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Everything posted by Reaps

  1. Reaps

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    (06-10-2012 01:44 PM)CoveringFire Wrote: In the original thread i posted some figures which i'll repost below, which some agree'd with but others disagreed, opting for a far slower regeneration. The reason i chose the figures i did was because when all is said and done it is a game. Not everybody is going to put up with 1 blood per minute or even 10 and i believe they shouldnt have to play 24 hours a day for a week just to regen to 100%. I think your statement about it being a game is the biggest argument against the blood over time too. The reason there's bloodpacks / meat is for the FAST healing. For those people you are talking about that don't have hours upon hours to play. What about the guys that play for an hour after work? Picture this. Poor chap gets home from work, logs in. 1st house he goes into there's a zombie with a Tyson arm on it. BLAM! knocked out, buts its all good. he gets back up finishes off the zombie @4k blood after being gnawed on. He's got broken bones, huge blood loss shaking. Not a nice day at the office. With the current system, a few nom-noms of meat, or transfusion from a friendly onlooker and he can continue playing. for the 56 minutes his wife is letting him. With your system, he's screwed. He may as well re-spawn to carry on playing. The alternative is simply eating said meat and hiding in a bush for most of his play time, until he can see straight. Don't get me wrong, i love the concept - it's brilliant. but ITS A GAME. We need to give and take on reality in order to make it playable for all. In the original post the argument about eating food to heal up in a fire fight then coming back for more damage. The PVP in this game is brutal. It's very rare you'll be able to duck away for a snack. So that, for me, is kinda invalid. If you could couple a slower regen (perhaps persistent when logged off) with the current insta-health system (meats/bloodpacks) and remove the blood increase from eating anything but cooked meat. (the other stuff just curbs the hunger and promotes a slightly increased regen) I think we're on to a winner. But too much realism would make it unplayable for people with limited time, to much regen would turn it into CoD.
  2. Reaps

    Get rid of Barbed wire

    The industrial buildings are just lined with the stuff, from wall to wall. I see lots of posts about this, and generally people saying Add wire cutters! or... "dude! a toolbox works to remove it!" which is countered with "but they're rare!" so my proposal which is a pretty simple one. Remove the need for a toolbox to remove it. Is the easiest way to deal with this pandemic which is spikey doorways. It's actually everywhere now, some tool has actually put barbed wire near an outhouse. Sometimes, when things are exploited to hell, the game has to lose a touch of realism to preserve the "fun". Its currently no FUN making your way to the fire station or barracks to see rolls and rolls of wire blocking the doors. And no, you can't always just step over it. It depends on the hight the game drops it in at. It's not realistic that the stuff glitches through a wall, or that its actually put up with bare hands. No hatchet/Hammer to sink in the supports. So this is a touch of realism i'm quite happy to let go in the name of more fun. You can install it with nothing, ANYONE should be able to remove it with nothing. even if it takes 10 secs to take it away. You can still use it as traps. while someone's busy dismantling it, you can shoot them etc. It still serves its purpose which is to slow people down. and it could make a sound, so if you genuinely are using it to cover yourself, you hear them coming.
  3. small blood increase would be nice, or possibly regaining a small amount of blood over time. Even the ability to carry players with broken legs, would be enough incentive to buddy up all the time. No one likes breaking a leg on a hill/rock/gate/outhouse when they're in Vybor or some place like that! ;) Not sure about the item increase, seems like it puts the lone wolves at a big disadvantage. Now, not only is he fighting 4 guys in a group, he's fighting 4 better equipped guys. Of course he could just team up and receive the same bonuses, but that's not everyones play style, and he shouldn't lose out for playing the game that way.
  4. Reaps

