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Everything posted by Reaps

  1. Cool story bro! But this is NOT what ALT-F4 does. If you die, you die. ALT-F4 only saves the ones that didn't get the clean headshot. This is however a known exploit that is being dealt with (i'm assured) by the dev team. I won't go into details but the exploit lets you die but not lose your position and/or gear. I just got done watching the interview rocket done with FPSGuru (Check the news page for links) and he stated in there what he's been working on as well as a lot of other pretty cool things. Well worth a watch. This is where the possible update news came from. Rocket did NOT state when, just that it's ready for closed testing, and there's no new features.
  2. Finally! :D However, the log in thing seems to be fixed for most, it's SO hard to get into a server right now because they're maxed very quickly. I've personally got in to servers MUCH quicker, all loot on my body as saved. No desync issues right now. Will post more after several more hours.
  3. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This isn't the place to discuss the DC'ing. It's still the Issues with 1.7.2 patch ;) Start another discussion perhaps. Rocket / Anders: I seen you recently announced the release of (and the stepping stone experimental is going "live") but have you taken in to account the exploit i posted in here. Has that loophole been closed. or looked at? I don't want to post it again, its on page 42&62 here. As well as the dev-heaven site. (Thanks again Cyanyde) @ https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36636 . Very much looking forward to the new builds. and the patch notes! Will try recreate the exploit and give feedback right away.
  4. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'll keep an eye on it. and if it's not acknowledged by page 70 i'll spam more ;) On a serious note. Thank you its greatly appreciated - now here's hoping they add a fix for it to and all future versions.
  5. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Sorry i didn't see your edit. As for it already being fixed. I was hopeful of that. But it's not. I somehow managed to load in to a server as and i don;t have the black screen with error. I just have the same old watermark. So they have the coding in place, and almost the solution. But it's only set for people with a newer version trying to play on older servers. Not the other way around. But thats interesting, perhaps that was an issue for the devs and duping too. Time will tell.
  6. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I believe the reason this has not happened yet is due to the arma restrictions of the animations / models allowed as a secondary item. I'm sure if it's possible a little further down the line, this will be implemented. It makes perfect sense and dual purpose items look like they'll make more of an appearance.
  7. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Thanks for the link, Yup I realise there is a bug tracker, but the bug tracker is bugged for me I'm still not receiving the confirmation email to actually confirm registration. I've tried several times. Hence why the spamming has commenced. As for the version check. It's still there. It's just useless. It gives the watermark of hey, you're running the wrong version but does nothing to stop you going mental and exploiting the game. It never has. I to am running and THAT has a solid version check / black screen when you try join another server running a different version. I stated this on page 62 though. I understand you don't like the fact that I'm screaming from the rafters. But you have to agree, it isn't something that can just be overlooked. Leaving a few small groups of people to abuse this, and ruin other peoples experiences is not the right thing to do either. Since no dev has mentioned "yeah we're on it" and i have no other way of making it known to them save PM's which would just get bogged under. This is the lesser of the evils. Feel free to pass my concerns over onto the dev-heaven site if you are indeed registered. Many people would be grateful. While a select few will want to slaughter you. An example of what we were able to do last night is as follows. 1)Follow random people back to camps, around Major towns / loot spots. Invisible (Camo & Ghillie suits worked). 2)Loot items / drop items / Assist survivors by putting stuff in peoples bags. (dumped NVG and M107 in to some lucky chaps bag!) 3)Assist people when the zombies were overwhelming them - without them ever knowing. Casper really is a friendly ghost. 4)Play for 2+ hours without the need to consume food/water/painkillers/morphine Simply because Zeds do not aggro. 5)Play with No desync issues what so ever. Occasional server crash but strange how we didn't desync to one another. What we could have easily done: 1) Follow people to their camps. Loot / destroy everything AND kill them 2) Loot players corpses and/or hide them 3)Removed Clothing (Ghillie / Camo) and cared some poor survivor senseless as without that on they see us. 4)Disconnect -> Reconnect to create a new "save" point for location + gear and have a CoD style fight in a major town. Spawning in our last safe location upon death. Disclaimer: This is in a dedicated 1.7.2 server, we killed within our group ONLY - No innocent survivors were hurt in the exploration of this exploit.... YET Again to save me reposting I advise a member of the Dev team to check out our initial findings on Page 42 of this thread. Then Updated findings on page 62 For anyone thinking ahh reaps you're just an exploiter. I'm running the experimental build ( 90% of the time checking for improvements / bugs. When friends are on we're now looking for bugs vs older builds into new builds. The mod holds no appeal knowing how easy it is to never fear death and how easily exploitable it is. I WANT this loophole closed. So I can get back to enjoying the game I've grown heavily addicted to like all of you! :D The coding is already in the game to shut 99% of this exploit out. it just needs to be a black screen saying you are running the incorrect version rather than the watermarked warning we get right now. This wont stop the duplicating of the items. As groups that are organised will just run to the area of the person exploiting, and when he respawns, they loot. He doesn't need to see the screen to be able to do that. However, it WILL stop that same chap following you invisible. As well as being able to kill you. without you having somewhat of a chance.
