I told him fine just get out of the market and leave it to us. So he precedes to do so. As we try to finish looting the place we start receiving gun fire. He manages to kill one of us before he disconnects from the server. Now because of the actions of this asshole my group is forced to kill any survivor we run into. Funny thing is my group was stacked with military weapons and sniper rifles. He only had a enfield and clearly just wanted to a douche and disconnect to safety.
  4. So whats the deal with vehicles? I've spent countless hours with my squad roaming through different servers and locations to find a vehicle but to no avail. We used the day z wiki for locations and every time we get there its already gone. I also never see any and I play around 3-5 hours a day. Has every vehicle at this point been repaired and moved off map to the wastelands? This leads me to my next question/story. TLDR at the bottom. My squad and me decide to hit up the NE airfield for some loot. Before I continue, let me give you some details. There's 3 of us in total. I'm the sniper in the group with a CZ550. The other 2 have silenced weapons. One has a Bizon SD and the other a MP5 SD. While in the tower we encounter a zed at the top. The guy with my mp5 moves in for the kill on the stairs and gets one shot by the zed and dies... now we have a problem. We have to wait out in the airfield for our friend to re spawn and make the hike back to his body in order to retrieve his things. We quickly unloaded his bag and belongings and waiting for his arrival. Fast forward about 20 mins and he finally makes it back. Once he finishes gearing back up we hear for the very first time a car pull into the air field. So now we are on our toes and very excited about the fact that we might be able to steal this car. One covers the door and me and another head to the top. Unfortunately in our haste to get to the top we attract a zed to the roof and have to engage him. This provides the driver enough time to spot us and make a break for it. In all the commotion we did not see if he went into a hanger or drove in between and left. So we err'ed on the side of caution. I covered from the tower while the two moved in. After clearing the hangers we realized he had already made his escape, however he was not done. We once again hear his truck close by and disappear once again. So we quickly try to loot as much as we can and prepare for an ambush. A couple more minutes later as we clear the hangers of any loot we hear gun fire from the NE on the hill. My two squad mates begin to take cover as theyre being shot at and leave it to me to dispatch him. I zero my scope in at around 300m and take a shot. 1st shot is a direct hit. The player goes unconscious and begins to bleed. I follow up with 2 more shots however I miss :( . He then immediately disconnects from the game and a kill is not registered on my debug. My squad makes start to make their move towards his location to begin a search for his truck when all of the sudden they receive fire from the south. At this point my rifle shots have attracted about 5 zeds and I begin to also take fire from the south. I take a hit and begin to bleed while I pull my pistol out to dispatch the zeds. I make my way downstairs to bandage and heal. My blood had dropped from 12k to 6.5k. At this point we have no idea how many friends he brought with him and where they are exactly, plus we are still caught up in the moment. So since they were playing the disconnect game we decided to as well. After all, my other squad mate had just died and didn't want to risk another death and there were to many unknowns. Which brings me to my next question. Is the guy who disconnected going to die? I assume he took a lot of damage since he fell unconscious and started to bleed after one shot. However he disconnected before he died and the kill did not register on the debug monitor. TLDR 1: Are all the vehicles already taken and pretty much impossible to find off the map? 2: Will disconnecting after getting hit by a sniper and going unconscious/bleeding save you from death?