    Add Teamwork to decrease PVP combat

    *Banditry* is a needed element of the game, pvp is what cycles your stuff. Zombies aren't really a challenge if you are careful. or if you are a hatchet wielding loony in a barn. There should never be penalties for shooting someone. I like the idea of "real" bandits at work. But this can happen now, there is direct communication and a surrender animation. The reason this isn't done, i guess, i simply because they can pry the gun from your lifeless corpse with little risk, opposed to "mugging" you. where you could quite happily turn and shoot at any second. The reason I'm against there being penalties for shooting someone is simple. The mod can not distinguish act of murder vs. acts of self defence. I've had a 6day old character with 18 murders and 7 bandit kills. and only 1 time, did I actually shoot first. That was simply because it was 2 players, where 1 shot at me, the other tried to loot his friend and i wasnt taking the chance. Bandit or survivor, is a play style choice, you shouldn't be punished for either path you choose to walk.
  5. Reaps

    How to make more Epic PvP Moments

    I think the PVP, is the larger part of what the games all about, some very good little clips, not too sure about the betrayal clips, as this is kinda the opposite of "good" pvp moments. (imo) It's a tough one to go for. I'm completely against any nerf in regards to bandits/Survivors. They are a must have element of the game. It's what keeps you dying and restarting to do it all over again. It's the apocalypse life cycle. The problem we're facing is the co-op element of the game is hugely diluted now, because the "betrayal" is so rife. We've had several ways to distinguish who's friend or foe in dayz so far, and due to the mechanics of the game. They have all been slightly flawed. Now it's not because the ideas were bad, and there are some very creative ones going around the forums. I really like the heartbeat at the moment, very eerie but they have to be taken with a pinch of salt. I ended up a bandit very quickly (when there were bandit skins @ low humanity) through no fault of my own. Came out a barn, couple of guys shot at me, missed. I returned fire and blam. Hello bandit Skin. What I'm getting at is without the ability to distinguish murders from self-defence, there's no way to distinguish bandits from survivors. Without that, we have 50 people with a "better him/her than me" trigger finger which generally means very little to no Co-op. Fix? I'm not sure there is a solid way to change peoples play style, or instil Trust. Nor do i know if there should be. I see the Pros and cons for not knowing whos good vs bad. But i see a lot of get rid of bandits posts, so there's obviously demand for change. I've gone down the teams route in my suggestion in my sig. But regretfully the only way to do that logically is to remove the ability to backstab (directly; You could still lure people into traps.) Back on post. 1) More co-op goals: not sure what, how, why or how many people. The more the better really. If there's more things you simply can not do alone, you have to take the chance and team up. This would not dilute the pvp in anyway and may take the action elsewhere than the NWAF/Cherno/Electro/Sobor(s)/Berizi. It would cover your 2nd point too. +1 to many, many more co-op elements. But what co-op elements could be added, that doesnt drastically leave the lone wolves out there at a huge dissadvantage, but is enough of an incentive to have people want to do it. It needs to be a fairly big carrot to swing people from shooting each other in the face, to working together for the spoils.
  6. Reaps

    Dynamic logoff timeout

    I like it, a solution to server hopping for profit. Seems simple from a non-programmer perspective, but then again - all our ideas do. Poor Rocket! Hopefully we see something like this implemented.
  7. Reaps

    Map Nomalsk

    Never seen this map before, but looks fantastic. I'm all for new maps etc, maybe let the mod get fleshed out a little before introducing a new map though? Perhaps rocket and Co. the likes could work maps into a storyline if that comes to light eventually.
  8. I've noticed a TON of disconnect posts now going up and how to deal with them. Which just show's me it's steadily increasing. Many saying about timers etc on logout. Seems like the easiest method to implement with minimal disruption to "legit" players. Opinions? Also seeing a lot of posts on "getting rid of bandits" but to me, the PVP is the biggest chunk of the game, Zombies are easy to deal with, if there were no bandits, we'd all have NVGoggles and running around fairly bored. At the same time, the undercurrent of the get rid of the bandits posts are because people don't know who to trust, therefore trust no one and are kinda tired of getting shot by everyone, if they don't shoot first. Anyone have thoughts on how to turn the game from a shoot on site game, to claw back some of the team play? My suggestion in the OP is the simplest (imo) way to get an idea of who's who, and inspire co-op to an extent, but would love to hear others thoughts on how to cure the current pvp madness.
  9. Reaps