  8. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This is kinda interesting to me, because when you exploit the game (see page 46 / 62(ish)) It acts this way. I'm not saying for 100% this is whats going on but.... When i've been testing it with a friend. He's not updated, stuck with playing on 1.7.2. If he kills someone, or they kill him. There's the server message. If i kill my other friend, who is running 1.7.2 with me. We just get the "xxx Was Killed" message. This to me is a good indication of who has, and who hasn't updated. The other thing to look out for is when someone running an older version is killed. They have no flies buzzing around their body. Tested multiple times. Nothing. That may be due to the fact that they don't actually die. They get ported to the debug forests where you then have to manually abort -> Disconnect -> Connect. At which point they go back to their last loading location, with the exact same kit. Thing that makes it so i'm not 100% sure this was the case for you is, he spawned right on his body. Incapped. That sounds more like someone whos triend to pull the plug. You've seen the desync/but the games somehow still registered his death. Without him getting it registered on the hive. Odd one indeed. I'll do a little testing later and see if i can replicate it. If there were no flies though - He was just running version
  9. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Further Testing 1.7.2 I'm not experiencing half as many issues as a lot on here. - Zombies: are inconsistent. but... that was the plan. I've had a few occasions where they've seen me through a building (usually when you're on the second floor) and a couple that have aggroed from 100-150 meters. But nothing crazy. I can still LoS zombies for the most part. Again the occasional glitch where a zombie with its back to me will run towards me, although the sound indicator is zeroed. Nothing really different from the patch. Just have to use the surroundings to your advantage. (although some of this isn't affecting the vision meter correctly. Like tree lines/bushes/shadows.) It's tougher on the fresh starting player. But once you have a hatchet. You're set. Zombies are walking indoors as always (for me). - Loot Is very server dependent. I don;t understand why, it's not a case of its all been looted. Some servers will literally have no spawns. (empty tins etc etc) where others will have a much MUCH more varied range of items. As i believe it was intended. For example. supermarkets were yielding rediculous amounts of watches, occasional matches and maps etc. but generally (for me atleast! I know, its random) a lot of duplicated items. On a "good" 1.7.2 server i managed to get a Lee Enfield, M1911, Matches, Water bottles, Food, Alice Pack, Hunting Knife, Compass. The works. The only thing i didn't get from there was a toolbox, and hatchet. But i found them near Elektro power plant. Bonus. - Gameplay Despite the obvious exploit (which i'll quote again in a page or 2! ;) ) I'm finding the games actually running better. I'm not having these loading issues that a lot seem to be having. I'm getting into servers almost every time. More so than on When I get in there, my personal experience is a good one. Zombies react quicker, I've experienced the gun through the chest of close zombies. but that's not really game breaking. It seems to me like the zombies are some how pathing slightly better too. When it's working properly. sometimes they do run the opposite way, and LoS themselves. Which is nice. - The de-syncs They're back and about as frequent as the 1.7.1 patch on release. Although some servers are, again, a LOT better than others. Played for about 2 hours lastnight with no desync on US566. It seems to have a lot to do with what beta version you are running also. I have a friend that was on 94444, he never desynched to me at all. the other was on the same patch as me and he seems to desync. I've come across a lot of Survivors and never noticed any sort of running on the spot (in the game time lastnight) But the previous night was horrific. The game was not playable as a goup. But lone wolfing was absolutely fine. A lot of the errors seem to be server dependent but i'm not entirely sure why. As one host posted earlier in the thread. His server seems to use 10-20% more CPU on load. So perhaps some servers have more headroom than others, thus the sync issues are less on them? Could possibly be the answer. Exploits / Bugs *Items too easy to Dupe *Still able to DC to avoid PVP / Death / Zombies *Can still fool M1911 / Revolver ammo into refilling Clip *Can still play 1.7.2 servers without upgrading from (or earlier) - THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM see Page 46 / 62 for the reason why (Will repost) *Crashing out the game and/or server restarts will wipe progress to last log in point (Possible attempt to fix the End Process DC'ers?) *Some bodies are still despawning on death, leaving nothing but flies. This is greatly reduced compared to but still there.(Not due to DC'ers as it was MY body - i was testing it with a friend) *1 in 10 animals (so far) have rotted into the ground before i had the chance to gut them, or while i was gutting them. TL:DR 1.7.2 is a great step in the right direction and a lot of/severity of the issues seem to be server dependent.
