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Everything posted by Reaps

  1. Reaps

    Tent slots!

    +1 to this. Same goes for vehicle's. Knowing how much space is left is a must really. Nothing like losing your new shiny GPS because you pushed the tent / vehicles to breaking point.
  2. Really like the different uses of the jerry can +1 to that idea. Building fires... not so keen on. Say goodbye to all the barns/buildings/forests/fields. In an ideal world, anywhere other than the internets, i'd love to see all of the above implemented, if the engine allows it, or in a standalone version. But throw in a fire hungry griefer, and you can kiss all the loot spots goodbye. We'll all be living in the forest, with no supermarket to raid for beans and animals becoming extinct
  3. Melee is in the game, but hugely overpowered (if you get a hatchet) There is no fear of the zeds any more. If you know how to use the weapon correctly, there is also no chance of getting hit, in its current form. I'm worried the mod is swinging to a L4D style hack em up game, which this shouldn't be, we have those. Camps - from day one my friends and I have been wanting to build fully fortified camps. However keeping it within the boundaries of the engine we'd need to tone down the "dream" just a touch. There are plenty of missions/mods out there where base building is available, so camps are within the limits. Just the basics would be nice. Of course, it wouldn't be as simple as just popping open a build menu. But something like:- Once you have found and placed (X)tents, (X)sandbags, (X)barbed wires in a certain area when you open the tent menu, you can set your spawn point to the tents. *Now onto the dream* From the same tent menu. Create a workbench and a storage building. However, keeping it in true dayz fashion, where you have to work for everything, you have to have 100 wood to make a storage shack, 40 wood for a work bench. Once you have the shack and the workbench you can store crafting equipment/supplies in the shack, you're own personal supplies in the tents and of course the workbench would play into the basic crafting of the items you said in the OP. As well as base defences, scrap metal + weapon + (X) sandbags gives you a basic MG nest etc. You could make the base as elaborate as you'd like, but you'd have to gather all the resources yourself, and actually make the base. Only one gripe about your Base camp idea, i feel it should be persistent, if you're offline, your base isn't. People can and should be able to rob you of your hard work. Much like they can your tents right now. This would give the game the extra edge to it, where groups of people would seek out the enemies base, to pillage. Removing those Key buildings should revoke the right to spawn there/use the features until fixed also.
  4. @Scerun I understand the fear element of not knowing if they're going to shoot you is slightly diluted if there would be bandits vs survivors, where you pick a path at the start of a new spawn. (like gender) However, there's nothing stopping me rolling in there as a survivor, and leading a small group of happy bean munching survivors to a well placed bandit ambush my friends have set up Then, killing myself and looting all that goodness. You still have to be careful about who you trust, it would just bring the community somewhat closer together, not remove that shoot or be shot mentality. Since, hey, you can work with the other survivors, or ignore them, knowing full well that he cannot shoot you in the back. "Teams/bandit skins/self-destruct-pc-after-pking/blahblah are arbitary stamps and labels nullifying an otherwise extremely interesting and fun (read: FUN) part of the game." - I'm not quite sure i'm reading this correctly, do you like Bandit skins and the fact that people kill and then log off before the horde of zombies come eat them? @Bad_Mojo The timer thing rocket tried to implement was buggy, for sure, but it's not what i'm suggesting. He tried to implement a timer which kept your character in the persistant map when the plug was pulled. I'm talking about putting in an incap timer when you choose to log off. 5 seconds was far too small a number aswell, as i mentioned above, running in to loot a building through the middle of town has become VERY popular, zombies take atleast 5 seconds to navigate the front door, making the previous timer thing null and void ;). As to the murderers would not wear a set uniform thing, i concur. This is a very valid point, but as mentioned above there's nothing stopping the wolves in sheep's clothing, if you know what i mean. It helps encourage teamwork, but it doesnt build trust. You have to do that yourself. a further point to the OP, when you choose the survivor / bandit at character spawn, you received their clothing, again I read the posts and see the concerns. I do feel it would actually improve communication rather than hinder it personally. You are a part of a collective, whether you want to go with the herd, or your own way. At least you know you have potential allies. Where as right now, as Scerun pointed out the only mentality seems to be shoot or be shot. Unless you both have no ammo in a lee enfield you just found, then it's an awkward friendship, until you find ammo.