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Everything posted by Reaps

  1. Reaps


    The game simply wouldn't allow this change. In theory, i like the idea. The people saying "with training you can!" - just assume, you haven't had training. It's an Arma2 mechanic issue, as far as I can see, and there are weapons in there to counter this. All be it not very common. It's already been suggested, but i think it's the easier fix and the middle ground between doable, and realistic. Some way to switch the gun/flashlight without taking up bag space. Perhaps something as simple as when the torch is removed from tool belt, the secondary is moved there. Or more complex would be a new item. Head torch. Plenty of these for hiking, could be a rare spawn than the flash light but it frees up the hands completely. Sits on the tool belt. This would also emit light from the direction you're looking, rather than the angle of your stance.
  2. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    There's many threads about this issue on the SUGGESTIONS section of the forum. Check em out. Suggestions that keep coming up are: 1) Have a timer on logout (20-30 seconds) where you can not move. Basically the incapacitated timer. Leaving you vulnerable for 30 seconds in that location. This prevents the ever increasing easy loot exploit, which is haul ass into a building, hit escape -> Abort -> Disconnect. and TADA, no zombies. At the same time dealing with the PVP disconnect after being shot, or shot at issue. Which is rife. It hurts the server hoppers slightly to, but not quite as bad. Depends where they are trying to get the loot from. 2) have a 5-15 minute lock out timer to other servers once you successfully connect to a server. Meaning you can disconnect / reconnect to the SAME server without penalty, but you can't get onto any other servers within this time frame. Although high ping kicks would be much more annoying than they currently are. imo both are good ideas to counter their separate issues, but how much strain it would cause on the HIVE, i'm not sure. Its worth noting that i to have suggested a form of the 1st idea. but there are now many, many threads on the issue and the general consensus that comes out on top, without much against them are the above 2 suggestions. Rocket did try to implement a 5 second character stays in the world on disconnect, which didn't work (not sure why) seemed to be too easily exploited, by logging in and looting your own gear. But with the kinks ironed out, it should work.
  3. Reaps

    Burying Backpacks

    We have tents that do almost exactly what you are wanting. Course, they are bulky, buggy and fairly plain to see (if you dont bug it out into a tree) but they serve their purpose this way. Hidden caches would be nice, as a more secure way of doing things - as mentioned rocket has hinted at this.
  4. Thanks for the reply Callaghan. 1 every 6-8 hours server time would be perfect. I've stumbled accross 4 crash sites in all my time playing DayZ. 1 after about 2 weeks, and 3 (within 200 meters of each other) yesterday. So they are rare, but freaky things happen with those spawns! :D I'd like to impose as few limits on the random location as possible, it's no fun being able to map out possible locations for good loot. Randomness makes you use the entire map. I quite like the idea of the heli crashing into a major town to, so long as server restarts fix the demolished building(s) it all adds to the "realism" pilots don't choose to crash, they try guide the craft down, but sometimes, this isn't possible. The more spectacular the better. I mean really. It'd be a huge talking point in the game, You'd just watch it with your mouth wide open. Rocket and Co. Please - consider this concept + other real time events. These ideas are the reason i love the suggestions section!
  5. Too easily exploited. I had a similar discussion with a friend and my argument was the same as earlier in this post. The NWAF would be littered with tents. I like the concept camp spawn, but you have to make it MUCH more difficult to create a spawn point. For example: To set a spawn point you need 3 key buildings in your camp: - Tent - Wire fencing - Sandbags *Players can destroy these "buildings" to revoke your ability to spawn there. *If you died on another server, that's not where your camp is, you spawn like everyone else. *Buildings are changeable but you get the general idea. If it's ever implemented (which i hope large camps are, great for the co-op game AND the PVP side of things) It makes sense to allow you to spawn there. Losing one of the required elements would be a way to ruin someones day when they thing they've saved all their gear. when in actual fact, they've been robbed and their sandbags have been torn asunder. As stated, the "perma-death" thing still applies, you still lose all your hard earned items, you just stop having the run to the tent. It also encourages more co-op if you have larger "buildings" required to create a spawnable camp. And it would have to be defended. since a few random people stumbling onto this camp, would remove that hard worked for perk.
  6. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Easiest solution to the barbed wire epidemic is allow people to remove it, as you let them place it. With nothing. You dont need a toolbox to assemble it, so why to disassemble? Toolboxes are like maps/compasses, they're semi-rare. Although the freak times you'll find 2 or 3 in the same building due to the way loot is generated. I've gone days literally without finding a toolbox, and then finding 2 in 2 buildings after that. So think before you post They aint hard to find! (both occasions in the patch) It couldn't matter if they were common either, the simple truth is you find 40x the wire to every toolbox seen, and 100x the barbed wires placed at firestations/churches even the bloody toilets at the back of houses! it's getting silly. Don't remove the wire, as it's good for the bases as stated, just make it so anyone can remove it without the need of a toolbox. This just takes x amount of seconds to perform the removal action and creates a noise. So you can still use it to "trap" people.
  7. Reaps