  10. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'm glad you are pretty sure the devs are aware. Are you really that narrow minded that you think i'm the first one to achieve this? There's countless people doing it and duping items. Keeping it a secret is the exploit ya tool. This is exactly the way to STOP said invisible snipers killing you randomly. Stir the hornets nest in order for a very simple fix. You can use this blue in the face comment, until your blue in the face. I will KEEP posting the exploit until the exploit is acknowledged by someone with a bit of credibility. Why? because there's no Alpha, Testing, Bug finding. When you can't go 40 meters to test stuff without getting plotted by some invisible character. You people are moaning about missing guns, while there's people not losing anything on death, running around with no chance of zombies noticing them and killing you. And it's been happening since the second patch by the looks of a few videos. I used to just think oh its script kiddies. but, nah, its not. It's easily exploited non-updates. If there wasn't page after page of i've lost *this*. I think the zombies are broken etc etc. Then i wouldn't have to keep posting this. I'll also spam the shite out of it until it is KNOWN by the devs. You do realize this, right? It's simple. Until Rocket / Anders says "cool story bro!" and i know they've seen it i'll keep posting it. Stop derailing the thread with your tin god comments about how if you were a mod you'd edit the post. And warn me. Get over yourself. You're the exact reason people shut up and screw the hell out of a bug (making it an exploit) and keep it hush hush for as long as possible. You thought the game was turning into a deathmatch before? Think about it now, when there's literally NO WAY of losing gear, and it's respawning at your selected waypoint with your same kit set up. Welcome to call of duty. with broken bones. This isn't an exploit, if they deal with it. This isn't a fully fleshed out game, it's a mod. In alpha. We are Alpha testers. This is the feedback page for the 1.7.2 patch. This is said feedback. Contribute, or don't post. But to be constructive about it. I have two methods to fix the exploit for the devs. who may or may not see this after Cyn edits my post and warns me :P 1) Force a patch server wide. If they're not running the latest version. No one connects to the server. I've never understood for the life of me why we have servers versions back in 1.7.0 etc when we're so far forward. This is Alpha, surely we have to unify the server files and not have multiple versions running. Which just creates false bug reports because someone is running on a server with slightly different setup files compared to the one they played on 20 minutes ago. The feedback is useless when they're running outdated versions. Most of them do it for personal gain as it's either easier because zombies haven't been tweaked, the loot spawns are more consistent, It's quieter so they can server hop and yum the loot up themselves. Only to then jump in the up to date version and be jackasses. There is NO legit reason for having an out dated version running on your server. Face it. It's an alpha mod that we are supposed to test at its current build. Who gives a rats arse if it's stable? It shouldn't be! If Dayz has such a huge player base all on one version, it moves forward a lot quicker. Vital bugs, ideas that are clearly not working are spotted so much faster and dealt with. (before someone mentions armax users - the ones that could fix it. the fix was in the form of a ARMA BETA patch. The others. were just SOL. It happens) Or 2) Force clients to be running the same files for the server. (This seems to be a fairly easy task. You show us when we're out of date with the watermarked you are running version 1.7.x, server is running 1.7.X) If you MUST keep the spectrum of versions across servers. Force people to pick. Seems to me like the code is already in place to know if you are running compatible versions or not. The checks are being done. And they're working. There's just no real action stopping you carrying on. I've tried to play on a 1.7.2 server with the experimental files. and it's almost impossible. Due to the very simple fact that the watermark is a solid black screen. which hangs there for 5-10 seconds, leaves for a split second and is back. This is heading in the right direction and is already doable. It would almost fix everything in the exploit i've mentioned. You simply can not play the mod when trying to run on 1.7.2 with files because of it. You have the ability, the coding is done. Just incorporate this screen into all incorrect versions. Instead