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Everything posted by Reaps

  1. No, no one is ignoring the "ESP" hacks. But what's that got to do with your buddy storing stuff off map? Guess you're just breezing over that one. As I said previously, welcome to the same game that everyone else who stays within the boundaries is playing. We have to deal with the same hackers finding tents etc as you do. Look at it this way, The more people in "bounds" the less chance it's YOUR tent so this is a good thing, for the legit people! :D Hacks are a real pain in the arse, but we know the team are working hard to keep the servers up and the hacks to a minimum. Although with the mod being in alpha, I'm sure they have priorities else where, which is how it should be. We'll see a decrease in this, with time. So be patient, and just live by your signature motto if all else fails. Just enjoy your game!
  2. Umm, it kinda sounds like he DOES do all of the above. Unless he's protesting heavily for the poor off grid campers and their lost camps. Which it's blatantly obvious he's not. Unless the poor chap has the wrong end of the stick. Which could be the case, but if this is so. Tell your friend, Nuke. These changes will not affect him in any way, shape or form. Just the people who are in fact storing else where besides the boundaries. And to not stop playing, don't give up the good fight! Find those beans.
  3. About bloody time. Thanks Ander!! @Nuke You say why bash legit players. Parking off the map has never been legit. It's been a cheap way to hoard stuff for the select few. Camps aren't meant to be entirely safe havens either (currently) So as posted before, protect it or perhaps lose it. It's all part of the game. My friends and I have had a few vehicles, ATV's, Scooby Van and a few buses, Not once have we ditched them off the map, we used them. Daily. Had the buses for a long time, until a server ate them, or they were both stolen in a 10 minute time frame (possible!) but that's all part of the game. In DayZ's current form, we aren't meant to be able to stockpile a mass of weapons, vehicles. Nor should we, without fear of waking up to it all being scooped. Welcome to the "real" game, all you off map campers ;) @Dev team Is it possible to have the HIVE detect a passworded server and just refuse to save? This would stop all the clans "TESTING" their servers while they re-acquire their vehicles they just lost and setting up a new camp.
  4. Reaps

    EBR Guys

    Oooo have a similar tale with eBR in Elektro yesterday ;) These guys sure lose a lot of NVGoggles and Coyote Backpacks with all kinds of goodies. Kinda makes me wonder how they manage to collect SO much. Hmmm. Out of interest, which server did you find them on? We got them on Atlanta 102
  5. Reaps


    no idea, server ate mine at restart shortly after post.
  6. Cool, well done, but that's still not in the suggestions thread. Thanks for bumping the topic though ;)
  7. Reaps

    DC Cheat Timers

    I had a similar thread here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21146&pid=186734#pid186734 I don't think the timer should start again upon hit, but i believe they should be "stuck" without the ability to move at all. The basic incap timer which is in the game right now, when you're knocked unconscious would be perfect. I wouldn't think it was too hard to script that when you hit abort -> disconnect if puts you in the incapacitated state for x-time. (in your current stance) If Rocket can work his magic and force peoples entity to stay in the world 20 seconds (minimum) should do it. but i wouldn't push it past 40 seconds, as this is unfair to honest disconnects due to ISP issues. This would allow more than enough time to kill the people that pull the plug after being shot at. As well as be enough time to stop people using it to geet free loot (in most buildings)
  8. Think there's a similar thread floating around. But i'll +1 one too. Should have been implemented from the get go.
  9. Reaps

    The Pvp Problem.

    PVP isn't broken, its 80% of this game. You hardcore pve people are just as detrimental to the game, as the shoot on sight lot. The game requires pvp/bandits to create a cycle. Because face it, once you've looted all your gear, you're done with the game. Zombies aren't really a challenge in their current state, if you're careful or purposefully reckless, and own a hatchet. I agree, the shoot on sight mentality needs to be toned down, however punishing pvp actions (which is continuously brought up) is not the answer. Nor is giving rewards to good actions. The only REAL flaw with PVP is the fact that is so easily exploited. People shoot first without thinking because: 1) They can just log off immediately to lose zed aggro, to come back and loot you. 2) If they are worried about getting hit, they pull the plug. (i believe there are abort macros in the works already.) So address this exploit / issue and people will think twice about shooting at someone. They have no fear of dirtying their good name on a server, because when someone gets remotely close, they pull the plug. It's happening FAR too often now. Especially these M107 Elektro snipers.
  10. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Nothing, it is an element to inspire co-op. Instead of shooting the poor crippled guy, you use him to clear the mine-field of traps. Then shoot him.
  11. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    That is another feature I'v found too. Our group got 1 down from a disconnecting group with a suprise headshot. He had NVG, M107 ect. too. In another event I shot a guy who was coming from west of Kamenka with an ATV. He disconnected right away. My exploiting sensitive nose told me he must have a camp there. I went as west as possible where the texture of the ground changes. I found a camp with 10x GPS, 5x DMR, M24, M4A1 CCO SD ect. It makes me wonder how he got all those gear there. Just out of curiosity, what server were these snipers on? US84 (TX8(or 9)) - cherry picking new starters venturing into Elektro. I don't feel it correct to publicly name them, but - hopefully they read this and feel somewhat a tinge of guilt for attempting to cheat the game. (not likely!) Only 1 of the 3 managed to escape death (unsure if he bled out on another server, but no doubt if he did. He returned for his corpse.) but of the two that died, one instantly dissapeared robbing us of his hard earned loots / NVgoggles. so only 1 was lootable.
  12. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Even though I dislike crossbows' date=' I like this idea. Would make the game more immersive. Maybe a quiver takes 3 slots and can carry up to 10 bolts. [/quote'] Right. You have a clip with 30 bullets in it, but a quiver should take up 3 slots and have 10. Yea, right. You're missing the benefits of the cross-bow, clearly. Bolts are as common as shit in the woods. They are also retrievable. When you have the ability to pick a shotgun slug out the zombies ass, you have a valid argument. Until then. 10 bolts in a quiver is MORE than enough. It's a 1 shot weapon, it's not MEANT for killing mass zombies that are chasing you.
  13. Reaps