    Dramatically change loot spawns

    Sure, much harder gather 300 lee enfield ammo clean a whole town of zombies and gather Nv, DMR and stuff... sure... please do this.... -_- And when you're shooting zombies searching buildings for your 300 rounds of enfield ammo and the bandits are honing in, i'm sure they'll be cheery for the change too when they loot your ammo filled backpack after a well placed shot to the head, because hey. You gave away your position and tried to farm your NVGoggles. OPEN MINDS, FLESH OUT IDEAS.
  8. Reaps

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    Constructive as always Krush. where would this community be without such words of wisdom.
  9. Reaps

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    Oh no, i do understand and admire the reasoning behind it. However, there's multiple reasons to "risk" betrayal by grouping up, as listed above. Blood trasfusions, more backpack space etc etc. You CHOOSE those risks when you team up with a random person. You've weighed up the pros and cons, and you want to team up. Much like the lone-wolf bandit choose his path, and the dissadvantage that comes with it. Less pack space, Less security, Lack of bloody transfusion etc etc. There are already inherit pro's and cons to both play styles. There's no more needed. Just so you know, i'd love to have a more co-op orientated game, but "buffing" good actions and "punishing" bad. Isn't the way to go about it. Like what has been pointed out, people have the choice to aimlessly kill, or group. Shoe-horning someone in to a play style is completely the opposite of what DayZ is for me. Some days i'll decide to play a bandit and go hunting folks. Other's i'll group up and help people out. I'd like to play both sides of the spectrum without further penalties. Again, the only way i can see to promote team work is give us more goals that are only achievable via team work. What they are, i have no idea. But Karma/Side Effects/Skins all that sort of thing, is not the way forward. (for me personally ofc)
  10. Reaps

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    The PVP is fine in this game, it shouldnt be about punishing one play style whilst promoting another. The game is there for you to play it as you choose. There just needs to be more co-op styled mechanics which will encourage team play. no matter how brief that co-op may be.
  11. Reaps

    Dramatically change loot spawns

    People should read replies before posting. :rolleyes: Or perhaps when the OP visits the forum again, they can tweak their suggestion with the direction they want it to go.
  12. Reaps

    Dramatically change loot spawns

    +1 to shags Post. In its current form, it's not really ready for this implementation. But think about it. When zombies are not a glitchy mess (they're rapidly getting better patch by patch) It makes a lot of sense, and it also cuts down on a lot of the frustrating issues we're seeing. Like people running into buildings, disconnecting and then looting. or server hopping for loot. Or the new flavor of the month, barbed wire over EVERY loot spot in town. Perhaps a little easy to exploit, as you could just stand at a dear stand farming military grade loot in current stages. But this is still giving away your position to other players, using resources and still giving a much higher risk that server hopping the barracks for weapons. I really like the idea, maybe a little further down the line - but a nice, solid idea imo. Fleshed out a little bit more, and juggling some very basic supplies in town vs what zombies carry and covering obvious exploits as mentioned i believe it will work. EDIT: After seeing Dregainus response, i feel a quick edit was needed. I'd assume, if the idea went "live" there would still be basic items in buildings such as med supplies in the hospital etc. Just not an abundance of loot sprawled in and only in buildings.
  13. Reaps

    idea for trust-building-mechanic

    No matter what word you'd like to use for it. I'm with Dreganius on this one. Posts on the forums have been a clear indicator that penalties/punishing someone's play style is not the way forward. You're removing the sandbox lawlessness of DayZ and Policing their actions. Even if it's a minor thing like shaky hands (which would be huge, if they're a sniping bandit). There's several posts about with similar tones to them, the general response I'm seeing across all of these is Let people play they way THEY want, with no penalties and/or benefits. However, add co-op elements to the game, which are simply impossible solo. This, and this alone will make people work together(however briefly), it shouldn't matter if it makes a group of bandits work together, or a group of survivors. The end result is still co-op. When you start imposing penalties / benefits. You start down the slippery path of un-balanced sides. with nerfs and buffs. We need to steer clear of this. If possible. Lets not create a desirable "role" to play in this sandbox game.
  14. Reaps