of the watermark. and you've almost fixed the issue. I'd much rather see some ones character data wiped when they move from one major patch to the other. This stops them owning a 1.6 server with all their fancy gear and then jumping over to a 1.7.2 to kill someone with little fear of losing their other stuff a server across. This however may be a bigger task. I'm not sure if you can add code for the hive to check last played version. If the version its connected to doesn't correspond they get the male / female char choice and it's "OLA BEACH!" Course this would result in liquid gold. AKA Tears. But it's a mod in development and forcing a new spawn, on a new patch ensures everyone gets to thoroughly test it. From the start. It would also mean loot wipes, bye tents, vehicles etc. But the + side of it. You wouldn't have people saying "WHENS THE PATCH!?!?!" because they'd want to keep the cars / tents / piles of NVG's for longer. It'd be more like "ROCKET, ADD MORE. GIVE IT A WEEK OR 3. TEST IT MORE!"
  11. Only if you've downloaded and correctly put in 1.7.2 DAYZ mod files too. Downloading the beta file isn't anything to do with the dayz install, it's arma 2 beta files.
  12. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Check out page 46 for the Exploit of duping gear and ruining the game for everyone, easily. Just to let you know, I'm fully updated but have a friend that is refusing to update and we're testing to see if the exploit is still possible. It is, and it's even easier than before. So once again, if you haven't checked page 46. Here's the new version: Step 1: Do not update to 1.7.2. Stay on Beta 94444. Connect to and play on 1.7.2 servers Step 2: Once you acquire 'phat lewts' disconnect. (to the lobby of the server) and reconnect. This will save your location as well as all your gear. Step 3: Get close to friends, and hit respawn. They loot all your stuff, and you will be born again, with all the gear in the same location. You can rinse and repeat that indefinitely. Bonus bug #1: If you just want to be a complete dick. follow step 1 and pop on a ghillie suit. You then become invisible to everyone else, and you can KILL EVERYONE with no chance of them seeing and or/shooting you. The only problem with the ghillie suit is when you loot anything, and or run around no progress is saved. Besides ruining some ones day. Bonus bug #2: All of this, is done with absolutely NO zombie aggro. Even with the ghillie suit off, when they and all players can see you. For people that are going to jump up and yell "REAPS YOU FUCKIN' ASS! YOU RUINED THE GAME!" No, i haven't I'm shedding light on what a select few people are more than likely already doing. And if I somehow am the first one to discover this, then I'm yelling it from the rooftops, because someone else will find it out. and try to keep it to themselves. These are very easy to fix. I'm sure. And i think a few issues have been fixed in the trial I'm just trying to make the exploit known. So don't shoot the messenger. Reaps
  13. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Rocket and Co. - Please read page 46 of this thread and see how we're easily able to exploit the game currently. I've tried to register in the dev buglist thing but it's not working.
  14. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    You have to make the bug public, for it to be dealt with, and not become an EXPLOIT. What would you suggest? giving some cryptic clues as to how to easily duplicate stuff over and over, say hey Dev's there's a huge game breaker happening, but you'll have to guess what it is. Being as specific as i was is what the alpha community should be doing. You're finding bugs / exploits making them public and getting that loophole shut down. Or you are fishing deep through the clues to find the exploit to better yourself. Which one are you? For people not sure what i posted. Check out Page 46 of this thread. Hopefully a dev will see it before too many others and either: 1) Stop people connecting to servers with the wrong version installed 2) Let them connect but not interact with the Zombies or up to date players and/or loot.
  15. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Lol this is true. This happened to me also ;) but that's kinda clear to see its a bug death :P I was aiming more for the guy a few pages ago that was talking about just dying to "nothing" suddenly. My own buddy blasted me in the face just to make sure that i really couldn't see him. Still not quite sure what the logic to that one was. But he laughed anyway. That bastard. Also something else to note. I did not hear the gunshots either. So it's easy to be casper the pain in the arse.