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Did you read the release notes? Barbed wire spamming has been fixed. It's not so much the barbed wire spamming, its the issues with removing it (needing a toolbox) coupled with the rediculously small "hitbox" to be able to remove it. As well as when you HAVE removed it, it comes back after server restarts. So it's not just the bug that you could place unlimited wires only having one wire kit that needs to be addressed. Also, the spawn rate of the stuff is insane. I found NINE spools of the stuff in ONE industrial building. One in every single loot spot in the building. Couple that with you can place the stuff without a tool-box and you've got a griefers wet dream. Lets hope the traps aren't as flawed! :)
  14. Reaps

    Some simple schemes for crafting

    Some very nice little ideas. I know rocket is working on very basic crafting tools, to immerse us more. These ideas are not game breaking, and really give it that survival feel. +1 I take it "Scotch" is Bandage?
  15. Arma2 engine 100% allows this, it's in almost every modded mission out there. Not this specific thing but as stated, it's easily created via AI routines. Not being a modder myself, i don't know the difficulty of it, but the Arma 2 engine can handle it. Shameless bump. One of the DEV team need to see this idea ;)
  16. Reaps

    New system for broken bones

    There's a very similar thread below. Broken bones with no morphine are obviously annoying. Since morphine is just a very strong, fast acting painkiller. Would it not be easier (from a dev pov) and for everyone else involved if you could just consume a box of painkillers that would give you the ability to WALK ONLY for 20-25 minutes. After which time, you can't take the pain no more, and fall to a crawl. Either having to have found morphine for the Fix, or more painkillers (which are FAR easier to find - hence the WALK ONLY temp fix) What do you think? it would require less work to implement i feel. and give a similar fix. Although not with the regen over time. As mentioned while i was typing, the splint (without the skin) should act just the same as taking the morphine, which would as stated encourage more team play. Only able to be administered by a fellow player.
  17. 30 minutes wouldn't render morphine useless, 5-10 minutes which you originally stated does. Even at 30 minutes, its still insignificant to find morphine. Since most people would do what I'd do. Crawl to the nearest forest and alt tab to dick around on these forums. The easily broken bones is an issue that's supposidly fixed 1.7.2 (according to patch notes) so time will tell. What do you think to my previous suggestion?
  18. Just read your "addition" and it got me thinking a little bit. We've all been there, out in the middle of no-where some remote barn/shack and took a break to the knee. It IS a pita having no morphine, but we soldier on. Morphine is just a very intense pain killer How about this one instead - a variation of your original idea: You break your leg, you have no morphine. BUT you have pain killers. munching down those pain killers allows you to WALK only, for 20-25 minutes. When the effect wears off, you either have to repeat the process and take more painkillers. or use morphine (if you found any) to fully repair the break. Reasoning: Painkillers are fairly common to find As the OP stated, there should be "other ways" It seems like it would be easier to apply than the "splint" but it could also coincide.
  19. I like your passion about your suggestion, but to flame every objection, or statement against it. with "defending stupid design choices are absurd" isn't the way to go. It's an absurd design choice because of the limitations to the game. This is a Mod, you know? Not a stand alone purpose build apocalypse game. So there will be quirks. As stated, there are suggestions to alternative measures of fixing the break, which i like the sound of. Just simply healing over such a short period of time, is also kinda absurd. I liked the concept when, but the time frame is so short. It makes morphine almost pointless. Bullets frequently shatter bones and tear ligaments, so there's a realistic reason behind not being able to walk. Course, morphine wouldn't magically make you better either, but this is a prime example of the developers adding content with their limitations. We need to have give and take when it comes to realism. C'mon, the games based on a zombie apocalypse, your realism just got less real. Although it is a FACT 80% of the time a zombie hits you, it would break your femur. FACT! On a serious note, keep suggestions coming by all means. But this one's a no no for me. I personally just feel a suggestion to completely remove a feature (which this basically is: because eventually someone will say "why wait 10 minutes? Why even break legs?") rather than to be creative with it (the splint a break thread) will only hurt the game. rather than develop it. Course things will be tested and removed when they don't work. But i like the different ways to simulate damage etc. This isn;t a flame of your idea, its just MY opinion of it, don't be discouraged and keep your suggestions coming, it's what's spurring the game on.