    Server list display day or night

    90% of the servers state in the name which time zone its running on. i.e GMT+12, UTC-4 etc. So it doesn't actually go off the location of the server TZ.
  15. Reaps

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    I too like the idea of the regen, but it has to be coupled along side the "insta-heals" simply for the reasons i mentioned previously. If all you have is a regen game, it's forcing people to stop playing or eating up their limited play time. Is eating meat and getting 900 blood unrealistic? yes, course. But so is the proposed regen rates that are sped up for the sake of "its a game". We need to find a middle ground, or leave it alone. In its current form, its unrealistic, but i'm sure i'll not lose sleep over it. It's a bloody zombie apocalypse, there's no realism in it. Cause lets be honest, everyone knows zombies are friendly, and just like a good ol' knees up down at the local pub.
  16. Reaps

    Add Teamwork to decrease PVP combat

    I sorta see where you're coming from, i think i read a similar post in another suggestion. Roles in DayZ would help promote team play, thus decreasing the shoot on sight mentality, but you have to be careful not to hinder someone elses play style. No everyone wants the fluffy world that is co-op. These "assholes" may just enjoy playing the villain and hunting people. Alone. So we can't ruin their game. Perhaps like previously suggested the role just reduces the time needed, significantly to do a certain thing. Whilst increasing other actions time. For example, you Spawn as a Doctor with your buddies. Any medical type of action, performed by you, to others is instant. Blood, Morphine, Bandages. however this should not mean you can't install a car engine. Simply because, when friends log off. You find a car you are stuck not able to fix it. Alternatively if you're not skilled at that "role" it takes twice the amount of time to perform. i.e. engines would take 20-30 secs to complete for anyone but the engineer. I like the concept, and it has legs. It is however a large task put on the dev shoulders. Time spent vs. rewards i think honestly their time could be put to better uses to achieve what your origional goal is. Teamwork over shooting everyone.
  17. Reaps

    Very brief zombie behaviour suggestions

    200 meter spawn clearance for zombies? you realize this would mean nothing but bandits blowing your brains out with no risk of zombies in any major town, right? There'd never be a zombie in electro/cherno/NWAF/Sobors The current spawn rate with is (for the most part) spot on. The occasional mass horde glitch, but generally manageable. I don't think the zombies need to be tamed quite that much where they can't spawn in such a large radius. The only changes I'd like to see if anything the zig-zagging (but as mentioned. The theory is this is an Arma2 issue.) and tweaks to the spawns on shots fired. It's kinda odd when you find a secluded barn with 3 zombies near it. Drop them only to see 15 more running at you from the distance. Perhaps instead of spawning more zeds on shots fired. Spawn all the zeds on approach to the buildings. Allowing the player to make an educated decision on whether to go into the building killing the horde, or simply moving on because of ammo limitations. The special leg snapping punch is being fixed. or soon to be, which is lovely! :D
  18. Love the concept, with current exploits fixed it would be much more feasible. However,, as previously mentioned. Once liberated, what next? there's no loot - no reason to "hold" the town. I agree with tweaks this could work for sure, but we're not quite there yet. +1 for the framework though.
  19. Reaps

    Underground Military Complex

    damn i so loved the idea of this. Calla burst the bubble for me! Damn you arma and your limitations. Dreg. Fantastic idea though - keep em coming.
  20. Reaps

    Get rid of Barbed wire

    Aww i typed out a reply to Dreg and his tantrum. The search is pretty shite btw unless you know how someone else has worded things. However, on this topic i guess finding 4 posts in 4 pages was a bit much. But all this pissy REPORTED! tantrums? grow up man. Instead of going in a huff because your oh so important idea is slipping away, just drop it in your signature, inform the OP that hey there's a thread already here about this topic (provide link) or... STFU and stop bumping it, thus pushing your thread further away. Because you know that's the only reason anyone has to moan. On topic. It's blatantly obvious that this is an issue even if all you see is thirteen separate posts about it. Its an issue. If you've been anywhere in the game, on any server - you've been blocked out by barbed wire at some point.
  21. Guys read the previous posts - OP has posted the story behindthe zombies spawning, and explained it in great detail. Still love the idea, want to see this in the game, completely as written here, by the OP. Fantastic element, adds for a more dynamic feel to the game, and seeing one of these go down would be an exciting and scary moment when approaching. Anything to pull the PVP from the select few areas, is a godsend. Question to the OP: How frequent would these be? would it be controlled by the server admin or a set time thing? I'd love it, if it could be completely random for time/location all the time and not easily exploitable. Too much of a good thing, is bad ;) I'm no modder myself so i'm not sure what control you'd have over it.