  16. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Rockets already stated how missing items are due to the over zealous security tweaks. They'll be back in a fix. For the people saying the zombies are completely broken. They're not. They're partially broken. Different, is not broken. You can no longer just stand in the middle of a field, with zombies 200 meters away all day. They WILL eventually see you. Moving or not. Rockets said several times how the mechanics work - So just because a few run at you from the distance, while others completely ignore you closer. That is actually working as intended. However, there are a few bugs as some people have stated. The spawn rate, is a tad off. The spawn distance seems to freak out from time to time and the occasional warping zombies is an issue. That said, zombies aren't the predictable (somewhat) zombies of You have to use the landscape to mask movements. Keep to the shadows on clear days, don't barrel through the middle of a field even crouched. You will be spotted. Again, there are a few glitches in the process, but once you get the hang of it. They (Zeds) are a lot more fun to deal with. For the people that are just randomly dying. You may have just been shot by a ghillie suit wearing player that is still running files. They are invisible. We found some massive exploits in this patching process which I brought to the attention of the forums on page 46 of this thread. We're not so much a group that goes out to find exploits, its actually the first we stumbled upon. But with the rate of people dying constantly last night, i'm sure there are a lot more people who know about this. There's also the added fact that if you kill a player that is running the files, there are no flies. You can still loot etc, We found a number of these bodies that were lootable without the flies sound. While when i died (running 1.7.2) they were there.
  17. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Ander, Is it possible to work in a way to close off the exploits i mentioned on this page just above your post (Page 46) in to the next hotfix? Not sure if you can just kick people running the wrong version after x-seconds or something. But at the minute, you're able to wreak havoc on a server with an outdated version.
  18. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    First off... New forums are sick! love it. Now about the new patch. [bUGS] It is extremely easy to duplicate items in this current patch - Happened to us by mistake. But this is what we've found as a group. If you do not upgrade, from and play on the 1.7.2 server, you can run around looting, shooting all that nice stuff, without any zombie aggro what so ever. You can also just jump back into a server and have all your gear you had before you died. If a player was to shoot you. Again, this was discovered by mistake by our group of players, one of the guys didn't update correctly, but was able to play. You can loot, and so long as you jump back onto a server before dying in 1.7.2 it saves all your gear + location. This is obviously extremely easy to exploit rare loot spawns be it by server hopping through the barracks or simply running like a maniac. Then the clincher. once you have found the GPS, L85 etc etc. you go back to your server it saves. you go back to your buddies and then simply respawn. They loot your phat lewts, while you simply abort, go back to any server, you are spawned again with the full kit. rinse and repeat. We didnt have an L85 etc but we did manage to easily duplicate a boatload of items. I'm seeing a lot of people "xxx was killed" over and over, so i'm assuming that we're not the only group to stumble upon this bug/exploit. There is also one other HUGE exploit. Ghillie suits. If you stay on version, log into a 1.7.2 server and you're wearing the ghillie you have none of the issues we are facing when wearing it on 1.7.2. I.e no random spawns to the sea, no swimming indoors no warping around or respawns. What you do actually get is one HUGE advantage. because people in 1.7.2 can not see you. You are completely invisible They sometime can hear your footsteps, but not 100% of the time. and you can kill them. This has been tried and tested by ourselves to see what we can still actually do whilst not upgrading (after seeing the duplicating thing happen) This to me is almost more game breaking than the duping of the items, because there's nothing stopping some invisible ghillie guy following you back to your ents, vehicles. and raiding you, right while you stand there. Please fix it, as it's a game killer. [GOOD THINGS] The FPS / Performance is fantastic, i never really had FPS issues save a few hacked games with tons of satchels going off ring in front of me. But the game just feels so much more responsive. The zombies probability thingy, is great. Taking us out the comfort zone once again, and it's something you won't ever be able to get used to. great idea, and it's working (so far) very very well.