    I love the fact that you can blow a tent up - the one thing i didn't try :D brilliant! Will need to see if i can get rid of a few of my tents for good!
  10. Reaps


    They are used like that now. The only new addition you're suggesting is players can destroy them.
  11. Love this idea. Remove the current spawn locations for crash sites, and have real crashes. Simple idea, adding a new dynamic event to the game. +1
  12. Reaps

    Remove The Screen Shake While In Pain.

    Painkillers are fairly common, i agree, but the screen shaking is not needed. Some "feature" that causes people to have to stop playing, isn't good for them, nor the game in general. Because i'm fine with it, and you are too. Doesn't mean everyone else will be. The shaking serves no purpose, it doesn't simulate pain to me, it simulates a roller-coaster ride :D That said, the OP made it clear that it wouldn't stop the shaking of the gun, just the screen. Very good suggestion and hope to see it implemented soon.
  13. I don't think the skins and distinction between the two are the issue we need to tackle, all these suggestions are nice n all (some VERY good ones) but until you tackle the core mechanics of the game, they are all seriously flawed. Think about it. You walk out of a barn, a Survivor in whatever shape or form decides to take a shot at you, but misses. You shoot back, and kill him. Now YOU are the bandit. You are the ribbon wearing, crow followed poor schmuck that was doing nothing but minding your own business and defending yourself. You're now shunned from the inner circles of survivor happyness, unable to show yourself in the local store. You are destined to dwell in a bush, or rooftop. The way the humanity is calculated needs work, a lot of work and i'm not sure this mod can take into account all the variables to realistically do this. Maybe in the future it would be possible, but it's a hell of a lot to ask of a mod. The current system - the heartbeat. is a nice touch, but also flawed. For the very reason i mentioned above every system you implement would be flawed. Shy of having factions where you pick bandit or survivor at the start of each spawn and having friendly fire off. Which eats into peoples realism they love. There's no way possible to accurately indicate who's who in this mod.
  14. Reaps

    Car Dealer

    Too many vehicles would kill the game. The vehicles that are there now, are generally hoarded off map as storage and pick up mules, nothing more. I think instead of this, there should be mechanics to hide/cover vehicles more efficiently, and make the map area have boundaries. I believe there's a thread about this already though.
  15. Reaps

    Remove The Screen Shake While In Pain.

    +1 to this, i don't have an issue with it personally but friends literally get motion sickness after a few mins. The same people who turn off head bob for that very reason. This is the major reasons we (my friends and I) can't play on vet servers with 3rd Person off. Cause 1 hit may end up causing someone to be unable to play =/ 10-20 second screen shake to let you know it's there. then substantial aiming issues with no screen shake after would be the perfect sacrifice.
  16. You sir, are the reason i hope this very elaborate idea gets implemented. I'd about wet-myself laughing, after the fear of WTF WAS THAT!! passed over me, crouched in a cafe. To the bandit that would use it for banditry, that was my initial thought too - if a player can spam bandits here, here, and here. You can effectively funnel survivors to "safe" locations to farm. 5 deaths in 30minutes from the OP's comment wasnt 1 bandit killing 5 people, i think they actually meant 5 deaths within a set radius of town would flag the bandits here thing. However, if you add the ability to switch channels and/or block certain users (when they get spam happy) i can see it working.
  17. So is logging off. or putting in a vehicle engine with nothing but your hands. But things have to be twisted in a game, to make them work. If you allow a player to spam bandit activity, that is what you will get. spam. The feature itself, is very nice. and in an ideal world it would be implemented the way of the original post. But for the sake of every poor person that stumbles across a radio it's not viable. Now, if you could mute certain people from the radio like you can with global chat. THEN you are talking! begone with the automated updates, hello player interaction!
  18. Reaps

