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Everything posted by Saiyu

  1. We looted it, my friend died, so we came back for revenge later: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgVK8a6M1Do&feature=plcp Oh, and thanks for the amazing loot, we have a truck with every imaginable item and supply
  2. I'm not the one sniping, i'm the one in the ghillie if it matters
  3. Yeah, weird though cause the DMR has no zeroing and you can't really tell if you'll hit if your crosshair is near them at all. He made some nice moving shots earlier though, so he's actually good.
  4. The video wasn't frapsed by me, I was the one in the ghillie xD but thanks, we destroyed EVERYTHING they had.
  5. Found this gem on the Dayz subreddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/vjiud/thanks_chicago_39/ Chicago 39 camp was raided and they seemed to have A LOT of items... =/ Gj to the bandits though!