  19. Reaps

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    As rockets said. It could be that the servers haven't updated all the files correctly, or it could be an issue with the update itself. Just give it an hour or 2, and keep trying. I also find it amazing that people that are losing their weapons are ALL L85 TWG's i've never seen one. Ever, yet every update you tools complaining of losing weapons claim its the best thing the game has to offer. Like you're going to get a roll back and free loot. On that note, omg omg i've probably lost my lee enfield! FML! Rocket - thanks for the speedy update after the Rezzed stuff was out the way, here's hoping the server admins have just missed a file or 2 along the line.
  20. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Hey Rocket... Instead of bear traps that are going to litter Elektro (in my mind!) can't you make a booby trapped tent. Which can't store items of course. It give's that added fear of "should i, shouldn't i" when finding a tent in the open. and it kinda goes hand in hand with pushing all these off map camps into the boundaries again. Give's them a touch more security too. Could just combine a grenade with tent and presto! one ready made tent of doom. (Fits in with the basic crafting we're hearing about)
  21. First off, I've read every response so far and just have to say You guys that are PRO the off-map changes (I'm all for this change) need to ease up on Ace a little. He's the only off-grid person that has had any credible input thus far. He's explained the reasoning behind it (For himself and his group) but at the same time is willing to lose it all and adapt. To you Sir, the new challenge is just beginning. On grid camps are a real pain in the arse to maintain. But with a force that is 20+ strong, you rarely need a great deal in storage to be effective at what you do. Have your camps on grid, and store spare gear, such as ammo etc. Anything you don't want to lose, have on your person. With a 20 strong team, that's a lot of storage space that can be logged on / off. I also believe you're on the right lines with the whole camp/fortress thing when it comes to end game. I'm sure we'll see some end game base system come into play. Eventually. Then we have the flip side of the coin, which in this case looks to be Juba and others. You guys are just incredible to listen to. The responses are just so far and beyond insane, I hunger for the next replies. Don't try argue semantics about what's on map/off map. It is clearly visible. Be more constructive. The barren wasteland would be a good addition to this incredibly small map as you see it. IF everyone had the opportunity to reach the same locations as you guys. Which, they don't. No matter what spin you put on it. Hoarding is the perfect term too - you are stockpiling needless shite for NO reason. you don't actually NEED that 40th pair of NGV's. But you have them. (perhaps a little exaggerated ;) ) I don't care about the tents off map - they make absolutely no difference to me, as a DayZ player. The loot will respawn. However, when the same groups of people are taking the LIMITED amount of vehicles out in to the middle of nowhere, you are directly impacting on other peoples DayZ gaming experience. And no one should have that ability to remove an aspect of the game. I know shooting someone in the face and taking their bandage and flash light off them, is also directly impacting their game. But I'm not removing an element of the game which the literally may never have the chance to experience. I'm in no way saying you didn't "work" for the vehicles you have stashed away. But it became exponentially easier after the first vehicle. Due to ease of getting around the map, as well as hauling the required parts. I'm also not bashing the more "legit" off map camps. That don't dupe items. (if there are any at all) These are the people, which will just shut up whining, accept the change and adapt. Yes is sucks HUGE BALLS that there are ESP hacks, and many scripts to find stuff throughout the map, so nothing is truly safe. But it was never truly safe out there anyway, as Ace said. It just reduced the gamble. the average Joe has to deal with these hacks on a daily basis, so must you. My conclusion is, this will result in less death match style gameplay from the "unlimited kit's" out there. Now gear is actually going to mean a little more. Simply because the fact it is not nearly as safe to stockpile gear. Of course you'll still get the deathmatch mentalists with nothing to lose in Cherno and Elektro. But once you've amassed your nice gear, do you really just want to run and gun towns down. Knowing that your tent may already be raped and pillaged and what you have on you, really is ALL you have?
  22. If you have a GPS your map co-ords are there, you can clearly see what's "in bounds / out of bounds" When i ran off grid (went the wrong way from kamenka spawn. Derp) there was a very obvious "end" of the map. Road stopped, trees stopped. I'm guessing the same goes for the northern most point of the map also. I could be wrong, it would make sense that there was a little overspill of forest etc, just so it looks right. If this is the case, then i see some real tears inc with legit players thinking they were safe. Perhaps the devs could have a message for vehicles leaving the area. I'm not saying "DEATH IN X-SECONDS!" just a "You're now off grid" or something. Same goes for tent placement.