    Crossbow Suggestions - new item/more

    I'd honestly love to see the crossbow used more, it's a great weapon more bolts more love. The heavier bleeding which Vultcha suggested, i could work with for PVP. It doesnt give it this unstoppable force power. But it would make the person you were fighting off have to make the decision of bandage NOW or die.
  19. Reaps

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    I have to confess i didn't read past this post in the thread but my 10 pence is i don't think bandits do actually ruin the game, Or they wouldn't if easily identified. the OP is right, there should be some penalties and it's been mentioned several times in the thread. I have a thread that I've already put up about the DC'ing exploit and possible fix. As well as an idea to try restore some of this community feel. The plan shouldn't be to remove banditry. It's what gives this game something completely different. But in its current form, its a shoot or be shot world. The goal should be to know who's a friend and who is foe. Trust... now that's a whole new topic. Check out my signature post.
  20. Reaps

    Crossbow Suggestions - new item/more

    I feel the crossbow has been shunned out of the picture by the Melee hatchet. I agree, the bolts should stack (to a maximum of 5). When i used a crossbow (before discovering the power of Sharpie aka the hatchet) i actually really liked it, it's quite satisfying watching the bolt piece the zombie skull and end up looking like the comedy arrow hats you get at Halloween. And it's a 1 shot kill, no matter where you hit the Zeds. So i don't feel its too underpowered at all. Yes, it takes a great deal more skill to use one accurately, but this shouldn't warrant giving it a "buff" to damage. I've taken a player out with 1 both on multiple occasions, but this isn't what the crossbow was intended for imo. It was more intended for clearing out a town, silently with reusable ammo. Now the hatchet is king of that field, it kinda makes the crossbow useless.
  21. I like the idea of using the radios as in game long distance voice. (at what ever range) allowing you to change the frequency, but not so much the bandit warning. As this will just be spammed, constantly. Becoming more an annoyance than a help.
  22. I've posted with pretty much the same thing as idea#1. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21146&pid=186734#pid186734 My reasoning is somewhat similar, the game in its current state is exploitable by both bandits and survivors. I like the idea of tying it up with idea#2. IF you haven't shot you weapon or aggro'd a zed within the last 60 seconds then it's an instant disconnect. Otherwise, it's the incap timer for 20-30 seconds. This MAY put more strain on the server when doing base checks of when you last aggroed and keeping that upto date, so not sure how realistic it would be to implement. Not so keen on idea#3 for the above reason, the added checks needed providing more server load, as well as the zombie spawns not being 100% The interesting thing about your idea#1 is the "con" for me. I don't see it as being a bad thing, that you have to know you're safe for 20-30 secs on disconnect. As the reasoning at the end of your post explains, you wouldn't rest easy if you didn't know you were safe at that point in time. One thing is certain, in its current state it is very easy to exploit getting loot / losing zombies / server hopping / avoiding pvp death. We need some form of log out timer. the aforementioned ones being very reasonable to ALL that play.
  23. Reaps

    New 'Tool-belt' slot mechanics.

    I'm left kinda puzzled by this, in theory i like the idea of a quick slot feature. But when mixed with the game the way it is, i don't think we're ready for it and here's my reasoning. Hatchets are so ridiculously overpowered I'd personally lose a primary for them. Having a primary, secondary + being able to swing a hatchet is a bandits dream. It's also a developers nightmare. Rockets already stated why the hatchet is a primary slot item (due to secondary visual/animation limits) So the primary weapon would have to disappear in order for the swing of the hatchet to be seen. If you meant for chopping wood. In the mods current state, it's just as easy to pop open the inventory and right click. Perhaps in the future when more "tools" become available, or roles for current tools change, this will be viable. Right now though, i just don't see why its needed or what it would change. Perhaps if you elaborate on what you personally feel we'd gain from it, in the current form. To summarize, the idea has legs. Only when the game will require it.
  24. Made a few changes to the OP. Hope it fleshes out the PVP and why a little bit. Could you explain what you think it would take away from the game?