  23. TL;DR 20 second camp timer(incap timer) when hitting Abort->Disconnect. Hey all, Explanations and examples below. I have a couple of suggestions and fully expect to get flamed, but here's the issues i see after a lot of time played. I'll start with the issues I'm seeing and finish with my personal opinion for a fix. Issue 1: It doesn't matter how tough you make zombies ( is a perfect balance imho ;) ), they are very easily exploited. I myself have done this once or twice - as well as every (Honest) Dayz member I'm sure. Picture the scene, You've just died to a well placed bandit shot, you wake on the beach, Friends asking how long before get back?! No weapon, a juicy looking house right in front of you. You haul ass in there, darn! No weapon! Zombies piling in the door - Disconnect, reconnect. TADA. Safety. Rinse and Repeat through as many homes as you like until you are kitted enough to head back in-land to friends. Now I'm fully aware of the 5(ish) minute incap. timer you get from time to time. But this is clearly broken in its current form. I've received this timer randomly when logging in, even if I've logged out in complete safety, with no zeds on me. I never have had this incap timer correctly applied when "disco-looting". Issue 2: The one we ALL love to hate. You see a bandit/survivor walking into a barn, you wait him/her out patiently for that glorious headshot. Eventually they re-emerge in the doorway, you take the shot - they hit the deck! That excitement, it's all for nothing when you realise there's no murder, there's no bandit kill! There's no body! Yes, we've all been there, the famous pull the plug! i hate it, with a passion, but it is SO common now, it's almost not worth fighting some people. I personally haven't pulled this trick, but been on the other end of it more than once daily. Now there's a few work arounds to this I guess... Don't miss the headshot, would be the easiest workaround, my suggestion to follow! SUGGESTIONS My suggestion for this type of "Disco-Looting" / "Tactical Retreat" that I am seeing A LOT is a fairly simple one, in theory. Not quite sure how hard it is in practice, but it will stop all of the above gripes in every way. Have a "camp timer" - You want to hit abort and disconnect? welcome to a 20second log off count. You want to haul ass into that small house and abort->disconnect? Welcome to 20seconds of nothing but prayer time. Now i'm not fully aware if this is possible. But you could even make it a 20sec incap timer. The player can't do ANYTHING. This solves both issues fairly quickly, i for one would not run into the house with hordes of zombies to disconnect and lose them, if they are going to gnaw on me for 20 seconds. Also, the bandits in the barn, will think twice about hitting abort and leaving themselves laying there bleeding for 20 extra seconds, not to mention the possibility of someone else popping around to bid them farewell before they disconnected. Pro's Stops the above issues (imo) Forces people to play the game more realistically (if i dare use the word) Cons People that lose connection via no fault of their own i.e. ISP hiccups are vulnerable for 20secs NOTE: I'm aware of the 5 second timer that was implemented and removed due to it not working previously. This is not the same thing. This is 20 seconds of the "egg timer" that good ol' incap. countdown where you can do nothing, no moving nada. I'm not sure if it's possible for the mod to make your character stay incap for 20 seconds after pulling the plug, but i'm fairly certain they can implement it to where when you hit Abort -> disconnect you get 20secs pre-log off. But this wont stop people pulling the plug Reaps! i hear it now, you're right, if the dev team can't code it so even connection loss results in the timer if would be a tad less useful, but people that fully pull the plug and not just abort -> disconnect have the chance of losing their server spot completely. I'm looking to stamp out the exploiters disco-looting. EDIT: Removed PVP idea. As upon reflection, the uncertainty of who's who is one of the scariest things in this game!.
  24. this posts getting fairly old. However, where does it say they're going to bring the 5 secs back in 1.7.2 patch? I know it was tried on the 1.7.0 patch? or perhaps the 1 before that. But it didn't last long, at all. About 6 hours? Not 100% sure on the reasoning behind it, I think it was because it was very easy to dupe items, as the player would never despawn. If they manage to figure out why, and how to fix it. 5 seconds would never be enough to solve 90% of the disconnects. for the PVE exploiters (running in to disco and loot): zombies would never reach them in 5 seconds, inside a building. and for the PVP exploiters. Unless it's one of those Elektro snipers with the macro'd end process button. they'd just duck into the nearest building and hope for the best.